Specify the namespace for waiting, so no need to change the context Change-Id: I4b961bdc8c740e20d6b72200f0161d2f5c5c2c19
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41 lines
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# NOTE(mnaser): When a StatefulSet is deployed, it creates the pods one
# by one, which means the `kubectl wait` can race if it
# is ran before the other pods are created. We instead
# check for all the StatefulSets here manually instead
# and then use the second check below to do a "confirmation"
- name: Wait for all StatefulSets to become ready
- name: Retrieve all StatefulSets
command: kubectl get statefulset {% if wait_for_pods_namespace is defined %}-n {{ wait_for_pods_namespace }}{% endif %} -o name
register: _statefulsets
- name: Ensure the number of ready replicas matches the replicas
shell: kubectl get {{ zj_sts_item }} {% if wait_for_pods_namespace is defined %}-n {{ wait_for_pods_namespace }}{% endif %} -ogo-template='{{ '{{' }}eq .status.replicas .status.readyReplicas{{ '}}' }}'
register: _is_ready
until: _is_ready.stdout == 'true'
retries: 60
delay: 5
loop: "{{ _statefulsets.stdout_lines }}"
loop_var: zj_sts_item
# For the DaemonSet, very similar with StatefulSet
- name: Wait for all DaemonSets to become ready
- name: Retrieve all DaemonSets
command: kubectl get daemonset {% if wait_for_pods_namespace is defined %}-n {{ wait_for_pods_namespace }}{% endif %} -o name
register: _daemonsets
- name: Ensure the ready number matches the scheduled number
shell: kubectl get {{ zj_ds_item }} {% if wait_for_pods_namespace is defined %}-n {{ wait_for_pods_namespace }}{% endif %} -ogo-template='{{ '{{' }}eq .status.currentNumberScheduled .status.numberReady{{ '}}' }}'
register: _is_ready
until: _is_ready.stdout == 'true'
retries: 60
delay: 5
loop: "{{ _daemonsets.stdout_lines }}"
loop_var: zj_ds_item
- name: Wait for all pods to become ready
command: kubectl wait {% if wait_for_pods_namespace is defined %}-n {{ wait_for_pods_namespace }}{% endif %} --for=condition=Ready --timeout=120s pod --all