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Zuul Web Javascript

zuul-web has an html, css and javascript component that is managed using Javascript toolchains. It is intended to be served by zuul-web directly from zuul/web/static in the simple case, or to be published to an alternate static web location, such as an Apache server.

The web applications are managed by yarn and webpack which in turn both assume a functioning and recent nodejs installation.

For the impatient who don't want deal with javascript toolchains

tl;dr - You have to build stuff with javascript tools.

The best thing would be to get familiar with the tools, there are a lot of good features available. But, if you don't want to know anything about the Javascript toolchains a few helpers have been provided.

If you have npm and docker installed and don't want to install newer nodejs or a bunch of javascript libraries, you can run:

npm run build:docker

If you have docker but do not have npm or nodejs installed, you can build the web app with:

docker run -it --rm -v $(PWD):/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app node:alpine \
    npm run build:dist-with-depends

Both do the same thing. Both versions will result in the built files being put into zuul/web/static.


Because the user inside of the Docker container is root, the files that it emits into zuul/web/static will be owned by root.

yarn dependency management

yarn manages the javascript dependencies. That means the first step is getting yarn installed.


The tools/install-js-tools.sh script will add apt or yum repositories and install nodejs and yarn from them. For RPM-based distros it needs to know which repo description file to download, so it calls out to tools/install-js-repos-rpm.sh.

Once yarn is installed, getting dependencies installed is:

yarn install

The yarn.lock file contains all of the specific versions that were installed before. Since this is an application it has been added to the repo.

To add new dependencies:

yarn add awesome-package

To remove dependencies:

yarn remove terrible-package

Adding or removing packages will add the logical dependency to package.json and will record the version of the package and any of its dependencies that were installed into yarn.lock so that other users can simply run yarn install and get the same environment.

To update a dependency:

yarn add awesome-package

Dependencies are installed into the node_modules directory. Deleting that directory and re-running yarn install should always be safe.

webpack asset management

webpack takes care of bundling web assets for deployment, including tasks such as minifying and transpiling for older browsers. It takes a javascript-first approach, and generates a html file that includes the appropriate javascript and CSS to get going.

We need to modify the html generated for each of our pages, so there are templates in web/templates.

The main webpack config file is webpack.config.js. In the Zuul tree that file is a stub file that includes either a dev or a prod environment from web/config/webpack.dev.js or web/config/webpack.prod.js. Most of the important bits are in web/config/webpack.common.js.


Building the code can be done with:

npm run build

zuul-web has a static route defined which serves files from zuul/web/static. npm run build will put the build output files into the zuul/web/static directory so that zuul-web can serve them.

There is a also a development-oriented version of that same command:

npm run build:dev

which will build for the dev environment. This causes some sample data to be bundled and included.

Webpack includes a development server that handles things like reloading and hot-updating of code. The following:

npm run start

will build the code and launch the dev server on localhost:8080. It will additionally watch for changes to the files and re-compile/refresh as needed. Arbitrary command line options will be passed through after a -- such as:

npm run start -- --open-file='static/status.html'

That's kind of annoying though, so additional targets exist for common tasks:

Run status against basic built-in demo data.

npm run start:status:basic

Run status against openstack built-in demo data

npm run start:status:openstack

Run status against tree built-in demo data.

npm run start:status:tree

Run status against live data from OpenStack's Zuul.

npm run start:status

Run builds against live data from OpenStack's Zuul.

npm run start:builds

Run jobs against live data from OpenStack's Zuul.

npm run start:jobs

Run console streamer.


There is not currently a good way to pass build_id paramter.

npm run start:stream

Additional run commands can be added in package.json in the scripts section.


The web application is a set of static files and is designed to be served by zuul-web from its static route. In order to make sure this works properly, the javascript build needs to be performed so that the javascript files are in the zuul/web/static directory. Because the javascript build outputs into the zuul/web/static directory, as long as npm run build has been done before pip install . or python setup.py sdist, all the files will be where they need to be.

Debugging minified code

Both the dev and prod ennvironments use the same devtool called source-map which makes debugging errors easier by including mapping information from the minified and bundled resources to their approriate non-minified source code locations. Javascript errors in the browser as seen in the developer console can be clicked on and the appropriate actual source code location will be shown.

source-map is considered an appropriate devtool for production, but has the downside that it is slower to update. However, since it includes the most complete mapping information and doesn't impact execution performance, so in our case we use it for both.