Now that there exists only a gate job for Python 3.5 and not 3.4,
we should remove those references to the 3.4 that is untested.
Change-Id: Idb66d124611de879b33c0f8bd20f37f24da443b4
Create an openstack client plugin for vmware nsx, and add the some of
the extensions suport: router-type, router-size, subnet dhcp-mtu and
dns-search-domain and port provider security groups and vnic index
Work for future patches:
- More unit tests (provider-security-groups)
- Add the rest of the extensions
Change-Id: I5b335de000b310cbcbb9a2f81483fd28f8d9afea
The service insertion feature allows us to redirect some of the NSX traffic to an external
security vendor like Palo-Alto or checkpoint for advanced inspection.
The implementation contains:
Enable the flow classifier plugin, and use it to create redirect rules on NSX
When the flow classifier plugin is initialized a new security group is created
and added to the configured service profile
When a vm port with port security is created/updated, it is added to this security group
When the admin user create a flow classifier entry, a backed redirect rule will be created.
DocImpact: new NSXV Configuration parameters:
service_insertion_profile_id = <service profile id, i.e. serviceprofile-1>
DocImpact: The flow classifier methods should be added to the policy.json as admin only
Change-Id: I67a132d4b35764c6940516a8365a2749d574aad2
Now that there is a passing gate job, we can claim support for
Python 3.5 in the classifier. This patch also adds the convenience
py35 venv.
Change-Id: I14f4f90ca0f0c863f9175934f63c95b9115f9b8c
As per [1] the next version of pbr will properly support pbr/Sphinx
warnerrors during doc builds. We should enable warnerrors upon
the next pbr release and verify our doc build completes successfully.
Change-Id: I20cbbefb9dce05770dafa37a6ee1a59afc29c218
Tempest plugin breaks the CI due to changes to upstream tempest project.
This patch disables the tempest plugin to allow the CI to work.
Plugin should be re-enabled once issues are resolved.
Change-Id: I52bc8309d6b75f91ec66b3c11d10d1527da0177e
This tool reads from one neutron server and then replays all the
of the api calls required to create the resources on another server.
It requires the dest-neutron service to be in api-replay-mode to allow
us to specify the ids of resources.
This patch migrates all resources expect for floatingips and uplinking
the router.
This patch also makes some modifications to the plugin code to make migating
security groups especially the default security group and rules that
users have added possible.
Change-Id: Id79c880317bfbb45c4edad7cdb1e95a6c8dc21e6
Change: Ib56ee8bfd182c031e468c503acb0cd75daea8c40 broke vmware-nsx
L2 gateway plugin for master and mitaka release. Due to this the
l2 gateway plugin for vmware-nsx would not load.
This patch makes the required changes in vmware-nsx to load l2gw
This patch also adds a README file to include steps to bring up
L2 gateway plugin with devstack.
Closes-Bug: #1573327
Change-Id: I433c7f51df80ff6ea4250e38c981ffb363cf1b17
Add support for the qos service in NSX|V3, including:
- Attach/Detach qos policy to a new or updated port
- Allow qos configuration on ports with internal networks only
- Update the switch profile with the BW limitations and tags
through the qos notification driver
- Add a new mapping db table to link the policy id and the
nsx-v3 switch profile id
For this to work, the following configuration should appear under the 'qos' section in the neutron.conf:
notification_drivers = vmware_nsxv3_message_queue
Change-Id: I4016de756cebe0032e61d3c2a5250527e44b49e4
This patch is a follow up to the auto generate config file patch[1]
which removes the static example nsx.ini file from the repo as
it is now redundant.
Depends-On: Iff4ea37b52616295b262ead53947acb5b0cd9cd7
Change-Id: I61ee6fe873cfeac9dfe6d9eb7b0f90dd7c251d51
Partial-bug: #1568215
This patch adds support to automatically generate config files
for vmware-nsx repo using oslo config generator[1] for all
VMware plugins.
Tox can be used to generate a sample config file using the
following command:
tox -e genconfig
This will generate a config file "nsx.ini.sample" under
vmware-nsx/etc/ folder.
This patch also modifies devstack scripts to use the
auto-generated config files and adds more information to help
texts in config modules.
Change-Id: Iff4ea37b52616295b262ead53947acb5b0cd9cd7
Partial-Bug: #1568215
Add support for the qos service in NSX|V, including:
- Attach/Detach qos policy to a new or updated network
- Allow qos configuration on a backend network only,
and only if use_dvs_features is True
- Update the bw limitations on the edge through the dvs
- Update the networks bw limitations when a policy or rule changes
through the QoS notification driver
Change-Id: Icee25b59e8e0f3c1c093077b631250a908e127c1
Follow new infra setup for translations, see spec
for full details.
This basically renames
vmware-nsx/locale/vmware-nsx.pot to
vmware_nsx/locale/vmware_nsx.pot. For this we need to update
Update also domain name in
Let's remove the po and pot files in the outdated paths.
The updated scripts work without them. So, we can just
delete the files and once the infra script runs,
an updated pot file together with translations
will be imported automatically.
Change-Id: Id4bade9ffd23c57153b415514c82b384fd0977aa
installation procedure & tech-notes at vmware_nsx_tempest/README.rst
With this plugin method, vmware_nsx_tempest tests can be treated as
tempest tests and executed under tempest environment.
Fix nsxv_client to support multiple transport zones.
Change-Id: Id103c0ce03d75749fe6295108db48493f565b05a
Implements: blueprint vmware-nsx-tempest-plugin
It is not a good idea to have a top-level "tools" namespace, this
name is too generic and already taken in PyPi (see
This patch moves python_nsxadmin to the namespace,
adjusting all imports and making sure setup.cfg is adapted
Change-Id: I75922db2010194fe59db424cc4615c7ba57c1b81
Previously we have tools/python_nsxadmin folder get added
to /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages, however this didn't
capture the file in tools folder. The
is needed for any pakcage to be imported without that
import tools.python_nsxadmin would fail, since python won't recognize
tools as a module.
Original intention to have tools/python_nsxadmin was towards having
python_nsxadmin in the dist-packages instead of tools. But haven't yet
figured out how to do that in setuptools (setup.cfg)
Change-Id: I3641235e462866ccb85b7ada625f8ccaa282e1ba
It wasn't working because of two reasons:
1. The packages filed in setup.cfg takes a directory name.
so specifying tools.python_nsxadmin.admin didn't put the py files
in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages when we pip installed
vmware-nsx package. (sudo pip install .). So changing it to tools
installs all the code in tools including python_nsxadmin there. Read
2 to know why we need this.
2. To enable admin utility to dynamically pick up any hooks that users
might add we use the importlib module. The bug was here, as the path was
absolute tools/python_nsxadmin/.... So when we executed it from other
diretory those modules were not imported. So I changed that to relative
path. Though, over here there could be a case where the hooks location
directory path contains a '-' / dash, which will cause it to fail.
>>> import
File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
So we install the tools code using setup.cfg and then just import
resources from there.
Now it works from any directory.
Change-Id: Idc414fabc769d0503974e8f77b84d32008b3c08a
To start translation, we need to initially import the
translation file - and place it at the proper place so that
the usual CI scripts can handle it.
The proper place is for all python projects
$PROJECT/locale/$PROJECT.pot - see setup.cfg.
Further imports will be done by the OpenStack Proposal bot.
Setup also setup.cfg with the usual babel commands and add the default
babel.cfg file.
Change-Id: I2c0350e15c68bcae2a0611dade5f5a0705a9387d
This patch will create:
vmware_nsx/plugins/dvs for DVS specific files
vmware_nsx/plugins/nsx_mh for MH specific files
vmware_nsx/plugins/nsx_v for nsx_v specific files
vmware_nsx/plugins/nsx_v3 for nsx_v3 specific files
also move vmware_nsx/vsphere/ to vmware_nsx/plugins/nsx_v/vsphere/.
This is part of new vmware_nsx directory structure proposed in
Change-Id: I00ee12da2eea0add988bae3d4f3e12940ea829bb
This patch will create:
vmware_nsx/services/common for common plugin files
vmware_nsx/services/nsx_v3 for nsx_v3 specific plugin files
This is part of new vmware_nsx directory structure proposed in
Change-Id: I30753aef1c06e2a1b15d336e1d661f3b44ea669e
Because vmware plugin config nsx.ini is now moved
from neutron:/etc/neutron/plugins/vmware/ to vmware-nsx:/etc/,
we need to update associated references in setup.cfg.
The new path to nsx.ini is defined in Q_PLUGIN_SRC_CONF_PATH.
This is the first part of vmware plugin decomposition
(etc, extensions, and database).
Partial-bug: #1483453
Depends-On: I3caf25ce91ff425d815f35ed3efd599a572d595b
Change-Id: I326dc1eaf549ac631caf71e9adc3c7a218a7723f
This is an initial patch; only adds support for:
neutron qos-policy-create
neutron qos-policy-show
neutron qos-policy-list
neutron qos-policy-delete
Change-Id: I01572452bd72834b73b6e4b542d70400540d1b7c
As part of core vendor decomposition, this patch moves the models
from neutron repository to vmware-nsx repository.
Change-Id: I99f358af73fd80246aea0c40ecbeb8ce84f5453d
Depends-On: I5d5b0acf34417889c2a449f22b92fd105697d90d
Partial-bug: #1483453
Add alembic migration branch for vmware-nsx repo. Scripts for new
tables owned by vmware-nsx must now be added here.
Partially-Implements: blueprint online-schema-migrations
Change-Id: Ia3b805bb7a4583c96c61f322a45a91db0d67cc9c
This patch adds the service plugin module which integrates the
networking-l2gw APIs with NSX. This module is the common framework
for the Layer 2 gateway support for NSX-T and NSX-V backends.
The corresponding backend drivers will be controlled via the config
parameter introduced here. This parameter will be configured with the
class path to the backend driver. Backend drivers will be responsible
for adding backend-specific logic. The corresponding backend drivers
for NSX-T and NSX-V will be addressed in separate follow up patches.
Change-Id: If997df17a1379a3775d29c1377f0f4e1ce9be328
Partial-bug: #1481087
There is no reason to do it for the plugin since it does not split
namespace into pieces. By doing it, we avoid the need to generate and
ship .pth file with the package.
Change-Id: Ia6e676e4b0817678c289dda8d021a27d9875027a
This script is moving from openstack/neutron to stackforge/vmware-nsx,
and should therefore be installed with the latter package.
Change-Id: If1f1a3b55d5e68658f63a759dbad7e616ed14eca
Exclusive router is the router who exclusivly occupies one edge.
You can create an exclusive router with "--router_type exclusive"
For distributed router, it would always be exclusive router.
Change-Id: Ice8cbc20912bc9becc5a82a646c76b9153418189
Mellanox plugin was marked deprecated in Juno.
This commit actually removes the code for Kilo.
Mellanox recommends users to use mlnx or SR-IOV MD
Closes-Bug: #1386539
Change-Id: I7d109bf62f71b2996aef4e0002f447ca3439a5cf
Signed-off-by: Moshe Levi <>
The file has become too large. This patch is a simple
pure refactor to move some of the functionality in to other files
where things aren't too tangled up. There is no functional change
with this patch and I avoided gratuitous other fixups in this patch in
order to make it easier to review.
I plan to follow up on the new l3_dvr and l3_agent_router modules with
more restructuring in the near future.
Partially-Implements: bp restructure-l3-agent
Change-Id: I3529fe4146c50c940f41eb26d0b5efc5870b3af9
Neutron does not support Python 2.6 anymore starting with Kilo and might
not work correctly with it, so remove the classifier.
Change-Id: Ib7cddecdbec2c5152fe526bada6587129cf63ffd
Ryu plugin was marked deprecated in Juno.
This commit actually removes the code for Kilo.
We (Ryu team) recommend users to migrate to ofagent, on which
we aim to concentrate our development resources by this deprecation.
Partial-Bug: #1391714
Change-Id: I4916ce3c246730dc00516404471f8a1a008e27b6
neutron-ofagent-agent currently relies on the fact the rootwrap
filters for neutron-openvswitch-agent covers what it needs.
as they are independent agents and their requirements are
getting more different, introduce a dedicated rootwrap filters
for ofagent.
Closes-Bug: #1392560
Change-Id: Iba205260a238431432caf8d9697268ceeef85eca
The openvswitch core plugin has been removed but not its associated
"neutron.core_plugins" entry point. This change removes it from
Change-Id: I79f7c334cdeb0f4d0d68743734f69c0ec8523467
Related-Bug: #1323729
Closes-Bug: #1391326
This changeset removes the linuxbridge plugin, but retains the agent for ML2.
The database models were not removed since operators will need to migrate the
Additionally, the ml2 migration script was altered to support Juno. For
testing, a user must either run the migration against the icehouse
scheme or run the update, manually change alembic_version to juno and
then run the migration script. Once the juno migration is added, this
manually step will not be required.
Change-Id: I70689b4247947e6dc08e80fd9b31da9dc691d259
Partial-Bug: 1323729