Well, sort of. We enable them but immediately filter out the ones we're actually seeing, the rationale being that we can address these in a piecemeal fashion without the risk of introducing new issues. There's a lot more to be done here. However, the work done in oslo.db [1] should provide a guide for how to resolve the outstanding issues. [1] https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:"sqlalchemy-20"+project:openstack/oslo.db Change-Id: I9e8d3e3a82c51c3c008ef7380f2f619ed492205e Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <stephenfin@redhat.com>
OpenStack Cinder
OpenStack Cinder is a storage service for an open cloud computing service.
You can learn more about Cinder at:
Getting Started
If you'd like to run from the master branch, you can clone the git repo:
git clone https://opendev.org/openstack/cinder
If you'd like to contribute, please see the information in CONTRIBUTING.rst
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Python client