15 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Dave Borowitz
8cdc76ba4c Add @license tags to PG HTML and JS assets
These tags are preserved by the Closure compiler and vulcanize in order
to serve the license notices embedded in the outputs. In a standalone
Gerrit server, these license are also covered in the LICENSES.txt served
with the documentation. When serving PG assets from a CDN, it's less
obvious what the corresponding LICENSES.txt file is, since the CDN is
not directly linked to a running Gerrit server. Safer to embed the
licenses in the assets themselves.

Change-Id: Id1add1451fad1baa7916882a6bda02c326ccc988
2018-03-26 10:47:55 -04:00
Becky Siegel
8d92d53db5 Annotation updates
Change-Id: I146f76b9dcc1a92e18acec01481ad280fb431868
2017-08-12 11:49:52 -07:00
Mike Samuel
e07c4b2ea1 Add polygerrit-ui/app/test/common-test-setup.html
This is a partial roll-forward of c/106190

This replaces all loads of iron-test-helpers with a load of a file
that wraps it, and adds that file to test files that do not currently
load iron-test-helpers.

A future CL will also install polymer-resin via common-test-helpers.html.

I tested by running

$ WCT_ARGS="-l chrome" ./polygerrit-ui/app/run_test.sh

Change-Id: Ifb3cd2c8db13d724f57e56e7e78045470d103a43
2017-06-05 22:10:12 +00:00
Wyatt Allen
c601abccc3 Revert "Polygerrit now loads polymer-resin"
This reverts commit 0895052c01ac5ac657a9763d2ad9967d9ae55c18.

Reason for revert: issue 6387

Change-Id: I14e00addeab53606952aa3ea2d45a74eac7a9d8a
2017-06-02 09:37:37 -07:00
Mike Samuel
0895052c01 Polygerrit now loads polymer-resin
polymer-resin intercepts polymer property assignments
before they reach XSS-vulnerable sinks like `href="..."`
and text nodes in `<script>` elements.

This follows the instructions in WORKSPACE for adding a new bower
dependency with kaspern's tweak to use the dependency in a rule so
that it's found.  //lib/js/bower_components.bzl has already been
rolled-back per those instructions.

The license is the polymer license as can be seen at
https://github.com/Polymer/polymer-resin/blob/master/LICENSE though
I'm not sure that //tools/js/bower2bazel.py recognizes it as such.

Docs for the added component are available at

With this change, when I introduce an XSS vulnerability as below,
polymer-resin intercepts and stops it.

Patch that introduces a strawman vulnerability.

--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/core/gr-main-header/gr-main-header.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/core/gr-main-header/gr-main-header.js
@@ -55,6 +55,10 @@
         url: '/q/status:abandoned',
         name: 'Abandoned',
+      {
+        url: location.hash.replace(/^#/, '') || 'http://example.com/#fragment_echoed_here',
+        name: 'XSS Me',
+      },


Address kaspern's and paladox's comments.


Undo version bumps for bower dependencies.


Change Soy index template to parallel app/index.html.


update polymer-resin to version 1.1.1-beta


Load polymer-resin into polygerrit-ui/**/*_test.html

After this, I ran the tests with
  -l chrome
  -l firefox

I ran a handful of tests with -p and observed that the
console shows "initResin" is called before test cases start

These changes were done programmaticly by running the script below
(approximately) thus:
gerrit/ $ cd polygerrit-ui/app
app/ $ find . -name \*test.html | xargs perl hack-tests.pl

use strict;

sub removeResin($) {
  my $s = $_[0];
  $s =~ s@<link rel="import" href="[^"]*/polymer-resin/[^"]*"[^>]*>\n?@@;
  $s =~ s@<script src="[^"]*/polymer-resin/[^"]*"></script>\n?@@;
  $s =~ s@<script>\s*security\.polymer_resin.*?</script>\n?@@s;
  return $s;

for my $f (@ARGV) {
  next if $f =~ m@/bower_components/|/node_modules/@;

  system('git', 'checkout', $f);
  print "$f\n";

  my @lines = ();
  open(IN, "<$f") or die "$f: $!";
  my $maxLineOfMatch = 0;
  while (<IN>) {
    push(@lines, $_);
    # Put a marker after core loading directives.
    $maxLineOfMatch = scalar(@lines)
      if m@/webcomponentsjs/|/polymer[.]html\b|/browser[.]js@;
  close(IN) or die "$f: $!";

  die "$f missing loading directives" unless $maxLineOfMatch;

  # Given ./a/b/c/my_test.html, $pathToRoot is "../../.."
  # assuming no non-leading . or .. components in the path from find.
  my $pathToRoot = $f;
  $pathToRoot =~ s@^\.\/@@;
  $pathToRoot =~ s@^(.*?/)?app/@@;
  $pathToRoot =~ s@\/[^\/]*$@@;
  $pathToRoot =~ s@[^/]+@..@g;

  my $nLines = scalar(@lines);
  open(OUT, ">$f") or die "$f: $!";

  # Output the lines up to the last polymer-resin dependency
  # loaded explicitly by this test.
  my $before = join '', @lines[0..($maxLineOfMatch - 1)];
  $before = removeResin($before);
  print OUT "$before";

  # Dump out the lines that load polymer-resin and configure it for
  # polygerrit.
  if (1) {
      print OUT qq'<link rel="import" href="$pathToRoot/bower_components/polymer-resin/standalone/polymer-resin-debug.html"/>
security.polymer_resin.install({allowedIdentifierPrefixes: [\'\']});

  # Emit any remaining lines.
  my $after = join '', @lines[$maxLineOfMatch..$#lines];
  $after = removeResin($after);
  $after =~ s/^\n*//;
  print OUT "$after";

  close(OUT) or die "$f: $!";


update polymer-resin to version 1.2.1-beta


update Soy index template to new style polymer-resin initialization


fix lint warnings


Load test/common-test-setup.html into *_test.html

Instead of inserting instructions to load and initialize polymer-resin into
every test file, add a common-test-setup.html that does that and also fold
iron-test-helpers loading into it.


imported files do not need to load webcomponentsjs

Change-Id: I71221c36ed8a0fe7f8720c1064a2fcc9555bb8df
2017-05-30 23:16:09 -04:00
Kasper Nilsson
36e4c91a54 ES6ify /gr-ranged-comment-layer/*
Bug: Issue 6179
Change-Id: I4a681e2bb6e0863e8ddba6c89709b3835d4a19c9
2017-05-16 16:37:39 -07:00
Kasper Nilsson
7aebc5fdc8 Fix Closure errors in PolyGerrit
The Closure Compiler is very picky with regard to JSDoc formatting. This
change fixes a few invalid JSDoc issues, and removes the corresponding
suppresses from the BUILD file. Additionally, modify the transpilation
target language to ES5.

After this change, there should no longer be warnings from the Closure
Compiler during building of PolyGerrit.

Change-Id: If7566e40c2c419c55f2a634c0f558c6cc263f61c
2017-04-27 09:00:43 +02:00
Viktar Donich
29e1ce5e84 Collection of prospective test flake fixes
Potentially related:

Bug: Issue 5792
Change-Id: I9ab6e8e40d9811dd52906335426764c052907609
2017-03-30 13:46:58 -07:00
Wyatt Allen
acf90d192d Console log and reporting on invalid comment ranges
Change-Id: Ie1f0172cee1d7b4a2e78d5eb8c60745162f650f1
2017-03-16 17:31:31 -07:00
Wyatt Allen
6a96c8b248 Normalize some invalid comment ranges
Formerly, nonsensical comment ranges would prevent comments from
appearing in diffs. With this change, ranges are normalized by the
ranged comment layer so that they can be translated into valid

See also
* Ibcab6e537abe8b81e764b09982a2581ae81463f8 should reject such ranges.
* I019e00063ab5c45c99379f3f9fb74eda0408d63f should avoid this error when
  constructing comment emails.

Bug: Issue 5744
Change-Id: Ib5834017f81f81a877b32264ee57d72302911a6c
2017-03-10 12:21:03 -08:00
Kasper Nilsson
1ba850e594 Fix comment copy logic
The addition of formatting in comments broke a variety of things having
to do with the copying logic. This change updates the logic and tests
to reflect the new DOM.

This issue arose because of a lack of integration tests for copying and
selection. That test is coming in a descendant change.

Bug: Issue 4969
Change-Id: I4e1994ab07947506c77b07877a46a9369d666d50
2016-12-02 15:25:27 -08:00
Urs Wolfer
a010547eef Fix issues detected by 'JSHint' and 'JSCS'
Change-Id: Id16d7abe53d5f65c97bf778dc532e404b41283d8
2016-10-20 20:41:00 +02:00
Wyatt Allen
5c5f00fb13 Refactors annotation layer
Formerly, the annotation layer interface provided the GrAnnotation
library as a parameter to the `annotate` method. This was so the layer
would not necessarily need to import the library at the module level
and instead could use it as a utility toolbox.

With this change, the library is no-longer part of the interface and the
layers are now expected to import it at the module layer (if they have
a use for it).

Change-Id: I49b96c67ec724708c2861ab6be3ce27a53cc1b05
2016-07-25 22:47:01 -07:00
Wyatt Allen
d0dd392794 Establish annotation pipeline
Apply diff annotations (intraline differences and comment ranges) by
executing the annotation layers in order to each line. The diff builder
maintains an ordered array of annotation layers which are communicated
to GrDiffBuilder subclass instances. The builder also listens to each
layer for notifications that annotations have changed for some line
range and re-renders (i.e. re-applies the pipeline on DIV.contentText
elements) accordingly.

Change-Id: Iea0599d4869cafaadc0974158153a91d927913e8
2016-07-20 12:25:40 -07:00
Wyatt Allen
2f6d5450e5 Define two annotation layers
Adds a function to create an annotation layer for intraline differences
in gr-diff-builder (as a vanilla object) and introduces an annotation
layer for ranged comment highlights (as a Polymer element).

The interface for annotation layers may become more formalized later,
but at this stage, an annotation layer needs to be an object with the
following two methods.

* `annotate : Function<HTMLElement, GrDiffLine, GrAnnotation>`
* `addListener : Function<Function<Number, Number, String>>`

The `annotate` method applies that layer's annotations to the provided
DIV.contentText element and line object. The annotation library is
provided for convenience. The `addListener` method registers a listener
for when an annotation layer says that a range of lines needs to be

As of this change, the builder is not yet making use of these new
layers, leaving functionality as-is.

Change-Id: I1083aaeb7e1d6eeff46687fa5cf7b52bc6bb834d
2016-07-19 15:28:40 -07:00