James E. Blair e2a472bc97 Change merge mode default based on driver
The default merge mode is 'merge-resolve' because it has been observed
that it more closely matches the behavior of jgit in Gerrit (or, at
least it did the last time we looked into this).  The other drivers
are unlikely to use jgit and more likely to use the default git
merge strategy.

This change allows the default to differ based on the driver, and
changes the default for all non-gerrit drivers to 'merge'.

The implementation anticipates that we may want to add more granularity
in the future, so the API accepts a project as an argument, and in
the future, drivers could provide a per-project default (which they
may obtain from the remote code review system).  That is not implemented

This adds some extra data to the /projects endpoint in the REST api.
It is currently not easy (and perhaps not possible) to determine what a
project's merge mode is through the api.  This change adds a metadata
field to the output which will show the resulting value computed from
all of the project stanzas.  The project stanzas themselves may have
null values for the merge modes now, so the web app now protects against

Change-Id: I9ddb79988ca08aba4662cd82124bd91e49fd053c
2022-10-13 10:31:19 -07:00

235 lines
9.5 KiB

.. _project:
A project corresponds to a source code repository with which Zuul is
configured to interact. The main responsibility of the project
configuration item is to specify which jobs should run in which
pipelines for a given project. Within each project definition, a
section for each :ref:`pipeline <pipeline>` may appear. This
project-pipeline definition is what determines how a project
participates in a pipeline.
Multiple project definitions may appear for the same project (for
example, in a central :term:`config projects <config-project>` as well
as in a repo's own ``.zuul.yaml``). In this case, all of the project
definitions for the relevant branch are combined (the jobs listed in
all of the matching definitions will be run). If a project definition
appears in a :term:`config-project`, it will apply to all branches of
the project. If it appears in a branch of an
:term:`untrusted-project` it will only apply to changes on that
branch. In the case of an item which does not have a branch (for
example, a tag), all of the project definitions will be combined.
Consider the following project definition::
- project:
name: yoyodyne
queue: integrated
- check-syntax
- unit-tests
- unit-tests
- integration-tests
The project has two project-pipeline stanzas, one for the ``check``
pipeline, and one for ``gate``. Each specifies which jobs should run
when a change for that project enters the respective pipeline -- when
a change enters ``check``, the ``check-syntax`` and ``unit-test`` jobs
are run.
Pipelines which use the dependent pipeline manager (e.g., the ``gate``
example shown earlier) maintain separate queues for groups of
projects. When Zuul serializes a set of changes which represent
future potential project states, it must know about all of the
projects within Zuul which may have an effect on the outcome of the
jobs it runs. If project *A* uses project *B* as a library, then Zuul
must be told about that relationship so that it knows to serialize
changes to A and B together, so that it does not merge a change to B
while it is testing a change to A.
Zuul could simply assume that all projects are related, or even infer
relationships by which projects a job indicates it uses, however, in a
large system that would become unwieldy very quickly, and
unnecessarily delay changes to unrelated projects. To allow for
flexibility in the construction of groups of related projects, the
change queues used by dependent pipeline managers are specified
manually. To group two or more related projects into a shared queue
for a dependent pipeline, set the ``queue`` parameter to the same
value for those projects.
The ``gate`` project-pipeline definition above specifies that this
project participates in the ``integrated`` shared queue for that
.. attr:: project
The following attributes may appear in a project:
.. attr:: name
The name of the project. If Zuul is configured with two or more
unique projects with the same name, the canonical hostname for
the project should be included (e.g., `git.example.com/foo`).
This can also be a regex. In this case the regex must start with ``^``
and match the full project name following the same rule as name without
regex. If not given it is implicitly derived from the project where this
is defined.
.. attr:: templates
A list of :ref:`project-template` references; the
project-pipeline definitions of each Project Template will be
applied to this project. If more than one template includes
jobs for a given pipeline, they will be combined, as will any
jobs specified in project-pipeline definitions on the project
.. attr:: default-branch
:default: master
The name of a branch that Zuul should check out in jobs if no
better match is found. Typically Zuul will check out the branch
which matches the change under test, or if a job has specified
an :attr:`job.override-checkout`, it will check that out.
However, if there is no matching or override branch, then Zuul
will checkout the default branch.
Each project may only have one ``default-branch`` therefore Zuul
will use the first value that it encounters for a given project
(regardless of in which branch the definition appears). It may
not appear in a :ref:`project-template` definition.
.. attr:: merge-mode
:default: (driver specific)
The merge mode which is used by Git for this project. Be sure
this matches what the remote system which performs merges (i.e.,
Gerrit). The requested merge mode will also be used by the
GitHub and GitLab drivers when performing merges.
The default is :value:`project.merge-mode.merge` for all drivers
except Gerrit, where the default is
Each project may only have one ``merge-mode`` therefore Zuul
will use the first value that it encounters for a given project
(regardless of in which branch the definition appears). It may
not appear in a :ref:`project-template` definition.
It must be one of the following values:
.. value:: merge
Uses the default git merge strategy (recursive). This maps to
the merge mode ``merge`` in GitHub and GitLab.
.. value:: merge-resolve
Uses the resolve git merge strategy. This is a very
conservative merge strategy which most closely matches the
behavior of Gerrit. This maps to the merge mode ``merge`` in
GitHub and GitLab.
.. value:: cherry-pick
Cherry-picks each change onto the branch rather than
performing any merges. This is not supported by Github and GitLab.
.. value:: squash-merge
Squash merges each change onto the branch. This maps to the
merge mode ``squash`` in GitHub and GitLab.
.. attr:: vars
:default: None
A dictionary of variables to be made available for all jobs in
all pipelines of this project. For more information see
:ref:`variable inheritance <user_jobs_variable_inheritance>`.
.. attr:: queue
This specifies the
name of the shared queue this project is in. Any projects
which interact with each other in tests should be part of the
same shared queue in order to ensure that they don't merge
changes which break the others. This is a free-form string;
just set the same value for each group of projects.
The name can refer to the name of a :attr:`queue` which allows
further configuration of the queue.
Each pipeline for a project can only belong to one queue,
therefore Zuul will use the first value that it encounters.
It need not appear in the first instance of a :attr:`project`
stanza; it may appear in secondary instances or even in a
:ref:`project-template` definition.
.. note:: This attribute is not evaluated speculatively and
its setting shall be merged to be effective.
.. attr:: <pipeline>
Each pipeline that the project participates in should have an
entry in the project. The value for this key should be a
dictionary with the following format:
.. attr:: jobs
A list of jobs that should be run when items for this project
are enqueued into the pipeline. Each item of this list may
be a string, in which case it is treated as a job name, or it
may be a dictionary, in which case it is treated as a job
variant local to this project and pipeline. In that case,
the format of the dictionary is the same as the top level
:attr:`job` definition. Any attributes set on the job here
will override previous versions of the job.
.. attr:: debug
If this is set to `true`, Zuul will include debugging
information in reports it makes about items in the pipeline.
This should not normally be set, but in situations were it is
difficult to determine why Zuul did or did not run a certain
job, the additional information this provides may help.
.. attr:: fail-fast
:default: false
If this is set to `true`, Zuul will report a build failure
immediately and abort all still running builds. This can be used
to save resources in resource constrained environments at the cost
of potentially requiring multiple attempts if more than one problem
is present.
Once this is defined it cannot be overridden afterwards. So this
can be forced to a specific value by e.g. defining it in a config
.. _project-template:
Project Template
A Project Template defines one or more project-pipeline definitions
which can be re-used by multiple projects.
A Project Template uses the same syntax as a :ref:`project`
definition, however, in the case of a template, the
:attr:`project.name` attribute does not refer to the name of a
project, but rather names the template so that it can be referenced in
a :ref:`project` definition.
Because Project Templates may be used outside of the projects where
they are defined, they honor the implied branch :ref:`pragmas <pragma>`
(unlike Projects). The same heuristics described in
:attr:`job.branches` that determine what implied branches a :ref:`job`
will receive apply to Project Templates (with the exception that it is
not possible to explicity set a branch matcher on a Project Template).