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Testing Your OpenStack Code
A Quickstart
This is designed to be enough information for you to run your first tests.
Detailed information on testing can be found here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Testing
*Install pip*::
[apt-get | yum] install python-pip
More information on pip here: http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/
*Use pip to install tox*::
pip install tox
As of zuul v3, a running zookeeper is required to execute tests.
*Install zookeeper*::
[apt-get | yum] install zookeeperd
*Start zookeeper*::
service zookeeper start
.. note:: Installing and bulding javascript is not required, but tests that
depend on the javascript assets having been built will be skipped
if you don't.
*Install javascript tools*::
*Install javascript dependencies*::
yarn install
*Build javascript assets*::
npm run build:dev
Run The Tests
*Navigate to the project's root directory and execute*::
Note: completing this command may take a long time (depends on system resources)
also, you might not see any output until tox is complete.
Information about tox can be found here: http://testrun.org/tox/latest/
Run The Tests in One Environment
Tox will run your entire test suite in the environments specified in the project tox.ini::
envlist = <list of available environments>
To run the test suite in just one of the environments in envlist execute::
tox -e <env>
so for example, *run the test suite in py35*::
tox -e py35
Run One Test
To run individual tests with tox::
tox -e <env> -- path.to.module.Class.test
For example, to *run a single Zuul test*::
tox -e py35 -- tests.unit.test_scheduler.TestScheduler.test_jobs_executed
To *run one test in the foreground* (after previously having run tox
to set up the virtualenv)::
.tox/py35/bin/stestr run -t tests.unit.test_scheduler.TestScheduler.test_jobs_executed
List Failing Tests
stestr failing --list
Hanging Tests
The following will run each test in turn and print the name of the
test as it is run::
. .tox/py35/bin/activate
stestr run
You can compare the output of that to::
python -m testtools.run discover --list
Need More Info?
More information about stestr: http://stestr.readthedocs.io/en/latest/