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Valet gives OpenStack the ability to optimize cloud resources while simultaneously meeting a cloud application's QoS requirements. Valet provides an api service, an optimizer (Ostro), and a set of OpenStack plugins.

This document covers installation of valet-api, the API engine used to interact with Valet.

IMPORTANT: Overall Installation of Valet is covered in a separate document.


Prior to installation:

  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  • Python 2.7.6 with pip
  • An OpenStack Kilo cloud
  • Music 6.0
  • Ostro 2.0

Throughout this document, the following installation-specific items are required. Have values for these prepared and ready before continuing. Suggestions for values are provided in this document where applicable.

Name Description Example
$USER User id user1234
$VENV Python virtual environment path (if any) /etc/valet/venv
$VALET_API_PATH Local git repository's valet_api directory /home/user1234/git/valet/valet_api
$VALET_HOST valet-api hostname localhost
$VALET_USERNAME OpenStack placement service username valet
$VALET_PASSWORD OpenStack placement service password
$VALET_TENANT_NAME OpenStack placement service default tenant service
$KEYSTONE_AUTH_API Keystone Auth API publicurl endpoint http://controller:5000/
$VALET_CONFIG_PATH Valet configuration directory /var/www/valet
$APACHE2_CONFIG_PATH apache2 httpd server configuration path /etc/apache2
$OSLO_MSG_USERNAME Oslo Messaging Service username messaging
$OSLO_MSG_PASSWORD Oslo Message Service password
$OSLO_MSG_HOST Oslo Messaging Service host controller

Root or sufficient sudo privileges are required for some steps.

A Note About Python Virtual Environments

It is recommended to install and configure valet-api within a python virtual environment (venv), This helps avoid instabilities and conflicts within the default python environment.


Install valet-api on a host that can reach all OpenStack Keystone endpoints (public, internal, and admin). This can be a controller node or a separate host. Likewise, valet-api, Ostro, and Music may be installed on the same host or separate hosts.

valet-api is located in valet_api.

$ sudo pip install .

If the following error appears when installing valet-api, and SSL access is required (e.g., if Keystone can only be reached via SSL), use a newer Python 2.7 Ubuntu package.

[InsecurePlatformWarning]( A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail.

User Account

Create an Ubuntu user/group for the valet service user (usually valet):

$ sudo adduser --gecos "valet service user" valet

If the Ubuntu-assigned uid/gid requires adjustment:

$ sudo usermod -u $DESIRED_ID -U valet
$ sudo groupmod -g $DESIRED_ID valet


Copy $VALET_API_PATH/etc/valet_api/ to a suitable configuration path ($VALET_CONFIG_PATH) outside of the git repository prior to editing. (Always edit the copy, never the original.) As the config file will contain sensitive passwords, $VALET_CONFIG_PATH must have limited visibility and be accessible only to the user running valet-api.

Edit the following sections in the copy. See the valet-openstack README for additional context around the server and identity sections.

Note: In OpenStack parlance, Valet is canonically referred to as a placement service.


  • Set port to match the port number used by OpenStack Keystone's placement service (usually 8090).
  • host can remain
server = {
    'port': '8090',
    'host': ''


  • Set username and password to the OpenStack placement service user.
  • Set project_name to the OpenStack placement service user's tenant name.
  • Set auth_url to the OpenStack Keystone API publicurl endpoint.
identity = {
    'config': {
        'username': '$VALET_USERNAME',
        'password': '$VALET_PASSWORD',
        'project_name': '$VALET_TENANT_NAME',
        'auth_url': '$KEYSTONE_AUTH_API',

Once authenticated via Keystone's publicurl endpoint, valet-api uses Keystone's adminurl endpoint for further API calls. Access to the adminurl endpoint is required for:

  • Authentication (AuthN) of OpenStack users for valet-api access.
  • Authorization (AuthZ) of OpenStack users for valet-api access. This is presently limited to users assigned an admin role.
  • Obtaining a list of all OpenStack cloud tenants (used by Valet Groups).

Note: Formal Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) support (via oslo-policy) is expected in a future release.

If the Keystone adminurl endpoint is not reachable, Valet will not be able to obtain a complete tenant list. To mitigate:

  • Add an additional identity config setting named 'interface', set to 'public'.
  • In the OpenStack cloud, ensure the valet user ($VALET_USERNAME) is a member of every tenant. Keep membership current as needed.


  • Set transport_url to match the OpenStack Oslo Messaging Service endpoint.
messaging = {
    'config': {
        'transport_url': 'rabbit://$OSLO_MSG_USERNAME:$OSLO_MSG_PASSWORD@$OSLO_MSG_HOST:5672/',


  • Set host, port, keyspace, and replication_factor as needed for access to Music.
  • Alternately, set hosts (plural form) to a python list of hosts if more than one host is used (e.g., '[host1, host2, host3]').

For example, if Music is hosted on port 8080 with a keyspace of valet and replication factor of 3:

music = {
    'host': '',
    'port': '8080',
    'keyspace': 'valet',
    'replication_factor': 3,

Notes: If host and hosts are both set, host is used and hosts is ignored. Music does not use AuthN or AuthZ at this time.

Data Storage Initialization

Use the pecan populate command to initialize data storage:

$ pecan populate $VALET_CONFIG_PATH/

Any previously created tables will be left as-is and not deleted/re-created.

Note: Music does not support migrations. If necessary, schema changes in future versions will be noted here with specific upgrade instructions.

Running for the first time

Use the pecan serve command to run valet-api and verify installation.

$ pecan serve $VALET_CONFIG_PATH/

Browse to http://$VALET_HOST:8090/ (no AuthN/AuthZ required). Check for a response, for example:

    "versions": [
            "status": "CURRENT",
            "id": "v1.0",
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"

valet-api comes with a Postman collection of sample API calls, located in $VALET_API_PATH/valet_api/tests. Learn more.

See the doc directory for placement service.

IMPORTANT: Do not use pecan serve to run valet-api in a production environment. A number of production-quality WSGI-compatible environments are available (e.g., apache2 httpd).

Configuring apache2 httpd

This section describes an example WSGI installation using apache2 httpd.


  • apache2 httpd
  • libapache2-mod-wsgi (3.4 at a minimum, 3.5 recommended by the author)
  • A valet service user account/group on the host where valet-api is installed.


Set up directories and ownership:

$ sudo mkdir $VALET_CONFIG_PATH
$ sudo mkdir /var/log/apache2/valet
$ sudo cp -p $VALET_API_PATH/etc/valet_api/app.wsgi $VALET_API_PATH/etc/valet_api/ $VALET_CONFIG_PATH
$ sudo chown -R valet:valet /var/log/apache2/valet $VALET_CONFIG_PATH

Set up valet-api as a site:

$ sudo cd $APACHE2_CONFIG_PATH/sites-available
$ sudo cp -p $VALET_API_PATH/etc/valet_api/app.apache2 valet.conf
$ sudo chown root:root valet.conf

Note: $APACHE2_CONFIG_PATH may be /opt/apache2 or /etc/apache2 depending on the installation.

If valet-api was installed in a python virtual environment, append python-home=$VENV to WSGIDaemonProcess within valet.conf. Apache will then use the correct python environment and libraries.

Enable valet-api, ensure the configuration syntax is valid, and restart:

$ cd $APACHE2_CONFIG_PATH/sites-enabled
$ sudo ln -s ../sites-available/valet.conf .
$ sudo apachectl -t
Syntax OK
$ sudo apachectl graceful


Activate a virtual environment (venv) first if necessary, then uninstall with:

$ sudo pip uninstall valet-api

Remove previously made configuration file changes, OpenStack user accounts, and other settings as needed.