Clarify re-approval and recheck relationship. Change-Id: Idda058417c542e6a0ad5e521fb65097727f48cf8
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Core Reviewer's Guide
Core Reviewer's Guide
Maintaining the Core Group
+/-2 votes
Only core reviewers can give +2 and -2 votes. A vote of +2 indicates that the core reviewer agrees that the patch can merge as is.
A vote of -2 blocks a patch completely, it should only be given in exceptional cases. For example, if a patch is approved and currently in the gate pipeline, a -2 will block it from merging.
Note that -2 votes are the only votes that are not reset when a new patch gets uploaded. The core reviewer that gave a -2 is the only person that can remove it again.
Once a patch has two +2 votes and neither any -2 votes or a Work in Progress tag set, it is ready to be merged. Any core reviewer can approve such a patch. A core reviewer can give a +2 and approval in the same review.
Work In Progress
The "Work in progress" (WIP) label tells anyone looking at a change that more updates are still needed. Both the change's owner and any core reviewer can set the WIP statusː
- A change owner can set this label on their own review to mark that additional changes are still being made, and to avoid unnecessary reviews while that happens.
- A core reviewer can set the WIP label to acknowledge that a contributor will definitely need to do more work on a change rather than merely expressing an opinion on its readiness. This can be a great convenience to fellow reviewers. It allows the core reviewer to politely send the message that the change needs additional work while simultaneously removing it from the list of ready changes until that happens.
A WIP label gets reset when a new patch is uploaded. The reviewer that sets a WIP label, can also reset it.
As covered in automated-testing
, developers can take steps when
Jenkins tests fail. Core reviewers, like other developers, can use these
same steps when rerunning tests. Core reviewers have an additional tool
for cases where gate testing fails due to reasons unrelated to the
current change, re-approval.
Core reviewers can approve changes again to trigger gate testing for
that particular change. Core reviewers should still heed the advice in
ensure that unrelated failures are properly tracked. Note that the
change will directly enter the gate pipeline if and only if it has
already a +1 vote from Jenkins, otherwise it will first enter the check
pipeline like a "recheck" would.
When re-approving, core reviewers may need to work around a specific set of Gerrit behavior. Gerrit only emits vote values in its event stream when a reviewer's vote values change. This means that if a core reviewer has already voted +1 Approved in the workflow category they will need to leave a comment of +0 in the workflow category then re-approve with a new +1 Approved comment.