As discussed in Yoga PTG TC+PTL interaction sessions[1], adding goal checklist to know if goal is ready or not. Also, remove the goal schedule which was needed when goal were coupled with development cycle. [1] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-ptl-interaction Change-Id: I91c21233673c75f37461094dcf1fbb9ef4ca2e5e
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(one line goal description here)
Explain what the goal is in general terms. Include the reasoning and justification for applying the goal to all OpenStack projects.
Design & Implementation details
Add all the details about design, implementation, direction, etc or link where these are explained.
Goal Checklist
Is design finalized? (Mandatory)
Status: <YES/NO> <Provide links to specs, gerrit, etherpad, wiki, IRC, or other documention sites>
Is implemenation finalized? (Mandatory)
Status: <YES/NO> <Provide link to gerrit, etherpad, wiki, ML, etc> |
Is there any dependency or blocker? (Mandatory)
Status: <YES/NO> <List all dependencies or blockers from OpenStack or External software with their plan and possibilities to complete>
Current state (Optional)
Provide a summary of the current state of any ongoing work related to the goal, including projects that have completed the work already and can serve as examples.
Regular Meeting & Discussion (Optional)
<Provide links to regular meetings or discussion where projects can contact champion for their query. If you have not planned any regular meetings then mention "openstack-discuss ML" or IRC channel for discussion>
Completion Date & Criteria
Set the target dates or different milestones with the items that must be true in order to call the milestone and goal "completed" for a given project.
Completion Date: Items to complete: #. one #. two
Milestone 1 Date: Items to complete: #. one #. two
Milestone 2 Date: Items to complete: #. one #. two . .
Goals need a main driver to project-manage them to completion. Project teams need assistance, reminders and sometimes direct help in order for them to complete the goals.
Status & Tracking
- Storyboard Board
<put the link to the tracking board here>
- Storyboard Story
<put the link to the story for this goal here> OR
- Etherpad
<put the link to etherpad where progress is tracked>
Gerrit Topic
To facilitate tracking, commits related to this goal should use the gerrit topic:
<insert topic here>
Provide reference links to previous discussions on the mailing list or IRC, etherpads, wiki pages, other forms of notes, and documentation that would be useful to a project team in working on the goal.