2014-10-29 22:08:13 -05:00
2014-10-21 11:40:08 -04:00
DevStack has always tried to be mostly-functional with a minimal amount
of configuration. The number of options has ballooned as projects add
features, new projects added and more combinations need to be tested.
Historically DevStack obtained all local configuration and
customizations from a ``localrc`` file. The number of configuration
variables that are simply passed-through to the individual project
configuration files is also increasing. The old mechanism for this
(``EXTRAS_OPTS`` and friends) required specific code for each file and
did not scale well.
In Oct 2013 a new configuration method was introduced (in `review
46768 <https://review.openstack.org/#/c/46768/>`__) to hopefully
simplify this process and meet the following goals:
- contain all non-default local configuration in a single file
- be backward-compatible with ``localrc`` to smooth the transition
- allow settings in arbitrary configuration files to be changed
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The new configuration file is ``local.conf`` and resides in the root
DevStack directory like the old ``localrc`` file. It is a modified INI
format file that introduces a meta-section header to carry additional
information regarding the configuration files to be changed.
The new header is similar to a normal INI section header but with double
brackets (``[[ ... ]]``) and two internal fields separated by a pipe
[[ <phase> | <config-file-name> ]]
where ``<phase>`` is one of a set of phase names defined by ``stack.sh``
and ``<config-file-name>`` is the configuration filename. The filename
is eval'ed in the ``stack.sh`` context so all environment variables are
available and may be used. Using the project config file variables in
the header is strongly suggested (see the ``NOVA_CONF`` example below).
If the path of the config file does not exist it is skipped.
The defined phases are:
- **local** - extracts ``localrc`` from ``local.conf`` before
``stackrc`` is sourced
- **pre-install** - runs after the system packages are installed but
before any of the source repositories are installed
- **install** - runs immediately after the repo installations are
- **post-config** - runs after the layer 2 services are configured and
before they are started
- **extra** - runs after services are started and before any files in
``extra.d`` are executed
The file is processed strictly in sequence; meta-sections may be
specified more than once but if any settings are duplicated the last to
appear in the file will be used.
use_syslog = True
enabled = False
A specific meta-section ``local|localrc`` is used to provide a default
``localrc`` file (actually ``.localrc.auto``). This allows all custom
settings for DevStack to be contained in a single file. If ``localrc``
exists it will be used instead to preserve backward-compatibility. More
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details on the :doc:`contents of local.conf <local.conf>` are available.
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Note that ``Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE`` is unique in that it is assumed to
*NOT* start with a ``/`` (slash) character. A slash will need to be
Also note that the ``localrc`` section is sourced as a shell script
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fragment and MUST conform to the shell requirements, specifically no
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whitespace around ``=`` (equals).
Minimal Configuration
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While ``stack.sh`` is happy to run without a ``localrc`` section in
``local.conf``, devlife is better when there are a few minimal variables
set. This is an example of a minimal configuration that touches the
values that most often need to be set.
- no logging
- pre-set the passwords to prevent interactive prompts
- move network ranges away from the local network (``FIXED_RANGE`` and
``FLOATING_RANGE``, commented out below)
- set the host IP if detection is unreliable (``HOST_IP``, commented
out below)
If the ``*_PASSWORD`` variables are not set here you will be prompted to
enter values for them by ``stack.sh``.
The network ranges must not overlap with any networks in use on the
host. Overlap is not uncommon as RFC-1918 'private' ranges are commonly
used for both the local networking and Nova's fixed and floating ranges.
``HOST_IP`` is normally detected on the first run of ``stack.sh`` but
often is indeterminate on later runs due to the IP being moved from an
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Ethernet interface to a bridge on the host. Setting it here also makes it
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available for ``openrc`` to set ``OS_AUTH_URL``. ``HOST_IP`` is not set
by default.
Common Configuration Variables
2014-11-17 07:10:14 -05:00
Installation Directory
2014-10-21 11:40:08 -04:00
| *Default: ``DEST=/opt/stack``*
| The DevStack install directory is set by the ``DEST`` variable.
| By setting it early in the ``localrc`` section you can reference it
in later variables. It can be useful to set it even though it is not
changed from the default value.
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Libraries from Git
| *Default: ``LIBS_FROM_GIT=""``*
| By default devstack installs OpenStack server components from
git, however it installs client libraries from released versions
on pypi. This is appropriate if you are working on server
development, but if you want to see how an unreleased version of
the client affects the system you can have devstack install it
from upstream, or from local git trees.
| Multiple libraries can be specified as a comma separated list.
Enable Logging
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| *Defaults: ``LOGFILE="" LOGDAYS=7 LOG_COLOR=True``*
| By default ``stack.sh`` output is only written to the console
where is runs. It can be sent to a file in addition to the console
by setting ``LOGFILE`` to the fully-qualified name of the
destination log file. A timestamp will be appended to the given
filename for each run of ``stack.sh``.
Old log files are cleaned automatically if ``LOGDAYS`` is set to the
number of days of old log files to keep.
The some of the project logs (Nova, Cinder, etc) will be colorized
by default (if ``SYSLOG`` is not set below); this can be turned off
by setting ``LOG_COLOR`` False.
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Logging the Screen Output
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| *Default: ``SCREEN_LOGDIR=""``*
| By default DevStack runs the OpenStack services using ``screen``
which is useful for watching log and debug output. However, in
automated testing the interactive ``screen`` sessions may not be
available after the fact; setting ``SCREEN_LOGDIR`` enables logging
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of the ``screen`` sessions in the specified directory. There will be
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one file per ``screen`` session named for the session name and a
*Note the use of ``DEST`` to locate the main install directory; this
is why we suggest setting it in ``local.conf``.*
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Enabling Syslog
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| Logging all services to a single syslog can be convenient. Enable
syslogging by setting ``SYSLOG`` to ``True``. If the destination log
host is not localhost ``SYSLOG_HOST`` and ``SYSLOG_PORT`` can be
used to direct the message stream to the log host.
A clean install every time
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| *Default: ``RECLONE=""``*
| By default ``stack.sh`` only clones the project repos if they do
not exist in ``$DEST``. ``stack.sh`` will freshen each repo on each
run if ``RECLONE`` is set to ``yes``. This avoids having to manually
remove repos in order to get the current branch from ``$GIT_BASE``.
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| Default: SWIFT_HASH=""
| SWIFT_DATA_DIR=$DEST/data/swift
| Swift is now used as the back-end for the S3-like object store.
When enabled Nova's objectstore (n-obj in ENABLED_SERVICES) is
automatically disabled. Enable Swift by adding it services to
ENABLED_SERVICES: enable_service s-proxy s-object s-container
2014-10-21 11:40:08 -04:00
Setting Swift's hash value is required and you will be prompted for
it if Swift is enabled so just set it to something already:
For development purposes the default number of replicas is set to
``1`` to reduce the overhead required. To better simulate a
production deployment set this to ``3`` or more.
The data for Swift is stored in the source tree by default (in
``$DEST/swift/data``) and can be moved by setting
``SWIFT_DATA_DIR``. The specified directory will be created if it
does not exist.
*Note: Previously just enabling ``swift`` was sufficient to start
the Swift services. That does not provide proper service
granularity, particularly in multi-host configurations, and is
considered deprecated. Some service combination tests now check for
specific Swift services and the old blanket acceptance will longer
work correctly.*
Service Catalog Backend
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2014-10-21 11:40:08 -04:00
| DevStack uses Keystone's ``sql`` service catalog backend. An
alternate ``template`` backend is also available. However, it does
not support the ``service-*`` and ``endpoint-*`` commands of the
``keystone`` CLI. To do so requires the ``sql`` backend be enabled:
DevStack's default configuration in ``sql`` mode is set in
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| Default:
| The logical volume group used to hold the Cinder-managed volumes
is set by ``VOLUME_GROUP``, the logical volume name prefix is set
with ``VOLUME_NAME_PREFIX`` and the size of the volume backing file
Multi-host DevStack
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| *Default: ``MULTI_HOST=False``*
| Running DevStack with multiple hosts requires a custom
``local.conf`` section for each host. The master is the same as a
single host installation with ``MULTI_HOST=True``. The slaves have
fewer services enabled and a couple of host variables pointing to
the master.
| **Master**
API rate limits
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2014-10-21 11:40:08 -04:00
| Default: ``API_RATE_LIMIT=True``
| Integration tests such as Tempest will likely run afoul of the
default rate limits configured for Nova. Turn off rate limiting
during testing by setting ``API_RATE_LIMIT=False``.*
2014-06-30 09:55:11 -04:00
IP Version
| Default: ``IP_VERSION=4``
| This setting can be used to configure DevStack to create either an IPv4,
IPv6, or dual stack tenant data network by setting ``IP_VERSION`` to
either ``IP_VERSION=4``, ``IP_VERSION=6``, or ``IP_VERSION=4+6``
respectively. This functionality requires that the Neutron networking
service is enabled by setting the following options:
disable_service n-net
enable_service q-svc q-agt q-dhcp q-l3
| The following optional variables can be used to alter the default IPv6
can be configured with any valid IPv6 prefix. The default values make
use of an auto-generated ``IPV6_GLOBAL_ID`` to comply with RFC 4193.*
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2014-11-17 07:10:14 -05:00
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- Eliminate a Cinder pass-through (``CINDER_PERIODIC_INTERVAL``):
periodic_interval = 60
- Sample ``local.conf`` with screen logging enabled: