It can be done with env variable TOBIKO_PREVENT_CREATE. Change-Id: I46b3fb4e34c482b99b53461cb404012f02d2c890
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Tobiko Configuration Guide
Document Overview
This document describes how to configure Tobiko.
See also
For a quick and simpler start you can jump to the tobiko-quick-start-guide
To install Tobiko inside a virutalenv please read tobiko-installation-guide
To run Tobiko scenario test cases please look at tobiko-test-case-execution-guide
Configure Tobiko Framework
In order to make sure Tobiko tools can connect to OpenStack services
via Rest API configuration parameters can be passed either via
environment variables or via a ini configuration file (referred here as
). Please
look at authentication-methods
for more details.
To be able to execute scenario test cases there some OpenStack
resources that has to be created before running test cases. Please look
at setup-required-resources
for more details.
Tobiko tries to load tobiko-conf
file from one of below locations:
current directory:
user home directory:
system directory:
Configure Logging
Tobiko can configure logging system to write messages to a log file.
You can edit below options in tobiko-conf
to enable it as below:
# Whenever to allow debugging messages to be written out or not
debug = true
# Name of the file where log messages will be appended.
log_file = tobiko.log
# The base directory used for relative log_file paths.
log_dir = .
Authentication Methods
Tobiko uses OpenStack client to connect to OpenStack services.
Authentication Environment Variables
To configure how Tobiko can connect to services you can use the same environment variables you would use for OpenStack Python client CLI.
Currently supported variables are:
# Identity API version
# URL to be used to connect to OpenStack Irentity Rest API service
export OS_AUTH_URL=
# Authentication username (name or ID)
export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_USER_ID=...
# Authentication password
export OS_PASSWORD=...
# Project-level authentication scope (name or ID)
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin
export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
export OS_PROJECT_ID=...
export OS_TENANT_ID=...
# Domain-level authorization scope (name or ID)
export OS_DOMAIN_NAME=Default
export OS_DOMAIN_ID=...
# Domain name or ID containing user
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=Default
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID=...
# Domain name or ID containing project
# ID of the trust to use as a trustee user
export OS_TRUST_ID=...
Autentication Configuration
You can also configure the same authentication parameters by editing
'keystone' section in tobiko-conf
file. For example:
# Identity API version
api_version = 3
# URL to be used to connect to OpenStack Irentity Rest API service
# Authentication username (name or ID)
username = admin
# Authentication password
password = ...
# Project-level authentication scope (name or ID)
project_name = admin
# Domain-level authorization scope (name or ID)
domain = default
# Domain name or ID containing user
user_domain_name = default
# Domain name or ID containing prject
project_domain_name = default
# ID of the trust to use as a trustee user
trust_id = ...
Proxy Server Configuration
The first thing to make sure is Tobiko can reach OpenStack services. In case OpenStack is not directly accessible from where test cases or Tobiko CLI are executed it is possible to use an HTTP proxy server running on a network that is able to reach all OpenStack Rest API service. This can be performed by using below standard environment variables:
export http_proxy=http://<proxy-host>:<proxy-port>/
export https_proxy=http://<proxy-host>:<proxy-port>/
export no_proxy=,...
For convenience it is also possible to specify the same parameters
via tobiko-conf
http_proxy = http://<proxy-host>:<proxy-port>/
https_proxy = http://<proxy-host>:<proxy-port>/
no_proxy =,...
Because Tobiko test cases could execute local commands (like for example ping) to reach network services we have to specify in tobiko.conf file a shell (like OpenSSH client) to be used instead of the default local one ('/bin/sh'):
command = /usr/bin/ssh <proxy-host>
Please make sure it is possible to execute commands on local system without having to pass a password:
/usr/bin/ssh <proxy-host> echo 'Yes it works!'
To archive it please follow one of the many guides available on Internet .
Setup Required Resources
To be able to execute Tobiko scenario test cases there some OpenStack resources that has to be created before running test cases.
Install required Python OpenStack clients:
pip install --upgrade \
-c https://opendev.org/openstack/requirements/raw/branch/master/upper-constraints.txt \
python-openstackclient \
You need to make sure authentication-environment-variables
are properly
source openstackrc
openstack network list
Add reference to the network where Tobiko should create floating IP
instances in tobiko-conf
floating_network = public
Skipping resources creation
In some cases, for example when Tobiko is run after upgrade of cloud,
it may be expected that resources used for tests should be already
created. Tobiko should not try to create resources than and just run
tests using what is already created. To configure Tobiko to not create
test resources, environment variable TOBIKO_PREVENT_CREATE
can be used:
If this is set to True
or 1
then Tobiko
will not try to create resources like VMs, networks, routers or images
and just run validation of what is exists in the cloud already.
What's Next
To know how to run Tobiko scenario test cases you can look at tobiko-test-case-execution-guide