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2018-03-02 21:06:43 +08:00

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OSC commands to get descriptions of driver-related information

Almost all the ironic CLI commands have corresponding OpenStack Client (OSC) commands. This was done in Implementation of ironic commands as an OSC plugin.

There are two ironic CLI commands:

  • ironic driver-properties and
  • ironic driver-raid-logical-disk-properties

that do not have corresponding OSC commands. This specification proposes OSC commands for them.

Properties of hardware types with non-default interfaces is addressed in RFE to get properties for a dynamic driver and non-default interfaces. That proposal will most likely result in a richer REST API (and corresponding OSC commands). In light of that, we propose simple OSC commands with the goal of providing equivalent behaviours to the ironic CLI commands, and nothing more.

Problem description

This table shows the ironic driver-related commands and their associated OSC commands.

ironic openstack baremetal
driver-get-vendor-passthru-methods <driver> driver passthru list <driver>
driver-list driver list
driver-show <driver> driver show <driver>

driver-vendor-passthru <driver> <method> ...

driver passthru call <driver> <method> ...

driver-properties <driver> ?
driver-raid-logical-disk-properties <driver> ?

The question is what to use for the OSC commands corresponding to these ironic commands:

  • ironic driver-properties <driver>
  • ironic driver-raid-logical-disk-properties <driver>.

These commands return tables with two columns; the names and descriptions for driver-related information.

To complicate things a bit, there is a lack of symmetry. Although the names (and descriptions) are available via the driver, the values for these are specified via the nodes that use these drivers, rather than directly via the driver.

There have been a few discussions related to this:

Properties of hardware types with non-default interfaces is addressed in RFE to get properties for a dynamic driver and non-default interfaces. That proposal will most likely result in a richer REST API (and corresponding OSC commands). In light of that, we propose simple OSC commands with the goal of providing equivalent behaviours to the ironic CLI commands, and nothing more.

ironic driver-properties <driver>

The ironic driver-properties <driver> command returns the "properties" of a driver that must be specified via the nodes that use that driver.

For example, ironic driver-properties agent_ipmitool returns a table of information:

| Property                 | Description                                 |
| deploy_forces_oob_reboot | Whether Ironic should force a reboot of t...|
| deploy_kernel            | UUID (from Glance) of the deployment kern...|
| deploy_ramdisk           | UUID (from Glance) of the ramdisk that is...|
| image_http_proxy         | URL of a proxy server for HTTP connection...|
| image_https_proxy        | URL of a proxy server for HTTPS connectio...|
| image_no_proxy           | A comma-separated list of host names, IP ...|
| ...                      | ...                                         |

The values for these driver properties are set per node, for each node that uses the driver. The information is in the node's driver_info dictionary field. They can be set when creating a node or when updating a node, for example with openstack baremetal node set <node> --driver-info.

ironic driver-raid-logical-disk-properties <driver>

The ironic driver-raid-logical-disk-properties <driver> command returns the RAID logical disk properties that can be specified for a particular driver.

For example, ironic driver-raid-logical-disk-properties agent_ipmitool returns a table of information:

| Property                 | Description                                 |
| controller               | Controller to use for this logical disk. ...|
| disk_type                | The type of disk preferred. Valid values ...|
| interface_type           | The interface type of disk. Valid values ...|
| is_root_volume           | Specifies whether this disk is a root vol...|
| number_of_physical_disks | Number of physical disks to use for this ...|
| physical_disks           | The physical disks to use for this logica...|
| raid_level               | RAID level for the logical disk. Valid va...|
| share_physical_disks     | Specifies whether other logical disks can...|
| size_gb                  | Size in GiB (Integer) for the logical dis...|
| ...                      | ...                                         |

The values for these disk properties are set per node, for each node that uses the driver and RAID. This information is in the node's target_raid_config field and can be set (in JSON format) via the node's set raid config API, or via openstack baremetal node set <node> --target-raid-config.

Proposed change

The OpenStackClient command structure is:

openstack [<global-options>] <object-1> <action> [<object-2>] [<command-arguments>]

ironic driver-properties <driver>

The <object-1> part will be "baremetal driver property".

For the <action>, there were discussions at the PTG about the merits of using "list" versus "show". In the context of existing OSC commands using these two action words, neither of these action words seems to fit with the two commands, since they return descriptions (or documentation) on what is available. However, since this will very likely be replaced by a richer set of OSC commands (resulting from RFE to get properties for a dynamic driver and non-default interfaces), we keep it simple and use "list". (Using "list" might imply that a corresponding "show" exists to drill down and get more information. The converse is true too though; using "show" might imply a corresponding "list" command.)

The OSC command is:

openstack baremetal driver property list <driver>

For example:

$ openstack baremetal driver property list agent_ipmitool

| Property                 | Description                                 |
| deploy_forces_oob_reboot | Whether Ironic should force a reboot of t...|
| deploy_kernel            | UUID (from Glance) of the deployment kern...|
| deploy_ramdisk           | UUID (from Glance) of the ramdisk that is...|
| image_http_proxy         | URL of a proxy server for HTTP connection...|
| image_https_proxy        | URL of a proxy server for HTTPS connectio...|
| image_no_proxy           | A comma-separated list of host names, IP ...|
| ...                      | ...                                         |

ironic driver-raid-logical-disk-properties <driver>

Again, since this will very likely be replaced by a richer set of OSC commands (that will result from RFE to get properties for a dynamic driver and non-default interfaces), we propose a simple OSC command.

<object-1> would be "baremetal driver raid property" and <action> would be "list":

openstack baremetal driver raid property list <driver>


There are alternatives, but in the interest of keeping this simple and deprecating it when RFE to get properties for a dynamic driver and non-default interfaces is available, we are focussed here on only providing OSC-equivalent commands that may not be flexible or extensible, but provide equivalence to the ironic CLI ones.

Data model impact


State Machine Impact


REST API impact


Client (CLI) impact

This specification is about the OSC CLI.

"ironic" CLI


"openstack baremetal" CLI

See above.

RPC API impact


Driver API impact


Nova driver impact


Ramdisk impact


Security impact


Other end user impact


Scalability impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee: rloo (Ruby Loo)

Other contributors: galyna (Galyna Zholtkevych)

Work Items

  • Code the two OSC commands in python-ironicclient.




Unit and functional testing similar to what exists for other OSC commands.

Upgrades and Backwards Compatibility


Documentation Impact

None. ironic doesn't have OSC-command related documentation.
