Improve wait-for-realization

- Use tenacity retry methos with random wait
- Add config for sleep time between retries

Change-Id: Iec470d5019b554435d7797a4e94ae73ef6179aa4
This commit is contained in:
Adit Sarfaty 2019-03-28 11:32:39 +02:00
parent a754908731
commit 6616254449
3 changed files with 28 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ class NsxLibConfig(object):
not supported by the policy manager api.
:param realization_max_attempts: Maximum number of times to retry while
waiting for a resource to be realized.
:param realization_wait_sec: Number of seconds to wait between attempts
for a resource to be realized.
def __init__(self,
@ -111,8 +112,8 @@ class NsxLibConfig(object):
# TODO(asarfaty): reduce the default once plugin is stable
self.nsx_api_managers = nsx_api_managers
self._username = username
@ -137,6 +138,7 @@ class NsxLibConfig(object):
self.cluster_unavailable_retry = cluster_unavailable_retry
self.allow_passthrough = allow_passthrough
self.realization_max_attempts = realization_max_attempts
self.realization_wait_sec = realization_wait_sec
if dhcp_profile_uuid:
# this is deprecated, and never used.

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@ -215,33 +215,29 @@ class NsxPolicyResourceBase(object):
Return the realization info, or raise an error
if sleep is None:
sleep = 0.5
sleep = self.nsxlib_config.realization_wait_sec
if max_attempts is None:
max_attempts = self.nsxlib_config.realization_max_attempts
test_num = 0
while test_num < max_attempts:
@utils.retry_upon_none_result(max_attempts, delay=sleep, random=True)
def get_info():
info = self._get_realization_info(
resource_def, entity_type=entity_type)
if info and info['state'] == constants.STATE_REALIZED:
# TODO(asarfaty): why sometimes realization takes so long?
if test_num > 5:
LOG.warning("Waited %(time)s seconds for realization of "
"%(type)s %(id)s",
{'time': test_num * sleep,
'type': resource_def.resource_type(),
'id': resource_def.get_id()})
return info
test_num += 1
err_msg = (_("%(type)s ID %(id)s was not realized after %(attempts)s "
"attempts with %(sleep)s seconds sleep") %
{'type': resource_def.resource_type(),
'id': resource_def.get_id(),
'attempts': max_attempts,
'sleep': sleep})
raise exceptions.ManagerError(details=err_msg)
return get_info()
except Exception:
# max retries reached
err_msg = (_("%(type)s ID %(id)s was not realized after "
"%(attempts)s attempts with %(sleep)s seconds "
"sleep") %
{'type': resource_def.resource_type(),
'id': resource_def.get_id(),
'attempts': max_attempts,
'sleep': sleep})
raise exceptions.ManagerError(details=err_msg)
def _get_extended_attr_from_realized_info(self, realization_info,

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@ -184,11 +184,16 @@ def retry_random_upon_exception(exc, delay=0.5, max_delay=5,
before=_log_before_retry, after=_log_after_retry)
def retry_upon_none_result(max_attempts, delay=0.5, max_delay=2):
def retry_upon_none_result(max_attempts, delay=0.5, max_delay=2, random=False):
if random:
wait_func = tenacity.wait_exponential(
multiplier=delay, max=max_delay)
wait_func = tenacity.wait_random_exponential(
multiplier=delay, max=max_delay)
return tenacity.retry(reraise=True,
retry=tenacity.retry_if_result(lambda x: x is None),
multiplier=delay, max=max_delay),
before=_log_before_retry, after=_log_after_retry)