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Tobiko Quick Start Guide

Document Overview

This document describes how to install execute Tobiko test cases using Tox.

See also

To install Tobiko inside a virutalenv please read tobiko-installation-guide.

To configure Tobiko please read tobiko-configuration-guide.

To run Tobiko scenario test cases please look at tobiko-test-case-execution-guide.

Install Dependencies

Install Basic Python Packages

Make sure Git and Python 3 are installed on your system.

For instance on RedHat Linux you could type:

sudo yum install -y git python3 which

Check your Python 3 version is greater than 3.6:

python3 --version

Make sure Pip is installed and up-to date:

curl | sudo python3

Check installed Pip version:

python3 -m pip --version

Make sure basic Python packages are installed and up-to-date:

sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel virtualenv tox six

Check installed Tox version:

tox --version

Get Tobiko Source Code

Get Tobiko source code using Git:

git clone
cd tobiko

Install Missing Binary Packages

Install required binary packages:


Configure Logging Options

Test cases load most of configurations parameters from a INI configuration file typically found at one of below locations:

  • ./tobiko.conf (Tobiko source files directory)
  • ~/.tobiko/tobiko.conf
  • /etc/tobiko/tobiko.conf

Create it in Tobiko source directory with your very basic preferences. Example:

debug = True
log_file = tobiko.log

File 'tobiko.log' is the default file where test cases and the Python framework are going to write their logging messages. By setting debug as 'true' you ensures messages with the lowest logging level are written there (DEBUG level). The log_file location specified above is relative to the tobiko.conf file location, thats mean on this case the Tobiko source files directory itself.

Configure Tobiko Credentials

In order to run the OpenStack test cases you'll need to set up KeyStone credentials. You can do it in one of below ways:

  • credentials-from-clouds-file
  • credentials-from-env
  • credentials-from-config

Set Tobiko Credentials from clouds.yaml file

Make sure in any of below locations there is a valid OpenStack clouds file containing valid KeyStone credentials:

  • Tobiko source files directory
  • ~/.config/openstack
  • /etc/openstack

Finally you need to specify which credentials Tobiko should pick up via 'OS_CLOUD' environment variable or by specifying cloud name in tobiko.conf file (section 'keystone', option 'cloud_name').

Specify 'OS_CLOUD' environment variable

Ensure OS_CLOUD environment variable is defined before executing Tobiko test cases:

export OS_CLOUD=<cloud-name>

Please chose a valid cloud name from your clouds.yaml file.

Specify cloud name in tobiko.conf file

Create file tobiko.conf in Tobiko sources folder adding a section like below:

cloud_name = <cloud-name>

Please chose a valid cloud name from your clouds.yaml file.

Set Tobiko Credentials Via Environment Variables

See also

For more details about supported environment variables please read authentication-environment-variables section.

You can use an existing shell RC file that is valid for Python OpenStack client :

source openstackrc

An example of 'openstackrc' file could looks like below:

export OS_AUTH_URL=https://my_cloud:13000/v3
export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=secret
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=Default

Set Tobiko Credentials Via tobiko-conf File

See also

For more details about supported configuration options please read authentication-configuration section.

Create a file at ~/.tobiko/tobiko.conf adding a section like below:

api_version = 3
auth_url = http://my_cloud:13000/v3
username = admin
password = secret
project_name = admin
user_domain_name = Default
project_domain_name = Default

Setup Required Resources

A public Neutron network is required To be able to execute Tobiko scenario test cases to be able to create floating IP port on it.

To execute commands from a virtualenv created by Tox you can type as below:

tox -e venv -- <your-commands>

You need to make sure ref:authentication-environment-variables are properly set so you can list available public netoworks:

tox -e venv -- openstack network list

If there is any valid public network you need to create one before running Tobiko OpenStack test cases. Please refer to the Neutron documentation <> to know how to do it.

If there is a valid public network for creating floating IPs ports on it, Tobiko tests cases would use it. In case you want to make sure they use a specific network please add reference to such network in tobiko-conf file:

floating_network = public

Run Test Cases

Run Scenario Test Cases

Scenario test cases are in charge of creating workloads to simulate real use of OpenStack. They create networks, virtual machines, ports, routers, etc. They also tests these workloads are working.

Run Tobiko scenario test cases using Tox (it is going to take some minutes):

tox -e scenario

To list Heat stacks and Glance images created by test cases:

tox -e venv -- openstack image list
tox -e venv -- openstack stack list

Scenario test cases are also used to check if previously created resources are still up and working as expected. To ensure test cases will not create those resources again we can set TOBIKO_PREVENT_CREATE environment variable before re-running test cases:

TOBIKO_PREVENT_CREATE=yes tox -e scenario

Cleanup Tobiko Workloads

Once Tobiko test cases have been executed we could want to clean up all workloads left on the cloud so that we restore it to the original state.

Cleanup Heat Stacks

Because Tobiko is using Heat stacks for orchestrating the creation of most of the resources, by cleaning up all stacks created with Tobiko will clean it up almost all:

tox -e venv -- bash -c 'openstack stack list -f value -c ID | xargs openstack stack delete'

Cleanup Glance Images

Because Heat doen't support creation of Glance images, Tobiko implemented some specific fixtures to download images from the Web and upload them to Glance service:

tox -e venv -- bash -c 'openstack stack list -f value -c ID | xargs openstack stack delete'

Run Disruptive Test Cases

Disruptive test cases are in charge of testing that after executing some type of critical operation on the cloud, the services return working as expected after a while. To execute them you can type:

tox -e faults

The kind operations executed by these test cases could be cloud nodes reboot, OpenStack services restart, virtual machines migrations, etc.

Please note that while scenario test cases are being executing in parallel to speed up test case execution, faults test case are only executed sequentially. This is because operation executed by such cases could break some functionality for a short time and alter the regular state of the system expected from other test cases to be executed.

Run the Tobiko Workflow

Scenario and disruptive test cases, being executed in a specify sequence could be used to detect more problems on the cloud the disruptive test cases alone are not looking for.

  • First ensure there are workloads running fine by running scenario test cases:

    tox -e scenario


As second step we could instead update or upgrade OpenStack nodes.

  • Second we could execute disruptive test cases to shake the system a bit:

    tox -e faults
  • Third we could re-run scenario test cases to check things are still running as expected:

    TOBIKO_PREVENT_CREATE=yes tox -e scenario

Test Cases Report Files

After executing test cases we can look at more details regarding test case results in a small set of files:

  • test_results.html: an user browseable HTML view of test case results
  • test_results.log: a log file with logging traces recollected from every individual test case
  • test_results.subunit: the original subunit binary file generated by test runner
  • test_results.xml: an XML Junit file to be used for example to show test cases result by Jenkins CI server

The name of above files can be changed from default value (test_results) to a custom one by setting TOX_REPORT_NAME environment variable.


{toxinidir} stand for the Tobiko source files directory.

{envname} is the name of the Tox enviroment to be executed (IE scenario, faults, etc.)

Above files are saved into a folder that can be specified with TOX_REPORT_DIR environment variable.

By default the full path of report directory is made from below parts:
