Antoine Musso 1903340017 Docs: fix stestr run example
In TESTING.rst, the `stestr run` incorrectly used `-t` to pass a test
filter. The option is common to `stestr` and is used to specify the test
path used for unittest discovery. It is already configured in


One just has to pass the fully qualified test name as an argument.

Change-Id: I8086ba862e5140eb2e1134c96359f1f30032b198
2020-01-21 10:36:07 +01:00

2.6 KiB

Testing Your OpenStack Code

A Quickstart

This is designed to be enough information for you to run your first tests. Detailed information on testing can be found here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Testing

Install pip:

[apt-get | yum] install python-pip

More information on pip here: http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/

Use pip to install tox and tox-docker:

pip install tox tox-docker

As of zuul v3, a running zookeeper is required to execute tests. Using the -docker suffixed commands will ensure this is started automatically by tox, but if you do not wish to use this:

Install zookeeper:

[apt-get | yum] install zookeeperd

Start zookeeper:

service zookeeper start


Installing and bulding javascript is not required, but tests that depend on the javascript assets having been built will be skipped if you don't.

Install javascript tools:


Install javascript dependencies:

pushd web
yarn install

Build javascript assets:

pushd web
yarn build

Run The Tests

Navigate to the project's root directory and execute:


Note: completing this command may take a long time (depends on system resources) also, you might not see any output until tox is complete.

Information about tox can be found here: http://testrun.org/tox/latest/

Run The Tests in One Environment

Tox will run your entire test suite in the environments specified in the project tox.ini:


envlist = <list of available environments>

To run the test suite in just one of the environments in envlist execute:

tox -e <env>

so for example, run the test suite in py35:

tox -e py35

Run One Test

To run individual tests with tox:

tox -e <env> -- path.to.module.Class.test

For example, to run a single Zuul test:

tox -e py35 -- tests.unit.test_scheduler.TestScheduler.test_jobs_executed

To run one test in the foreground (after previously having run tox to set up the virtualenv):

.tox/py35/bin/stestr run tests.unit.test_scheduler.TestScheduler.test_jobs_executed

List Failing Tests

.tox/py35/bin/activate stestr failing --list

Hanging Tests

The following will run each test in turn and print the name of the test as it is run:

. .tox/py35/bin/activate
stestr run

You can compare the output of that to:

python -m testtools.run discover --list

Need More Info?

More information about stestr: http://stestr.readthedocs.io/en/latest/