The containers used by freezer to executed backups needs to have freezer_ prefix in the name. If the user provider container doesn't have the prefix, it is automatically added also to the container segments name. This is done to quickly identify the containers Added --path-to-backup to the existing ones (-F, --file-to-backup) as can be more intuitive for the user Bumped version to: 1.1.0 as 1.0.9-2 is now tagged in upstream Change-Id: I891391ea07f75b5dcdc43d9b1d65a75837065f30 LAUNCHPAD: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/freezer/+spec/freezer-containers
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Install instructions
Please check README.rst for further installation instructions.
Install from sources::
You have now the freezerc tool installed in /usr/local/bin/freezerc
Please execute the following command to all the available options:
$ freezerc --help [...]
Please read README.txt or HACKING.txt to see the requirement and more
technical details about how to run freezer
Thanks, The Freezer Team.