Add "update_nvidia_nic_firmware_image" and "update_nvidia_nic_firmware_settings"
clean steps to MellanoxDeviceHardwareManager.
By adding those two steps, we can update the firmware image and
firmware settings of NVIDIA NICs by ironic-python-agent using
manual cleaning command
The clean steps require mstflint package installed on the image.
The "update_nvidia_nic_firmware_image" clean step requires to pass
"images" parameter to the clean command
The "images" parameter is a json blob contains
a list of images, where each image contains a map of:
* url: to firmware image (file://, http://)
* checksum: checksum of the provided image
* checksumType: md5/sha512/sha256
* componentFlavor: PSID of the nic
* version: version of the FW
The "update_nvidia_nic_firmware_settings" clean step requires to pass
"settings" parameter to the clean command
The "settings" parameter is a json blob contains
a list of settings, where each settings contains a map of:
* deviceID: device ID
* globalConfig: global config
* function0Config: function 0 config
* function1Config: function 1 config
Change-Id: Icfaffd7c58c3c73c3fa28cfc2a6c954d2c93c16e
Story: 2010228
Task: 46016
The unit tests for create_configuration give different result if
ran on a bios or uefi booted machine because they get the
partition table type value based on the utils function
Let's mock the boot_mode as we do in other tests to get an
independent result.
Change-Id: Ic0e7daea7ec4ce0806cd126c27166f84690c5d9e
The current way of prioritizing ID/DM_SERIAL_SHORT or ID/DM_SERIAL works
in most cases but the udev values seem to be unreliable.
Based on experience it looks like lsblk might be a better
source of truth than udev in regerards to serial number
information. This commit makes lsblk the default provider
of block device serial number information.
Story: 2010263
Task: 46161
Change-Id: I16039b46676f1a61b32ee7ca7e6d526e65829113
When IPA runs _install_grub2, IPA tries to bind mount /dev, /proc and /run
to <temporal directory path root partition mounted>/{dev,proc,run}.
However that bind mount fails because there aren't such mount point path
under temporal directory.
To fix this failure, this patch add mkdir command before bind mount.
Story: 2010292
Task: 46273
Change-Id: I434ce1bf1863ee0f11c4d09918d6d2d8dc065c02
Extend the ability to skip disks to RAID devices
This allows users to specify the volume name of
a logical device in the skip list which is then not cleaned
or created again during the create/apply configuration phase
The volume name can be specified in target raid config provided
the change
Story: 2010233
Change-Id: Ib9290a97519bc48e585e1bafb0b60cc14e621e0f
Use 'volume_name' field from 'target_raid_config' to create logical
disks if it is present
Do not allow two logical disks to have the same volume name
Change-Id: If3e4e9f8698ec3e0cb49717f8ed2087d2ba03f2c
In the event a device name is set to contain a raid device path,
it is possible for the Name and Events field values of mdadm's
detailed output to contain text which inadvertently gets captured and
mapped as component data for the "holder" devices of the RAID set.
This would cause invalid values to get passed to UEFI methods
which would cause a deployment to fail under these circumstances.
We now ignore the Name and Events fields in mdadm output.
Change-Id: If721dfe1caa5915326482969e55fbf4697538231
Fix minor issues suggested by dtantsur
Add an example of skip list specification to the documentation
A follow-up patch to I3bdad3cca8acb3e0a69ebb218216e8c8419e9d65
Change-Id: Ic94a33b7bc0572a1cc8f92b330474ec63a173e81
Introduce a field skip_block_devices in properties - this is a list of dictionaries
Create a helper function list_block_devices_check_skip_list
Update tests of erase_devices_express to use node when calling _list_erasable_devices
Add tests covering various options of the skip list definition
Use the helper function in get_os_install_device when node is cached
Story: 2009914
Change-Id: I3bdad3cca8acb3e0a69ebb218216e8c8419e9d65
The 5 lines of code were extracted from erase_devices_metadata to _list_erasable_devices, but now are duplicated in both functions.
The variable block_devices is not used in erase_devices_metadata.
Change-Id: I89f56c69d90fb0eb61907d6667266fbd57d333af
Certain filesystems are sometimes used in specialty computing
environments where a shared storage infrastructure or fabric exists.
These filesystems allow for multi-host shared concurrent read/write
access to the underlying block device by *not* locking the entire
device for exclusive use. Generally ranges of the disk are reserved
for each interacting node to write to, and locking schemes are used
to prevent collissions.
These filesystems are common for use cases where high availability
is required or ability for individual computers to collaborate on a
given workload is critical, such as a group of hypervisors supporting
virtual machines because it can allow for nearly seamless transfer
of workload from one machine to another.
Similar technologies are also used for cluster quorum and cluster
durable state sharing, however that is not specifically considered
in scope.
Where things get difficult is becuase the entire device is not
exclusively locked with the storage fabrics, and in some cases locking
is handled by a Distributed Lock Manager on the network, or via special
sector interactions amongst the cluster members which understand
and support the filesystem.
As a reult of this IO/Interaction model, an Ironic-Python-Agent
performing cleaning can effectively destroy the cluster just by
attempting to clean storage which it percieves as attached locally.
This is not IPA's fault, often this case occurs when a Storage
Administrator forgot to update LUN masking or volume settings on
a SAN as it relates to an individual host in the overall
computing environment. The net result of one node cleaning the
shared volume may include restoration from snapshot, backup
storage, or may ultimately cause permenant data loss, depending
on the environment and the usage of that environment.
Included in this patch:
- IBM GPFS - Can be used on a shared block device... apparently according
to IBM's documentation. The standard use of GPFS is more Ceph
like in design... however GPFS is also a specially licensed
commercial offering, so it is a red flag if this is
encountered, and should be investigated by the environment's
systems operator.
- Red Hat GFS2 - Is used with shared common block devices in clusters.
- VMware VMFS - Is used with shared SAN block devices, as well as
local block devices. With shared block devices,
ranges of the disk are locked instead of the whole
disk, and the ranges are mapped to virtual machine
disk interfaces.
It is unknown, due to lack of information, if this
will detect and prevent erasure of VMFS logical
extent volumes.
Co-Authored-by: Jay Faulkner <>
Change-Id: Ic8cade008577516e696893fdbdabf70999c06a5b
Story: 2009978
Task: 44985
Currently, if smartctl is not found by IPA, it will silently skip ATA
secure erase and proceed to shred (if enabled). This is supposedly for
backwards compatibility, but is quite hard to diagnose.
This change adds a warning message to make it more obvious what is
Change-Id: I03a381e99de79f201ec7e9a388777c3d48457e93
We don't need it anymore as we don't support python < 3.8
Also it was removed from global requirements so it breaks the
requirements check.
Change-Id: Ia12cbef3515f823fdd627a36020cf7801bf6d734
Use pure json instead of jsonutils.
Borrow encode function from oslo.serialization to be used in the
utils module.
Change-Id: Ied9a2259a4329a86b4f0853bd1fb187563c0a036
UDev prefix is DM_ not ID_ for them. On top of that, they don't have
short serials (or at least don't always have).
Change-Id: I5b6075fbff72201a2fd620f789978acceafc417b
The lsblk output is available in json format since version 2.27 of
util-linux [1]
https: //
Change-Id: I0c5812736b7a320cc4ecc333f80db70eb78cc76d
Removes multipath base devices from consideration by
default, and instead allows the device-mapper device
managed by multipath to be picked up and utilized
In effect, allowing us to ignore standby paths *and*
leverage multiple concurrent IO paths if so offered
via ALUA.
In reality, anyone who has previously built IPA with
multipath tooling might not have encountered issues
previously because they used Active/Active SAN storage
environments. They would have worked because the IO lock
would have been exchanged between controllers and paths.
However, Active/Passive environments will block passive
paths from access, ultimately preventing new locks from
being established without proper negotiation. Ultimately
requiring multipathing *and* the agent to be smart enough
to know to disqualify underlying paths to backend storage
An additional benefit of this is active/active MPIO devices
will, as long as ``multipath`` is present inside the ramdisk,
no longer possibly result in duplicate IO wipes occuring
accross numerous devices.
Story: #2010003
Task: #45108
Resolves: rhbz#2076622
Resolves: rhbz#2070519
Change-Id: I0fd6356f036d5ff17510fb838eaf418164cdfc92
The logic of adding a partition number to the device path does not work
for devicemapper devices (e.g. a multipath storage device).
Change-Id: I9a445e847d282c50adfa4bad5e7136776861005d
Using partition numbers is currently broken for devicemapper devices.
Fortunately, GPT has partition UUIDs, so we can just generate one and
use it for lookup.
Change-Id: I41ffe4f8e4c6e43182090b5aa2a2b4b34f32efd5
The existing lsblk call is very handy for an overview, but there a lot
more useful pairs to collect. Collect them in a machine-readable format
to be able to use in debugging and further development.
Change-Id: Ib27843524421944ee93de975d275e93276a5597a
Request class from Werkzeug now includes json capability by default.
See [1] and [2] for more info.
[1] 2cd4fa9484
[2] 7b52ecd8f3
Change-Id: I3c74b26ef4aff07c371364203a5b39c658b552a7!/story/2008290 added support
for NVMe-native storage cleaning, greatly improving storage clean
times on NVMe-based nodes as well as reducing device wear.
This is a follow up change which aims to make further improvements
to cleaning efficiency in mixed NVMe-HDD environments. This is
achieved by combining NVMe-native cleaning methods on NVMe devices
with traditional metadata clean on non-NVMe devices.
Story: 2009264
Task: 43498
Change-Id: I445d8f4aaa6cd191d2e540032aed3148fdbff341
Depending on the how the stars align with partition images
being written to a remote system, we *may* end up with
*either* a Partition UUID value, or a Partition's UUID value.
Which are distinctly different.
This is becasue the value, when collected as a result of writing
an image to disk *falls* back and passes the value to enable
partition discovery and matching.
Later on, when we realized we ought to create an fstab entry,
we blindly re-used the value thinking it was, indeed, always
a Partition's UUID and not the Partition UUID. Obviously,
the label type is quite explicit, either UUID or PARTUUID
respectively, when initial ramdisk utilities such as dracut
are searching and mounting filesystems.
Adds capability to identify the correct label to utilize
based upon the current state of the block devices on disk.
Granted, we are likely only exposed to this because of IO
race conditions under high concurrecy load operations.
Normally this would only be seen on test VMs, but
systems being backed by a Storage Area Network *can*
exibit the same IO race conditions as virtual machines.
Change-Id: I953c936cbf8fad889108cbf4e50b1a15f511b38c
Resolves: rhbz#2058717
Story: #2009881
Task: 44623
In case no BOM is present in the CSV file the utf-16 codec won't work.
We fail over to utf-16-le as Little Endian is commonly used.
Change-Id: I3e25ce4997f5dd3df87caba753daced65838f85a