hubian faeab36677 input spec for BP:openstack main stream components plugin
Change-Id: I0f6a81e7477f3d7c948bfc51cd79a8dc8b557dd7
2016-11-30 10:38:53 +08:00

2.8 KiB

OpenStack Ironic Plugin for Valence

This proposal adds the connection between ironic and valence.

BP link:

Problem description

From OpenStack's framework level, valence now is a independent project of OpenStack, too independent to connect with other OpenStack components. This will bring a gap to OpenStack users as well as the community.

From valence roadmap's level, valence has a great available space to OpenStack especially Ironic! They could have a awesome collaborative work for users on dataceners resource management. But it is still lack of the connections.

Setup the connection and cover the roadmaps on both side will bring a profound influence.

Proposed change

We should have to setup a driver for valence in ironic that has already supported by ironic for users to insert their own customized driver. The driver can let ironic communicate with other service. So we would setup a valence driver in Ironic.

And this is a big picture if we base on the base driver defined by Ironic itself. So i suggest that we should treat this spec as the parent spec, then split the whole plugin into small parts and child spec. Then we could schedue the priority of each part to match valence's growth.

For example: BaseDriver of ironic should include these driver properties: * power * deploy * console * management * boot * vendor * inspect * raid * Other extend properties like pxe

Not all these properties are required for valence, we just set priority for required property. Then contributors write child spec for each property and we would disscuss and contribute there.

For example, shuquan has writen a child spec "pxe-rsd driver for ironic" link :



Data model impact

REST API impact

Driver API impact


Nova driver impact


Security impact


Other end user impact


Scalability impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:


Other contributors:

Andy yan Yang Xing Mao HaiJun Wang Zhandong Zhang Xiaotong

Work Items

  • Setup a new plugin driver instance for valence in ironic
  • Match valence roadmap to figure out required driver properties
  • Implementation on the required property's features


  • Unit tests: Mocking valence library.
  • Ironic commands: driver commands usage test

Documentation Impact

  • TODO

