Logical Service Nodes (LSN) are those that provide dhcp and metadata services to networks when the NSX plugin is used without the openstack dhcp and metadata proxy agents. External networks do not work with Neutron's dhcp and metadata services, therefore there is no need to provision a LSN in this case. Added UT to avoid regression. Closes-bug: #1316795 Change-Id: I3dab0c9cbecdd9296466c991d02d590d6bd5bd49
# -- Welcome!
You have come across a cloud computing network fabric controller. It has identified itself as "Neutron." It aims to tame your (cloud) networking!
# -- External Resources:
The homepage for Neutron is: http://launchpad.net/neutron . Use this site for asking for help, and filing bugs. Code is available on github at <http://github.com/openstack/neutron>.
The latest and most in-depth documentation on how to use Neutron is available at: <http://docs.openstack.org>. This includes:
Neutron Administrator Guide http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/openstack-network/admin/content/
Neutron API Reference: http://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-network/2.0/content/
The start of some developer documentation is available at: http://wiki.openstack.org/NeutronDevelopment
For help using or hacking on Neutron, you can send mail to <mailto:openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>.