Dmitry Tantsur af10099543 Amend the in-band deploy steps spec
Change-Id: Ic95e93223bb73500cab33c6251218e6735b808e8
2020-07-02 10:49:12 +02:00

16 KiB

In-band Deploy Steps!/story/2006963

Since the Rocky release, Ironic has had support for deploy steps. These allow drivers to customise the node deployment flow. Currently these steps are limited to out of band execution - steps may not be executed on the node via IPA during deployment. This spec proposes to support execution of in-band deploy steps, in a similar manner to in-band cleaning steps.

Example use cases:

  • Software RAID configuration during deployment
  • In-band BIOS configuration during deployment

Problem description

Ironic's deployment process has historically been quite rigid, not allowing for much customisation outside of the scope of the supported features. This is changing, starting with deploy steps, drivers are able to define custom tasks to perform during deployment using the pattern established for cleaning. The deploy templates feature exposes these deploy steps to users of nova via traits applied to flavors or images.

There are some limitations to deploy steps that we aim to address in this spec:

  • deploy steps cannot be executed in-band (on the node, via IPA) during deployment
  • deploy steps may only be executed before or after what we will refer to here as the 'mega step'

As we will see, these two issues are linked, since we must break apart the mega step in order to support in-band deploy steps.

Mega step

The 'mega step' starts with the node powered off and configured to boot on the provisioning network. When it has finished, the image has been written to disk, the boot device configured, and the node is plugged into the tenant network and powered on. This covers a significant portion of the deployment process.

Use cases

The following are some use cases for in-band deploy steps.

  • as a user of ironic, I want a machine configured with a particular software RAID layout during deployment
  • as a user of ironic, I want a machine configured with particular BIOS settings during deployment
  • as a user of ironic, I want custom firmware installed during deployment
  • as a user of ironic, I want to apply custom NIC configuration during deployment

And here are some for decomposing the mega step.

  • as an ironic driver maintainer, I want to create a deploy step that executes with the node booted on the provisioning network
  • as an ironic driver maintainer, I want to create a deploy step that executes after the image has been written to disk, while the node is attached to the provisioning network and powered on

Proposed change

Mega step context

The 'mega step' is actually a deploy step called deploy on the deploy interface. In order to understand how it will be changed, we must first understand what it does and how it fits into the overall deployment flow. Some details in the following will depend on the particular drivers and configuration in use, but we will try to cover the most common usage.

We start our story in the ironic conductor, where a do_node_deploy RPC has been received.

  1. do_node_deploy RPC received:
    1. validation of power and deploy interfaces, traits, and deploy templates
    2. the node's provision state is set to deploying (or rebuilding if rebuild is True)
  2. execution continues in a new worker thread:
    1. config drive is built and stored, if using one
    2. the prepare method of the deploy interface is called
    3. deploy steps for execution are determined based on drivers and deploy templates, then stored in driver_internal_info.deploy_steps
    4. trigger execution of the next deploy step
  3. for each deploy step:
    1. update driver_internal_info.deploy_step_index to the index of the current step
    2. execute the deploy step
      1. if it returns DEPLOYWAIT, this is an asynchronous step. Exit the worker thread and wait for a continue_node_deploy RPC
      2. if it returns None, continue to execute the next deploy step
  4. if all deploy steps complete:
    1. clean up driver_internal_info
    2. start the node's console, if necessary
    3. the node's provision state is set to active

Well that doesn't look too bad... until we realise there's some complexity and asynchronism hidden in there.


First of all, let's look at the prepare method of the deploy interface. For the agent and iscsi deploy interfaces, this involves:

  1. power off the node
  2. remove tenant networks (for rebuild, when writing an image)
  3. add provisioning network (when writing an image)
  4. attach volumes
  5. prepare ramdisk boot

So we know that if an image is to be written to the node, then after prepare, the node will be ready to boot into the IPA ramdisk on the provisioning network.

Continue node deploy RPC

The next item to unpack here is asynchronous steps and the continue_node_deploy RPC. While waiting for execution of an asynchronous step, the node's provision state is set to wait callback. Completion of the step is checked for either in the driver via a periodic task (the driver sets driver_internal_info.deployment_polling), or in the heartbeat handler for IPA. On completion, the continue_node_deploy RPC is triggered, and the node returns to the deploying provision state.

Mega step

The final piece here is the 'mega step' itself: the deploy method on the deploy interface.

  1. reboot the node, wait for heartbeat (when writing an image)
  2. on the first IPA heartbeat:
    1. write image to disk synchronously (iscsi deploy interface)
    2. call IPA standby.prepare_image API, wait for heartbeats until complete (direct deploy interface)
  3. prepare instance to boot
  4. power off the node
  5. remove provisioning network
  6. configure tenant networks
  7. power on the node

At this point, any deploy steps with a lower priority than the mega step's (100) will be executed. Care is required at this point however, since the node is already attached to the tenant network and booting.

In-band cleaning steps

Here is a quick overview of how in-band cleaning works for reference.

In-band cleaning starts by configuring the node on the provisioning network and booting up the IPA ramdisk. On the first heartbeat, the list of in-band steps is queried, combined with out-of-band steps and stored in driver_internal_info.clean_steps.

In-band clean steps are advertised by the deploy interface, which overrides the execute_clean_step method to execute them via the IPA API. In-band clean steps are always asynchronous, with polling triggered via the IPA heartbeat.

In-band clean steps may request that the node is rebooted after completion of the step via a reboot_requested flag in their step definition. There is some handling of the case where an IPA returns with a different version after reboot. In this case automated cleaning is restarted, and manual cleaning is aborted.

One final detail is the ability to define hooks that execute after completion of an in-band cleaning step via the @post_clean_step_hook decorator.


In order to gather a list of in-band deploy steps, we need to be able to communicate with IPA. This is first possible at step 2 of the mega step.

We may wish to still allow execution of out-of-band deploy steps before IPA has booted, to avoid unnecessary delays. An example here is BIOS or RAID configuration on Dell iDRACs, which can require the node to be powered on for the lifecycle controller to perform the configuration jobs. An additional boot cycle adds significant delay to the deployment process. This would represent a divergence in behaviour between deployment and cleaning.

When booting from a volume, there may be no image to write. Currently in that case, IPA is not used. This would prevent the use of in-band deploy steps, but booting up IPA just to gather a list of deploy steps would increase the time required to boot from a volume.

The above description of deployment did not cover fast track deploys. This feature allows a node that is already booted with an IPA ramdisk, e.g. from discovery, to bypass the reboot in the mega step.

Proposed mega step decomposition

The following describes the proposed decomposition of the 'mega step' into separate steps.

  1. deploy [100]:
    1. reboot the node, wait for heartbeat (when writing an image?)
    2. gather in-band deploy steps from the agent
  2. write_image [80]:
    1. write image to disk synchronously (iscsi deploy interface)
    2. in-band deploy step that does the equivalent of the standby.prepare_image IPA API and waits for completion of the write (direct deploy interface)
  3. prepare_instance_boot [60]:
    1. install bootloader (if needed)
    2. configure the boot interface
  4. tear_down_agent [40]:
    1. power off the node
  5. switch_to_tenant_network [30]:
    1. remove provisioning network
    2. add tenant networks
  6. boot_instance [20]:
    1. power on the node

The useful priority ranges for inserting custom in-band steps are:

  • 99 to 81: preparation before writing the image (e.g. software RAID).
  • 79 to 61: modifications to the image before a bootloader is written (e.g. GRUB defaults changes).
  • 59 to 41: modifications to the final instance (e.g. software configuration).


Priority: 100

This deploy step will be largely unchanged from the current deploy step. Changes will be necessary for fast track deploys, to skip the direct call to continue_deploy and rely on the new deploy steps. For boot from volume this step currently performs the tenant network configuration, instance preparation and reboot, however that can also be moved to the new steps.


Priority: 80

For the iscsi interface, the continue_deploy method will be split into a write_image deploy step and the prepare_instance_boot, tear_down_agent, switch_to_tenant_network, and boot_instance deploy steps.

For the direct interface, this step will start as an out-of-band one, will collect the necessary information, then switch into being executed in-band by IPA. It will be equivalent to executing the existing standby.prepare_image command via the agent API, and will block until the image has been written. This allows us to remove this special case of command status polling. There will need to be a transition period to support old IPA ramdisks that do not support in-band deploy steps.


Priority: 60

This will be largely equivalent to the prepare_instance_to_boot method of the AgentDeployMixin.


Priority: 40

In this step, the node will be powered off and ramdisk boot environment will be removed.


Priority: 30

In this step, the node will be switched from the provisioning network to tenant networks.


Priority: 20

In this step, the node will be powered on.

Agent heartbeat handler

The heartbeat method of the HeartbeatMixin currently provides an extension of the logic of the deploy step. This includes calling continue_deploy on the first heartbeat, and reboot_to_instance when the deployment is finished. This logic will be unnecessary with these methods as deploy steps, but will remain in place for a period for backwards compatibility. Drivers will advertise support for decomposed deploy steps by returning True from a method called has_decomposed_deploy_steps.

Proposed in-band deploy step support

In-band deploy steps will be handled in a similar way to in-band cleaning steps, with some differences:

  • out-of-band deploy steps with a priority greater than 100 may be executed before the node has booted up
  • the deploy interface may provide both in-band and out-of-band deploy steps
  • there is no equivalent of manual cleaning
  • IPA version mismatch will lead to termination of deployment

In-band deploy steps must have a priority between 41 and 99 to ensure they execute after deploy and before tear_down_agent.

In-band deploy steps will be driven through the agent's heartbeat mechanism. The first heartbeat will query the in-band steps, combine them with out-of-band steps and store them in driver_internal_info.deploy_steps.

In-band deploy steps are advertised by the deploy interface, which will override the get_deploy_steps method to query the steps from IPA, and the execute_deploy_step method to execute them via the IPA API. This will be slightly different from clean steps, to support execution of out-of-band steps on the deploy interface. In-band deploy steps are always asynchronous, with polling triggered via the IPA heartbeat.

In-band deploy steps may request that the node is rebooted after completion of the step via a reboot_requested flag in their step definition. In the case where an IPA returns with a different version after reboot, deployment will be terminated.

Post-deploy step hooks will be supported via a @post_deploy_step_hook decorator, for example to set a node's RAID configuration field.

The IPA ramdisk will be modified to add a new deploy extension. This will be very similar to the existing clean extension. Hardware managers should implement a get_deploy_steps method that should work in a similar way to the existing get_clean_steps method.


  • Deny execution of out-of-band deploy steps before IPA has booted. See Observations for details.
  • Allow in-band steps for boot from volume. These could be made available via an optional deploy step that boots up the node on the provisioning network.

Data model impact


State Machine Impact


REST API impact


Client (CLI) impact


RPC API impact


Driver API impact

There will be no changes to the driver API, but there will be changes to the AgentDeployMixin class used by all in-tree drivers and potentially out-of-tree drivers. These changes will be backwards compatible, with a transition period for out-of-tree drivers to switch to the new decomposed step model (advertised by returning True from has_decomposed_deploy_steps).

Nova driver impact


Ramdisk impact

Changes to the IPA ramdisk are discussed above. Backward compatibility will be provided by ignoring a missing deploy extension.

Security impact

In-band deploy steps will have additional access to the node by the nature of executing directly on it. These steps and the IPA ramdisk are under the control of the operator, who will need to take action to ensure that they do not introduce any security issues.

Other end user impact


Scalability impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignees:

Mark Goddard (mgoddard) Arne Wiebalck (arne_wiebalck)

Work Items

  • Decompose core deploy step
  • Advertise & execute in-band steps via IPA
  • Collect & execute in-band steps from IPA
  • Update documentation



Ideally tempest tests will be added to cover execution of in-band deploy steps. Software RAID configuration is a reasonable candidate for this as the resulting configuration could be verified.

Upgrades and Backwards Compatibility

This has been discussed elsewhere.

Documentation Impact

The deploy steps documentation will be updated, in particular covering the new flow and the required priorities of user steps.

