
14 KiB

New Release Model for Ironic

This specification describes the new model of releasing deliverables under the ironic umbrella, including the Bare Metal service itself.

Problem description

Currently ironic follows the OpenStack release model cycle-with-intermediary that permits us to produce one or more releases per OpenStack cycle, with the last one in a cycle used as a final release as part of the OpenStack integrated release (called named release in this document, as it receives a code name). A stable branch is created from this final release for long-term bug fix support.

As the ironic community is exploring an increasing number of standalone applications, including ones outside of OpenStack (such as Metal3), one problem has become apparent: the stand-alone usage requires not just frequent feature releases, but rather supported frequent feature releases. To be precise, we would like to produce supported releases every 1-3 months (2 months is what this spec proposes), where supported involves:

  • Addressing at least critical issues with a point release. Currently we require consumers to switch to the next release, even if it is major.
  • A supported upgrade path between releases. Currently only upgrades between OpenStack named releases are tested and supported, we need to support upgrades between intermediate releases as well.
  • Documentation for each release. Currently only documentation for named releases (and master) is published.
  • An obvious way to consume such releases. Currently deployment tools, including even Bifrost, are oriented on named releases or git master.

The proposed model aims to implement these requirements while keeping the existing commitments around the integrated release.

Proposed change


The following concepts are used throughout this document:

named release

is an integrated OpenStack release that receives a code name and a named stable branch.

intermediate release

is a release of an ironic deliverable that happens as part of the master development (purposely excluding stable releases here) that does not correspond to a named release.


This definition differs from the official OpenStack definition of an intermediary release. This is done on purpose to make the wording of this document clearer.

stable branch

a branch created from a named release where bug fixes are applied and periodically released as stable releases.

stable release

is a release created as part of stable support of a named release.

bugfix branch

a branch created from an intermediate release that did NOT result in a stable branch.


  • Releases for all deliverables are created on a loose bi-monthly basis, i.e. roughly every 2 months. Here roughly means that the team may decide to release a few days earlier (if the desired scope is already implemented) or later (if last minute merges are required).

    This gives 6 releases a year, 3 per each OpenStack cycle.

  • Two releases a year correspond to OpenStack named releases, other 4 happen between named releases. The former two happens always, the latter 4 can be skipped if a deliverable does not see notable changes within 2 months.

  • One week of soft feature freeze is observed before every release. Soft implies that feature can still merge if they are considered low-risk or critical for the scope of the upcoming release.

    This leaves merge windows of roughly 7-9 weeks for most features. Plans for them should be made during the feature freeze of the previous release.

  • Ironic deliverables follow SemVer with one clarification: patch releases are always issued from a stable or bugfix branch (see Stable branches and upgrades). Releases from master always receive a minor or major version bump.


    This limitation is required to be able to find a suitable version for a branch release. E.g. imagine we cut 21.2.0 from master, then 21.2.1 also from master. If then we need to make a release from stable/21.2 (the support branch for 21.2.0), there is no SemVer version to use ( is still an option, of course, but may conflict with pbr).

  • Intermediary (non-named) releases will target standalone users. OpenStack deployers will be recommended to use named releases.

Stable branches and upgrades

Service projects and bifrost

The following procedure will be applied to service projects (ironic and ironic-inspector), ironic-python-agent and bifrost:

  • A stable branch is created from each release:

    • A traditional stable/<code name> branch for releases that coincide with named ones.
    • A bugfix/<major.minor> branch for other releases.

    The naming difference highlights the difference of intents:

    • Stable branches are designed for long-term consumption by downstreams (such as RDO) and for users to follow them.
    • Bugfix branches are a technical measure to allow patch releases after a certain release. Users and downstreams are not expected to follow them over a long period of time and are recommended to update to the next feature release as soon as it is out.
  • Three upgrade paths are supported and tested in the CI for each commit:

    1. Between two subsequent named releases (e.g. Train to Ussuri).

    2. Between two subsequent intermediate releases.


      It's unlikely that we'll be able to use Grenade for that. We'll probably use Bifrost instead.

    3. From a named release to any intermediate release in the next release cycle.


      Supporting this path is technically required to implement CI for the other two paths).


Operating CI on the non-named branches may require pinning devstack, tempest and ironic-tempest-plugin versions to avoid breakages. It will be determined on the case-by-case basis.

Other projects

Library projects (metalsmith, sushy, python-ironicclient and python-ironic-inspector-client) and networking plugins (networking-baremetal and networking-generic-switch) will be released and branched as before:

  • Releases will be created on demand based on how many useful changes are available.
  • Only named stable branches will be created, intermediate releases will not result in branching.

This procedure matches how libraries are usually released in the Python world.

The CI tools (virtualbmc and sushy-tools) and ironic-tempest-plugin will not be branched.

Support phases

  • A named stable branch is supported according to the OpenStack policies, which is currently 1.5 years of full support followed by extended maintenance.

  • Since this proposal significantly increases the number of branches in support, we'll tighten the rules around backports to named branches:

    • The first 12 months any bug fixes are acceptable. Low-risk features may be accepted if they're believed to substantially improve the operator or user experience.

    • The last 6 months and during the extended maintenance phase only high and critical bug fixes are accepted.

    • If during the extended maintenance no changes merge to a branch within 6 months, this branch is considered abandoned and is closed for further backports.


      This also applies when the changes are proposed but cannot merge because of failing CI.

  • Bugfix branches (for deliverables that have them) are supported for 6 months. Only high and critical bug fixes are accepted during the whole support time.


    It may mean that a stable branch created earlier will receive more fixes than a bugfix branch created later. This is a reflection of the fact that consumers are not expected to follow bugfix branches.

  • As before, high and critical bug fixes should be backported to all supported branches once merged to master.


Dependencies handling for named releases and branches does not change. For example, we keep consuming upper-constraints of a corresponding branch.

For intermediate releases we will consume upper-constraints from a future named branch. E.g. for Victoria we would consume

The inter-service dependencies for both named and intermediate releases must be expressed separately, both via microversioning or via documentation. We already provide support for a broad set of versions of projects we can integrate with.

Deprecation policy

The deprecation policy remains intact: any deprecated functionality can only be removed after 6 months pass and a named release is done.


  • Keep the current model, ask intermediate releases consumers to always upgrade to the latest one.

Data model impact


State Machine Impact


REST API impact


Microversioning is already used as a way to ensure cross-releases API compatibility.

Client (CLI) impact


"openstack baremetal" CLI




RPC API impact


Driver API impact


Nova driver impact


We expect the Nova driver released as part of a certain OpenStack release series to be compatible at least with all Ironic releases from the same series and with the last release from the previous series.

Ramdisk impact

Under the proposed model, ironic, ironic-inspector and ironic-python-agent will get released at roughly the same time. The compatibility rules will be:

Each release of ironic/ironic-inspector is compatible with

  • the release of ironic-python-agent that happens at the same time
  • the last named release of ironic-python-agent


Supporting releases between these two is very likely but is not officially guaranteed nor tested in the CI.

Each release of ironic-python-agent is compatible with

  • the releases of ironic and ironic-inspector that happen at the same time
  • the last named releases of ironic and ironic-inspector


The first 3 rules are already enforced in the CI, the last will require a new job on ironic-python-agent, supposedly based on Bifrost.

The compatibility matrix will be provided through the documentation as part of the pre-release documentation update and via the future web site.

We will publish ironic-python-agent images corresponding to all stable branches, named and intermediate (currently images are only published for named branches) and provide instructions on how to build customized images based on a certain branch or release.

Security impact

Supported intermediate releases will also receive security bug fixes.

Other end user impact

See Other deployer impact.

Scalability impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact

Deployers will have faster access to new features if they opt for using intermediate releases.

Developer impact

No direct impact. The Deprecation policy is not changed.



The whole team is expected to be responsible for executing this plan, the primary assignee(s) will coordinate it.

Primary assignee:

Dmitry Tantsur (@dtantsur,

Work Items

  • Discuss this document with the release team and the TC. Make necessary adjustments to our deliverables in the release repository.
  • Update the releasing documentation and publish our release schedule.
  • Create new CI jobs as described in Testing.
  • Start publishing ironic-python-agent images from non-named stable branches (may work out-of-box).
  • Update Bifrost to support installing components from latest published releases.




Two new family of the CI jobs will be introduced:

  • Intermediary upgrade jobs on ironic and ironic-inspector, testing upgrade from the last intermediate release branch.
  • Backwards compatibility job on ironic-python-agent to test every commit against the previous named releases of ironic and ironic-inspector (e.g. during the Victoria cycle ironic-python-agent is tested against stable/ussuri of ironic and ironic-inspector).

Third party CI jobs are expected to run on the intermediate branches the same way as they would on master. As soon as support for a specific branch is over, the 3rd party CI jobs may be turned off for it. Since we are only going to accept high and critical bug fixes to new branches, only minor load increase is expected on 3rd party CI systems.

Upgrades and Backwards Compatibility

See Stable branches and upgrades and Testing.

Documentation Impact

To make intermediate releases obviously consumable, we will need a new web site focused around standalone ironic. It will display the latest versions of the components and ironic-python-agent images, point at the way to consume them and provide documentation for each minor or major release.

The releasing documentation will be updated to follow this model.
