The framework of dynamic pod binding

1. What is the problem?
Originally this patch was committed to the Tricircle and provided
dynamic pod binding support. After splitting this feature should be
put in Trio2o. So we plan to synchronize this patch from Gerrit
to Trio2o. You can find the old patch on Gerrit here[1].

In the Trio2o, each tenant is bound to multiple pods, where it creates
various types of resources. However such a binding relationship should
be dynamic instead of static. For instance, when some resources in a pod
are exhausted, tenant needs to be bound to a new pod in the same AZ.

2. What is the solution to the problem?
To deal with the above problem, the Trio2o dynamically binds tenants
to pod which has available resources. We call this feature dynamic pod
binding, which is explained in the spec[2] in detail. In this patch, we
only try to bind a tenant to a pod dynamically, when she tries to create
a VM.

3. What the features need to be implemented to the Trio2o to realize
the solution?
When a tenant creates a VM, the Trio2o first selects all available
pods for her. Then by filtering and weighing the pods, the Trio2o
selects the most suitable pod for the tenant. Next, the Trio2o queries
database for current binding relationship of the tenant. If the tenant
is not bound to any pod, we create a new binding relationship, which
binds the tenant to the selected pod. If the tenant is already bound to
a pod, and the pod is not the one selected by the Trio2o, we update
current binding relationship, which binds the tenant to a new pod. If
the tenant is already bound to a pod, and the pod is exactly the one
selected by the Trio2o, the Trio2o does nothing.


Change-Id: I1c884ce47ace919f732d98ee154bdd59ed22cd74
This commit is contained in:
Dongfeng Huang 2017-04-12 14:53:59 +08:00
parent 5e0b634248
commit 84396eb456
21 changed files with 592 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -56,3 +56,8 @@ oslo.config.opts =
tempest.test_plugins =
trio2o_tests = trio2o.tempestplugin.plugin:Trio2oTempestPlugin
trio2o.common.schedulers =
pod_manager = trio2o.common.scheduler.pod_manager:PodManager
bottom_pod_filter = trio2o.common.scheduler.filters.bottom_pod_filter:BottomPodFilter
filter_scheduler = trio2o.common.scheduler.filter_scheduler:FilterScheduler

View File

@ -223,7 +223,6 @@ class BindingsController(rest.RestController):
pod_b = kw['pod_binding']
tenant_id = pod_b.get('tenant_id', '').strip()
pod_id = pod_b.get('pod_id', '').strip()
_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
if tenant_id == '' or pod_id == '':
return Response(
@ -249,11 +248,7 @@ class BindingsController(rest.RestController):
with context.session.begin():
pod_binding = core.create_resource(context, models.PodBinding,
{'id': _uuid,
'tenant_id': tenant_id,
'pod_id': pod_id})
pod_binding = db_api.create_pod_binding(context, tenant_id, pod_id)
except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry:
return Response(_('Pod binding already exists'), 409)
except db_exc.DBConstraintError:

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import trio2o.common.context as t_context
from trio2o.common import httpclient as hclient
from trio2o.common.i18n import _
from trio2o.common.i18n import _LE
from trio2o.common.scheduler import filter_scheduler
from trio2o.common import utils
import trio2o.db.api as db_api
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ class VolumeController(rest.RestController):
def __init__(self, tenant_id):
self.tenant_id = tenant_id
self.filter_scheduler = filter_scheduler.FilterScheduler()
@expose(generic=True, template='json')
def post(self, **kw):
@ -52,10 +54,9 @@ class VolumeController(rest.RestController):
400, _("Missing required element 'volume' in request body."))
az = kw['volume'].get('availability_zone', '')
pod, pod_az = az_ag.get_pod_by_az_tenant(
pod, pod_az = self.filter_scheduler.select_destination(
context, az, self.tenant_id, pod_group='')
if not pod:
LOG.error(_LE("Pod not configured or scheduling failure"))
return utils.format_cinder_error(

View File

@ -147,7 +147,8 @@ def get_pod_by_az_tenant(context, az_name, tenant_id):
context, models.PodBinding,
{'id': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'tenant_id': tenant_id,
'pod_id': pod['pod_id']})
'pod_id': pod['pod_id'],
'is_binding': True})
return pod, pod['pod_az_name']
except Exception as e:
LOG.error(_LE('Fail to create pod binding: %(exception)s'),

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import six
from stevedore import driver
class Scheduler(object):
def __init__(self):
self.pod_manager = driver.DriverManager(
def select_destination(self, context, az_name, tenant_id, spec_obj):
return None, None

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from trio2o.common.scheduler import driver
class FilterScheduler(driver.Scheduler):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(FilterScheduler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def select_destination(self, context, az_name, tenant_id, pod_group):
current_binding, current_pod = \
context, az_name, tenant_id, pod_group)
if current_binding and current_pod:
return current_pod, current_pod['pod_az_name']
pods = self.pod_manager.get_available_pods(
context, az_name, pod_group)
if not pods:
return None, None
# TODO(Yipei): Weigh pods and select one whose weight
# is the maximum. Here we chose one randomly.
is_current = False
best_pod = None
# select the pod by a circle in pods
for pod in pods:
if is_current:
best_pod = pod
if current_binding \
and pod['pod_id'] == current_binding['pod_id']:
is_current = True
if is_current and len(pods) == 1:
return None, None
if not best_pod:
best_pod = pods[0]
if current_binding:
is_successful = self.pod_manager.update_binding(
context, current_binding, best_pod['pod_id'])
is_successful = self.pod_manager.create_binding(
context, tenant_id, best_pod['pod_id'])
if not is_successful:
return None, None
return best_pod, best_pod['pod_az_name']

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
class BaseFilter(object):
"""Base class for all pod filter classes."""
def _filter_one(self, obj, pod_group):
return True
def filter_all(self, filter_obj_list, pod_group):
for obj in filter_obj_list:
if self._filter_one(obj, pod_group):
yield obj
class BasePodFilter(BaseFilter):
def _filter_one(self, obj, pod_group):
return self.is_pod_passed(obj, pod_group)
def is_pod_passed(self, pod, pod_group):
raise NotImplementedError()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from trio2o.common.scheduler.filters import base_filters
class BottomPodFilter(base_filters.BasePodFilter):
"""Returns all bottom pods."""
def is_pod_passed(self, pod, pod_group):
flag = False
if pod['az_name'] != '':
flag = True
return flag

View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_log import log as logging
from stevedore import driver
from trio2o.common.i18n import _LE
from trio2o.db import api as db_api
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PodManager(object):
def __init__(self):
filter_names = ['bottom_pod_filter']
self.default_filters = self._choose_pod_filters(filter_names)
def _choose_pod_filters(filter_names):
good_filters = []
for filter_name in filter_names:
filter_ = driver.DriverManager(
return good_filters
def get_current_binding_and_pod(context, az_name, tenant_id, pod_group):
filter_b = [{'key': 'tenant_id', 'comparator': 'eq',
'value': tenant_id}]
current_bindings = db_api.get_pod_binding_by_tenant_id(
context, filter_b)
if not current_bindings:
return None, None
has_available_pods = False
for pod_b in current_bindings:
if pod_b['is_binding']:
pod = db_api.get_pod_by_pod_id(context, pod_b['pod_id'])
if az_name and pod['az_name'] == az_name:
has_available_pods = True
elif az_name == '' and pod['az_name'] != '':
# if the az_name is not specified, a default bottom
# pod will be selected
has_available_pods = True
if has_available_pods:
# TODO(Yipei): check resource_affinity_tag
# if the resource utilization of the pod reaches the limit,
# return [], []. Considering the feature of checking
# resource utilization is not implemented, we use
# resource_affinity_tag to test the logic of updating
# a binding relationship.
if pod_group != '':
return pod_b, None
# TODO(Yipei): check resource utilization of the pod
# if the resource utilization of the pod reaches the limit,
# return pod_b, []
# If a pod passes the above checking, both the pod and its
# corresponding binding are returned.
return pod_b, pod
return None, None
def create_binding(context, tenant_id, pod_id):
db_api.create_pod_binding(context, tenant_id, pod_id)
except Exception as e:
LOG.error(_LE('Fail to create pod binding: %(exception)s'),
{'exception': e})
return False
return True
def update_binding(context, current_binding, pod_id):
current_binding['is_binding'] = False
context, current_binding, pod_id)
except Exception as e:
LOG.error(_LE('Fail to update pod binding: %(exception)s'),
{'exception': e})
return False
return True
def get_available_pods(self, context, az_name, pod_group):
if az_name != '':
filter_q = [{'key': 'az_name',
'comparator': 'eq', 'value': az_name}]
filter_q = None
pods = db_api.list_pods(context, filter_q)
for filter_ in self.default_filters:
objs_ = filter_.filter_all(pods, pod_group)
pods = list(objs_)
return pods

View File

@ -67,12 +67,42 @@ def update_pod(context, pod_id, update_dict):
return core.update_resource(context, models.Pod, pod_id, update_dict)
def change_pod_binding(context, pod_binding, pod_id):
with context.session.begin():
core.update_resource(context, models.PodBinding,
pod_binding['id'], pod_binding)
core.create_resource(context, models.PodBinding,
{'id': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'tenant_id': pod_binding['tenant_id'],
'pod_id': pod_id,
'is_binding': True})
def get_pod_binding_by_tenant_id(context, filter_):
with context.session.begin():
return core.query_resource(context, models.PodBinding, filter_, [])
def get_pod_by_pod_id(context, pod_id):
with context.session.begin():
return core.get_resource(context, models.Pod, pod_id)
def create_pod_service_configuration(context, config_dict):
with context.session.begin():
return core.create_resource(context, models.PodServiceConfiguration,
def create_pod_binding(context, tenant_id, pod_id):
with context.session.begin():
return core.create_resource(context, models.PodBinding,
{'id': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'tenant_id': tenant_id,
'pod_id': pod_id,
'is_binding': True})
def delete_pod_service_configuration(context, config_id):
with context.session.begin():
return core.delete_resource(context, models.PodServiceConfiguration,

View File

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ def upgrade(migrate_engine):
sql.Column('id', sql.String(36), primary_key=True),
sql.Column('tenant_id', sql.String(length=255), nullable=False),
sql.Column('pod_id', sql.String(length=255), nullable=False),
sql.Column('is_binding', sql.Boolean, nullable=False),
sql.Column('created_at', sql.DateTime),
sql.Column('updated_at', sql.DateTime),

View File

@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ class PodBinding(core.ModelBase, core.DictBase, models.TimestampMixin):
'tenant_id', 'pod_id',
attributes = ['id', 'tenant_id', 'pod_id',
attributes = ['id', 'tenant_id', 'pod_id', 'is_binding',
'created_at', 'updated_at']
id = sql.Column(sql.String(36), primary_key=True)
@ -428,6 +428,7 @@ class PodBinding(core.ModelBase, core.DictBase, models.TimestampMixin):
pod_id = sql.Column('pod_id', sql.String(36),
is_binding = sql.Column('is_binding', sql.Boolean, nullable=False)
# Routing Model

View File

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import six
import oslo_log.log as logging
from trio2o.common import az_ag
import trio2o.common.client as t_client
from trio2o.common import constants
import trio2o.common.context as t_context
@ -29,12 +28,14 @@ from trio2o.common.i18n import _
from trio2o.common.i18n import _LE
import trio2o.common.lock_handle as t_lock
from trio2o.common.quota import QUOTAS
from trio2o.common.scheduler import filter_scheduler
from trio2o.common import utils
from trio2o.common import xrpcapi
import trio2o.db.api as db_api
from trio2o.db import core
from trio2o.db import models
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ class ServerController(rest.RestController):
self.project_id = project_id
self.clients = {constants.TOP: t_client.Client()}
self.xjob_handler = xrpcapi.XJobAPI()
self.filter_scheduler = filter_scheduler.FilterScheduler()
def _get_client(self, pod_name=constants.TOP):
if pod_name not in self.clients:
@ -112,9 +114,9 @@ class ServerController(rest.RestController):
400, _('server is not set'))
az = kw['server'].get('availability_zone', '')
pod, b_az = self.filter_scheduler.select_destination(
context, az, self.project_id, pod_group='')
pod, b_az = az_ag.get_pod_by_az_tenant(
context, az, self.project_id)
if not pod:
return utils.format_nova_error(
500, _('Pod not configured or scheduling failure'))

View File

@ -613,7 +613,8 @@ class TestBindingController(API_FunctionalTest):
"tenant_id": "dddddd",
"pod_id": "0ace0db2-ef33-43a6-a150-42703ffda643"
"pod_id": "0ace0db2-ef33-43a6-a150-42703ffda643",
"is_binding": "True"
"expected_error": 200
@ -622,7 +623,8 @@ class TestBindingController(API_FunctionalTest):
"tenant_id": "aaaaa",
"pod_id": "0ace0db2-ef33-43a6-a150-42703ffda643"
"pod_id": "0ace0db2-ef33-43a6-a150-42703ffda643",
"is_binding": "True"
"expected_error": 200

View File

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from trio2o.common import context
from trio2o.common.scheduler import filter_scheduler
from trio2o.db import api
from trio2o.db import core
from trio2o.db import models
import unittest
class FilterSchedulerTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.context = context.Context()
self.project_id = 'test_fs_project'
self.az_name_1 = 'b_az_fs_1'
self.az_name_2 = 'b_az_fs_2'
self.filter_scheduler = filter_scheduler.FilterScheduler()
def _prepare_binding(self, pod_id):
binding = {'tenant_id': self.project_id,
'pod_id': pod_id,
'is_binding': True}
api.create_pod_binding(self.context, self.project_id, pod_id)
return binding
def test_select_destination(self):
b_pod_1 = {'pod_id': 'b_pod_fs_uuid_1', 'pod_name': 'b_region_fs_1',
'az_name': self.az_name_1}
api.create_pod(self.context, b_pod_1)
b_pod_2 = {'pod_id': 'b_pod_fs_uuid_2', 'pod_name': 'b_region_fs_2',
'az_name': self.az_name_2}
api.create_pod(self.context, b_pod_2)
b_pod_3 = {'pod_id': 'b_pod_fs_uuid_3', 'pod_name': 'b_region_fs_3',
'az_name': self.az_name_2}
api.create_pod(self.context, b_pod_3)
t_pod = {'pod_id': 'b_pod_fs_uuid_t_pod',
'pod_name': 'b_region_fs_t_pod',
'az_name': ''}
api.create_pod(self.context, t_pod)
binding_q = core.query_resource(
self.context, models.PodBinding, [{'key': 'tenant_id',
'comparator': 'eq',
'value': self.project_id}], [])
self.assertEqual(binding_q[0]['pod_id'], b_pod_1['pod_id'])
self.assertEqual(binding_q[0]['tenant_id'], self.project_id)
self.assertEqual(binding_q[0]['is_binding'], True)
pod_1, _ = self.filter_scheduler.select_destination(
self.context, '', self.project_id, pod_group='')
self.assertEqual(pod_1['pod_id'], b_pod_1['pod_id'])
binding_q = core.query_resource(
self.context, models.PodBinding, [{'key': 'tenant_id',
'comparator': 'eq',
'value': self.project_id}], [])
self.assertEqual(len(binding_q), 1)
self.assertEqual(binding_q[0]['pod_id'], pod_1['pod_id'])
self.assertEqual(binding_q[0]['tenant_id'], self.project_id)
self.assertEqual(binding_q[0]['is_binding'], True)
pod_2, _ = self.filter_scheduler.select_destination(
self.context, '', 'new_project', pod_group='')
binding_q = core.query_resource(
self.context, models.PodBinding, [{'key': 'tenant_id',
'comparator': 'eq',
'value': 'new_project'}], [])
self.assertEqual(len(binding_q), 1)
self.assertEqual(binding_q[0]['pod_id'], pod_2['pod_id'])
self.assertEqual(binding_q[0]['tenant_id'], 'new_project')
self.assertEqual(binding_q[0]['is_binding'], True)
pod_3, _ = self.filter_scheduler.select_destination(
self.context, self.az_name_1, 'new_project', pod_group='')
binding_q = core.query_resource(
self.context, models.PodBinding, [{'key': 'tenant_id',
'comparator': 'eq',
'value': 'new_project'}], [])
self.assertEqual(len(binding_q), 1)
self.assertEqual(binding_q[0]['pod_id'], pod_3['pod_id'])
self.assertEqual(binding_q[0]['tenant_id'], 'new_project')
self.assertEqual(binding_q[0]['is_binding'], True)
pod_4, _ = self.filter_scheduler.select_destination(
self.context, self.az_name_2, 'new_project', pod_group='')
binding_q = core.query_resource(
self.context, models.PodBinding, [{'key': 'tenant_id',
'comparator': 'eq',
'value': 'new_project'}], [])
self.assertEqual(len(binding_q), 2)
self.assertEqual(binding_q[1]['pod_id'], pod_4['pod_id'])
self.assertEqual(binding_q[1]['tenant_id'], 'new_project')
self.assertEqual(binding_q[1]['is_binding'], True)
pod_5, _ = self.filter_scheduler.select_destination(
self.context, self.az_name_2, self.project_id, pod_group='')
binding_q = core.query_resource(
self.context, models.PodBinding, [{'key': 'tenant_id',
'comparator': 'eq',
'value': self.project_id}], [])
self.assertEqual(len(binding_q), 2)
self.assertEqual(pod_5['az_name'], self.az_name_2)
self.assertEqual(binding_q[1]['pod_id'], pod_5['pod_id'])
self.assertEqual(binding_q[1]['tenant_id'], self.project_id)
self.assertEqual(binding_q[1]['is_binding'], True)
pod_6, _ = self.filter_scheduler.select_destination(
self.context, self.az_name_1, self.project_id, pod_group='test')
binding_q = core.query_resource(
self.context, models.PodBinding, [{'key': 'tenant_id',
'comparator': 'eq',
'value': self.project_id}], [])
self.assertEqual(len(binding_q), 2)
self.assertEqual(pod_6, None)
pod_7, _ = self.filter_scheduler.select_destination(
self.context, self.az_name_2, self.project_id, pod_group='test')
binding_q = core.query_resource(
self.context, models.PodBinding, [{'key': 'tenant_id',
'comparator': 'eq',
'value': self.project_id}], [])
self.assertEqual(len(binding_q), 3)
self.assertEqual(pod_7['az_name'], self.az_name_2)
self.assertEqual(binding_q[1]['tenant_id'], self.project_id)
self.assertEqual(binding_q[1]['is_binding'], False)
self.assertEqual(binding_q[2]['pod_id'], pod_7['pod_id'])
self.assertEqual(binding_q[2]['tenant_id'], self.project_id)
self.assertEqual(binding_q[2]['is_binding'], True)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from stevedore import driver
from trio2o.common import context
from trio2o.db import api
from trio2o.db import core
from trio2o.db import models
import unittest
class PodManagerTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.context = context.Context()
self.project_id = 'test_pm_project'
self.az_name_2 = 'b_az_pm_2'
self.az_name_1 = 'b_az_pm_1'
self.pod_manager = driver.DriverManager(
self.b_pod_1 = {'pod_id': 'b_pod_pm_uuid_1',
'pod_name': 'b_region_pm_1',
'az_name': self.az_name_1}
self.b_pod_2 = {'pod_id': 'b_pod_pm_uuid_2',
'pod_name': 'b_region_pm_2',
'az_name': self.az_name_2}
self.b_pod_3 = {'pod_id': 'b_pod_pm_uuid_3',
'pod_name': 'b_region_pm_3',
'az_name': self.az_name_2}
self.b_pod_4 = {'pod_id': 'b_pod_pm_uuid_4',
'pod_name': 'b_region_pm_4',
'az_name': self.az_name_2}
def test_get_current_binding_and_pod(self):
api.create_pod(self.context, self.b_pod_1)
self.context, self.project_id, self.b_pod_1['pod_id'])
pod_b_1, pod_1 = self.pod_manager.get_current_binding_and_pod(
self.context, self.az_name_1, self.project_id, pod_group='')
binding_q = core.query_resource(
self.context, models.PodBinding,
[{'key': 'tenant_id',
'comparator': 'eq',
'value': self.project_id}], [])
self.assertEqual(len(binding_q), 1)
self.assertEqual(binding_q[0]['id'], pod_b_1['id'])
pod_b_2, pod_2 = self.pod_manager.get_current_binding_and_pod(
self.context, self.az_name_1, 'new_project_pm_1', pod_group='')
binding_q = core.query_resource(
self.context, models.PodBinding,
[{'key': 'tenant_id',
'comparator': 'eq',
'value': 'new_project_pm_1'}], [])
self.assertEqual(len(binding_q), 0)
self.assertEqual(pod_b_2, None)
self.assertEqual(pod_2, None)
pod_b_3, pod_3 = self.pod_manager.get_current_binding_and_pod(
self.context, 'unknown_az', self.project_id, pod_group='')
binding_q = core.query_resource(
self.context, models.PodBinding,
[{'key': 'tenant_id',
'comparator': 'eq',
'value': self.project_id}], [])
self.assertEqual(len(binding_q), 1)
self.assertEqual(pod_b_3, None)
self.assertEqual(pod_3, None)
pod_b_4, pod_4 = self.pod_manager.get_current_binding_and_pod(
self.context, self.az_name_1, self.project_id, pod_group='test')
binding_q = core.query_resource(
self.context, models.PodBinding,
[{'key': 'tenant_id',
'comparator': 'eq',
'value': self.project_id}], [])
self.assertEqual(len(binding_q), 1)
self.assertEqual(pod_b_4['id'], binding_q[0]['id'])
self.assertEqual(pod_4, None)
def test_create_binding(self):
api.create_pod(self.context, self.b_pod_2)
flag = self.pod_manager.create_binding(
self.context, 'new_project_pm_2', self.b_pod_2['pod_id'])
self.assertEqual(flag, True)
binding_q = core.query_resource(
self.context, models.PodBinding,
[{'key': 'tenant_id',
'comparator': 'eq',
'value': 'new_project_pm_2'}], [])
self.assertEqual(len(binding_q), 1)
self.assertEqual(binding_q[0]['pod_id'], self.b_pod_2['pod_id'])
self.assertEqual(binding_q[0]['tenant_id'], 'new_project_pm_2')
self.assertEqual(binding_q[0]['is_binding'], True)
def test_update_binding(self):
api.create_pod(self.context, self.b_pod_4)
api.create_pod(self.context, self.b_pod_3)
flag = self.pod_manager.create_binding(
self.context, 'new_project_pm_3', self.b_pod_3['pod_id'])
self.assertEqual(flag, True)
current_binding = core.query_resource(
self.context, models.PodBinding,
[{'key': 'tenant_id',
'comparator': 'eq',
'value': 'new_project_pm_3'}], [])
flag = self.pod_manager.update_binding(
self.context, current_binding[0], self.b_pod_4['pod_id'])
self.assertEqual(flag, True)
binding_q = core.query_resource(
self.context, models.PodBinding,
[{'key': 'tenant_id',
'comparator': 'eq',
'value': 'new_project_pm_3'}], [])
self.assertEqual(len(binding_q), 2)
self.assertEqual(binding_q[0]['pod_id'], self.b_pod_3['pod_id'])
self.assertEqual(binding_q[0]['tenant_id'], 'new_project_pm_3')
self.assertEqual(binding_q[0]['is_binding'], False)
self.assertEqual(binding_q[1]['pod_id'], self.b_pod_4['pod_id'])
self.assertEqual(binding_q[1]['tenant_id'], 'new_project_pm_3')
self.assertEqual(binding_q[1]['is_binding'], True)

View File

@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ class AZAGTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(pod2['pod_name'], FAKE_SITE_NAME)
self.assertEqual(pod2['pod_id'], FAKE_SITE_ID)
self.assertEqual(pod2['az_name'], FAKE_AZ)
self.assertEqual(pod2['pod_name'], FAKE_SITE_NAME_2)
self.assertEqual(pod2['pod_id'], FAKE_SITE_ID_2)

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ from trio2o.common import constants
from trio2o.common import context
import trio2o.common.exceptions as t_exceptions
from trio2o.common import lock_handle
from trio2o.common.scheduler import filter_scheduler
from trio2o.common import xrpcapi
from trio2o.db import api
from trio2o.db import core
@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ class FakeServerController(server.ServerController):
self.clients = {'t_region': FakeClient('t_region')}
self.project_id = project_id
self.xjob_handler = xrpcapi.XJobAPI()
self.filter_scheduler = filter_scheduler.FilterScheduler()
def _get_client(self, pod_name=None):
if not pod_name: