Sean McGinnis 3dccfc7643
Fix docs build error due to duplicate references
Class docstrings were being pulled in to multiple locations, causing
sphinx errors due to the duplicate references. This fixes it by adding
the :noindex: option to those references.

Also temporarily disabling the PDF build as that is failing with another
issue that should be fixed in a follow up.

Change-Id: I6de2948ff49e1bb0b6a8b9a3a90f9f2ebbb8b7bb
Signed-off-by: Sean McGinnis <>
2020-06-24 16:56:51 -05:00

5.2 KiB


Data format

Internally, CloudKitty's data format is a bit more detailled than what can be found in the architecture documentation.

The internal data format is the following:

    "bananas": [
            "vol": {
                "unit": "banana",
                "qty": 1
            "rating": {
                "price": 1
            "groupby": {
                "xxx_id": "hello",
                "yyy_id": "bye",
            "metadata": {
                "flavor": "chocolate",
                "eaten_by": "gorilla",

However, developers implementing a collector don't need to format the data themselves, as there are helper functions for these matters.


Each collector must implement the following class:


The retrieve method of the BaseCollector class is called by the orchestrator. This method calls the fetch_all method of the child class.

To create a collector, you need to implement at least the fetch_all method.

Data collection

Collectors must implement a fetch_all method. This method is called for each metric type, for each scope, for each collect period. It has the following prototype:


This method is supposed to return a list of cloudkitty.dataframe.DataPoint objects.

Example code of a basic collector:

from cloudkitty.collector import BaseCollector

class MyCollector(BaseCollector):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(MyCollector, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def fetch_all(self, metric_name, start, end,
                  project_id=None, q_filter=None):
        data = []
        for CONDITION:
            # do stuff
                qty, # int, float, decimal.Decimal or str
                0, # price
                groupby, # dict
                metadata, # dict

        return data

project_id can be misleading, as it is a legacy name. It contains the ID of the current scope. The attribute corresponding to the scope is specified in the configuration, under [collect]/scope_key. Thus, all queries should filter based on this attribute. Example:

from oslo_config import cfg

from cloudkitty.collector import BaseCollector


class MyCollector(BaseCollector):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(MyCollector, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def fetch_all(self, metric_name, start, end,
                  project_id=None, q_filter=None):
        scope_key = CONF.collect.scope_key
        filters = {'start': start, 'stop': stop, scope_key: project_id}

        data = self.client.query(
        # Format data etc
        return output

Additional configuration

If you need to extend the metric configuration (add parameters to the extra_args section of metrics.yml), you can overload the check_configuration method of the base collector:


This method uses voluptuous for data validation. The base schema for each metric can be found in cloudkitty.collector.METRIC_BASE_SCHEMA. This schema is meant to be extended by other collectors. Example taken from the gnocchi collector code:

from cloudkitty import collector

    Required('extra_args'): {
        Required('resource_type'): All(str, Length(min=1)),
        # Due to Gnocchi model, metric are grouped by resource.
        # This parameter allows to adapt the key of the resource identifier
        Required('resource_key', default='id'): All(str, Length(min=1)),
        Required('aggregation_method', default='max'):
            In(['max', 'mean', 'min']),

class GnocchiCollector(collector.BaseCollector):

    collector_name = 'gnocchi'

    def check_configuration(conf):
        conf = collector.BaseCollector.check_configuration(conf)
        metric_schema = Schema(collector.METRIC_BASE_SCHEMA).extend(

        output = {}
        for metric_name, metric in conf.items():
            met = output[metric_name] = metric_schema(metric)

            if met['extra_args']['resource_key'] not in met['groupby']:

        return output

If your collector does not need any extra_args, it is not required to overload the check_configuration method.