
23 lines
815 B

Validate bind zone.db files
This role uses ``named-checkzone`` to validate Bind ``zone.db`` files.
**Role Variables**
.. zuul:rolevar:: zone_files
:default: zuul.project.src_dir
Look for ``zone.db`` files recursively in this directory. The
layout should be ``domain.xyz/zone.db`` where a parent directory is
named for the zone the child ``zone.db`` file describes. This
populates the ``zone_db_files`` variable. Will not be used if
``zone_db_files`` is explicitly set per below.
.. zuul:rolevar:: zone_db_files
:default: []
A list of ``zone.db`` files to check. Each entry is a list with
the first element the domain, and the second element the path to
the ``zone.db`` file. If this variable is set, automatic searching
described by ``zone_files`` will not be performed.