Julia Kreger cd17651481 Boot from Volume - Reference Drivers
During the Vancouver Summit, and most recently the ironic Mitaka
midcycle, the question of booting from a remote volume arose.

The decision from the ironic Mitaka midcycle was for a specification
to be drafted for reference driver changes. As such, this change
proposes that specification, in accordance with the prophecy.

Co-Authored-By: Chris Krelle <>
Co-Authored-By: stephane <>

Partial-Bug: #1559691
Change-Id: I2d7607d967b4191b94b261005519ae46637e790d
2016-10-28 13:44:52 +00:00

27 KiB

Boot from Volume - Reference Drivers

In order to support booting ironic nodes from a storage device that is hosted and/or controlled remotely, such as via a SAN or cinder iSCSI target, changes are required to ironic in order to help facilitate and enable drivers to leverage the remote storage as a boot volume.

Problem description

  • Presently ironic has no support in the reference drivers to boot a node from a remote volume.
  • Due to the lack of this support, users' capabilities and usability are limited. Providing this functionality allows deployments to leverage greater capabilities.

Boot from Volume scenarios

This specification is broken into multiple portions in order to facilitate a phased implementation of support. While it would appear that these changes should be limited to the boot and deployment interfaces, they ultimately require substantial substrate changes to provide necessary functionality.

As there is a large variety of potential connection methods and configurations, the scenarios we have identified appear suitable for implementation in a reference driver. We are primarily focused on the use of cinder, but intend to make the storage substrate pluggable and generic.

Not covered as part of this specification is handling of support for MultiPath IO, sometimes referred to as MPIO. We feel this is largely outside of Ironic's scope at this point in time.

Additionally not covered is the requirement to use UEFI HTTP boot support, which was set forth during the ironic mitaka midcycle. Using UEFI HTTP boot would simply load the iPXE UEFI boot loader, and would thus be a redundant capability compared with existing capabilities.

Below are various boot from volume scenarios. These scenarios are intended to provide a clear definition of conditions and requirements.

Scenario 1 - iPXE boot from iSCSI volume

  • Node boot defaults to network booting via iPXE controlled by the ironic conductor. This is similar to the PXE driver netboot option.
  • Metadata service use is expected as configuration drive support is not feasible at this time.
  • Configuration drive is not supported.
    • For context: This is a limitation as a result of the minimum new volume and new volume extension sizes in cinder. This may be a capability at a later point in time, but is out of scope for an initial implementation.
  • iPXE version sufficient to support boot from iSCSI target.
  • Operating system is already deployed to the intended iSCSI boot volume via external means.
  • Tenant network isolation is unsupported due to the need for iPXE boot.
    • Potentially in the future, a framework or proxy could be created to enable tenant network isolation, however that is considered out of scope at this time.
  • Node is configured by the operator with the['capabilities'] setting of iscsi_boot set to a value of true for node validation to succeed.
  • Node has a defined volume target with a boot_index value of 0 in the volume_targets table.
  • Storage driver interface
    • A storage driver/provider interface is needed in order to support recovery of systems in the event of a failure or change in hardware configuration.
  • iPXE template and generation logic changes.
  • Implementation of substrate logic in the deploy and PXE driver modules to appropriately handle booting a node in a boot from volume scenario.

Scenario 2 - iPXE boot from Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)

  • Node boot defaults to network booting via iPXE controlled by the ironic conductor. Similar to the PXE driver netboot option.
  • Metadata service use is expected.
  • Configuration drive is not supported.
  • Operating system is already deployed to the intended boot volume via external means.
  • Tenant network isolation is unsupported due to iPXE requirements.
  • Node is configured with the['capabilities'] setting of fiberchannel_boot set to a value of true for node validation to succeed.
  • Node has a defined volume target with a boot_index value of 0 in the volume_targets table.

Scenario 3 - Boot via hardware Host Bus Adapter (HBA) to volume

Scenario involves boot to a local volume, however, the volume is expected to be pre-populated with a bootable operating system. No volume deployment operation is expected.

This scenario is based upon the expectation that the environment and the node's firmware settings are such that it is capable of booting directly to a presented volume via the HBA once powered on.

  • Metadata service use is expected.
  • Configuration drive support is unavailable.
  • Node boot defaults to block storage device.
  • Tenant network isolation is supported as this scenario does not require iPXE booting for normal operation of the host.
  • Operating system is already deployed to the intended boot volume via external means.
  • Infrastructure and HBA BIOS configuration is such that the node will boot to what is expected to be the Logical Unit Number (LUN) offered as the boot volume.
  • Node is configured with the['capabilities'] setting of hba_boot set to a value of true for node validation to succeed.
  • Node has a defined volume target with a boot_index value of 0.
  • Creation of driver deploy method functionality that under normal circumstances performs a no-op, and defaults the next boot state to local disk when the user requests a node to be deployed.

Scenario 4 - Boot via Host Bus Adapter (HBA) to volume with image deployment

Scenario involves boot to a local volume where the volume needs to be written out by Ironic's mechanisms.

  • Metadata service is not required.
  • Configuration drive is supportable.
  • Node boots to block storage device.
  • Tenant network isolation is supported as this scenario does not require iPXE booting for normal operation of the host.
  • Infrastructure and HBA BIOS configuration is such that the node will boot to what is expected to be the LUN offered as the boot volume.
  • Node is configured with the['capabilities'] setting of hba_boot set to a value of true.
  • Node is configured with the node.instance_info['force_deployment'] parameter set totrue``.

Scenario 5 - iPXE boot to NFS root volume

Scenario involves use of a kernel and ramdisk image hosted by the conductor host in order to enable the node to boot via iPXE with sufficient command line parameters to enable the root volume to attach during the boot sequence.

This is a logical progression given that users have indicated that they have enabled similar boot functionality downstream.

  • Metadata service use expected.
  • Configuration drive support is unavailable.
  • Node boot defaults to iPXE.
  • Node boot utilizes kernel and ramdisk hosted by the conductor.
  • Operating System is already deployed to the intended boot volume via external means.
  • Tenant network isolation is unsupported due to iPXE need.
  • Node is configured with['capabilities'] setting of nfs_boot set to a value of true coupled with an instance_info setting of nfs_root which provides nfs root connection information.
  • Kernel and ramdisk utilized support the nfsroot kernel command line option.

Potential future capabilities

These are some additional items that it might make sense to develop later on after reference driver implementation has been completed, however these are out of scope of the existing specification.

  • Boot the agent from a remote volume to facilitate a deployment.
  • Creation of a deployment framework to allow IPA to potentially apply HBA settings.
  • Multipath IO configuration handling and potentially passing.
  • Configuration drives support.
  • Support for tenant network isolation boot scenarios.

Proposed change

In order to support an initial feature set, i.e. Scenarios 1-4, for boot from volume, we propose the following:

  • Implementation of a basic capability concept via a helper method that will allow a driver/provider capability to be checked by another portion of the code base, returning false if the capabilities definition is missing. Example:

        task.driver.boot.capabilities, 'iscsi_volume_boot')
        task.driver.deploy.capabilities, 'iscsi_volume_deploy')

    This would be implemented via a list of capability 'tags' to each main level interface class, as required in order to guard against invalid configurations.

  • Implementation of logic in the existing reference driver deploy validate methods to fail the validation of any node that has volume storage configured when the driver that a node is configured with lacks any such support as identified by the previously noted capability interface. This is to help ensure that such nodes are not accidentally provisioned with erroneous user expectations.

  • Updating of the agent.AgentDeploy and iscsi_deploy.ISCSIDeploy driver logic to support skipping deployment of a node if a storage interface provider is defined, volume information exists for the volume, and the volume has an index of 0 indicating it is the boot volume. In essence, this means that if the node is defined to boot from a remote volume, that the driver.deploy.deploy method should immediately return DEPLOYDONE as any network booting configuration, if applicable, would have to be written out via driver.deploy.prepare method. Example:

    if (task.node.storage_interface is not None and

    Additionally, validation logic will need need to be updated in the deploy drivers to pass specific checks of instance_info fields that do not apply with the case of booting from a volume.

  • Creation of a storage provider interface:
    • Similar in composition to the network provider interface, where a default will result in a provider interface that performs no-op behavior, while exposing an empty set of storage capabilities.

    • A node level storage_interface setting with default value, similar to the Add network interface to base driver class change, to define if a node is to utilize the storage interface along with the provider that is to be utilized. This is intended to align with the Driver composition reform specification.

    • Initial and reference storage driver to be based upon cinder, leveraging python-cinderclient for the REST API interface, to support the following fundamental operations detailed below.

      • detach_volumes - Initially implemented to enumerate through known attached volumes and remove the storage attachments.
      • attach_volumes - Initially implemented to enumerate through known configured volumes and issue storage attachment requests. In the case of the cinder driver, we will reserve the volumes in our configuration, initialize connections to the volumes meanwhile supplying current initiator configuration, then trigger the cinder volume attach call to update the database configuration. Additionally, we will update the volume metadata to allow for easy user identification of volumes that are used for ironic nodes by recording information to allow for reconciliation of nodes that are powered off with detached volume.
      • validate - Initially implemented to validate that sufficient configuration is present in the configuration to allow for the functionality to operate. This validation will be skipped if no volumes are defined.
      • should_write_image - Provides an interface to allow the other components to ask the storage driver if the image should be written to disk. This allows all of the logic to be housed with the storage interface.
  • Updating of the pxe.PXEBoot driver logic to support the creation of the appropriate iPXE configurations for booting from the various boot scenarios if the volume_target information is defined, iPXE is enabled, and a storage provider is available.

  • Updating of the pxe.PXEBoot validate interface to leverage a helper method when a storage provider and boot volume is defined in the node configuration, to validate that the capabilities, initiator configuration, and volume configuration are in alignment for the specified volume/path type. Note that the bulk of this logic should reside in a deploy_utils method that can be re-used by other drivers moving forward.

  • Updating of the conductor utils.node_power_action logic to enable the storage provider (defined by the node.storage_interface setting) to be called to permit volume attachment and detachment for the node and thus update any storage configuration if necessary.

  • Addition of a helper method that sets and returns, if not already set, the node.instance_info's boot_option parameter based upon the hardware configuration, and supplied volume configuration information, enabling matching and identification of what the next appropriate step is for each scenario.

  • Updating of the conductor _do_node_tear_down method to call the storage provider detach_volumes method and purge volume information if not already implemented.

    • At the beginning and completion of the storage detachment interaction, a notification shall be generated to allow visibity into if the process is successfully completed.
  • Updating the iPXE template logic to support the creation of the various file formats required for Scenarios 1, 2, 5. See: IPXE sanhook command, IPXE san connection URLs and nfsroot kernel command line option.

As previously noted, each scenario will be submitted separately as incremental additions to ironic.

In order to support scenario 4, the deploy driver will need to understand how to deploy to a system with such configuration.

  • Updating of the deploy driver to enable the logic added for scenarios 1-3 to be bypassed using a force_deployment parameter which should be removed from the node's instance_info prior to the node reaching the active state. This, in effect, would cause ironic to support a deployment operation when the supplied volume information is normally expected to have a valid Operating System and boot loader already in place.
  • Agent will need to be informed of the desired volume for the boot volume, and, if supplied to the target, connection information. The appropriate information should be passed in using Root device hints, specifically setting a WWN or volume serial number if avilable.
In order to support scenario 5:
  • Scenario 3 must be implemented. This is anticipated to largely be an alternative path in the iPXE template where the previously defined settings cause the on-disk PXE booting template to boot the node from the NFS root.
Later potential improvements above and beyond this initial specification:
  • Creation of logic to allow Ironic users to leverage the storage provider to request a volume for their node. Such functionality would require ironic to deploy the OS image, and should be covered by a separate specification.


An alternative could be to simply not develop this functionality and to encourage downstream consumers to independently develop similar tooling to meet their specific environment's needs. That being said, both options are unappealing from the standpoint of wishing to grow and enhance ironic.

Data model impact

A storage_interface field will be added to the node object which will be mapped to the appropriate storage driver.

State Machine Impact


REST API impact

As the node storage driver will be selectable by the operator, it will need to be concealed from older API clients, which will necessitate a microversion update once the functionality is present in the API.

Client (CLI) impact

"ironic" CLI

None. All expected CLI updates are expected to be part of the specification covering information storage, Add volume connection information for Ironic nodes.

"openstack baremetal" CLI


RPC API impact


Driver API impact

The first change is the introduction of a list of supported advanced driver features defined by the deploy and boot driver classes, known as capabilities, that allow for other driver components to become aware of what functionality is present in a neighboring driver interface/composition.

The second change is the introduction of a new storage_interface that will be mapped to a selectable storage driver of the available storage drivers.

Within this storage interface, new methods will be defined to support expected storage operations. Below are the methods that are anticipated to be added and publicly available from drivers:

def attach_volumes(self, task):
"""Informs the storage subsystem to detach all volumes for the node."""

def detach_volumes(self, task):
"""Informs the storage subsystem to detach all volumes for the node."""

def validate(self, task):
"""Validate that the storage driver has appropriate configuration."""

def should_write_image(self, task):
"""Determines if deploy should perform the image write-out."""

Nova driver impact

Impact to the nova driver is covered in a separate specification Nova Specs - Ironic - Boot from Cinder volume. As the driver will be available as an opt-in change, we expect no negative impact on behavior.

Ramdisk impact

While we should be able to derive the intended root volume and pass an appropriate root hint if necessary in order to facilitate a deployment as part of Scenario 4 - Boot via Host Bus Adapter (HBA) to volume with image deployment , the IPA ramdisk should likely have functionality added in the form of a HardwareManager in order to support MutliPath IO. That being said MPIO is out of scope for this specification.

Security impact

Overall, the storage driver, in this case, cinder, will need to utilize credentials that are already populated in the configuration for keystone to connect to cinder to obtain and update mapping information for volumes.

Scenarios 1-2 and 5 are designed such that the tenant machine is able to reach the various services being offered up by whatever the volume driver is set to leverage over the node's default network configuration. As a result of the need to network boot, the flat network topology is required along with access controls such that the nodes are able to reach the services storage volumes.

The more secure alternative are the drivers representing scenarios 3 and 4 as this configuration ultimately requires a separate storage infrastructure. This case will allow for tenant network isolation of deployed nodes.

Other end user impact

This functionality may require additional knowledge to be conveyed to the ironic-webclient and ironic-ui sub-projects, however that will need to be assessed at the time of implementation as they are under active development.

Scalability impact

This is a feature that would be opted into use by an operator. In the case where it is active, additional calls to the backend storage interface may have a performance impact depending upon architecture of the deployment.

Performance Impact

For each node under ironic's care that we believe has volumes, we need to query storage manager, presumably cinder based on this implementation, and attach/detach volumes during intentional user drive power operations. This may extend the call to power-on a node after deployment, or potentially prevent power-up if the attachment cannot be made.

Other deployer impact

Deployers wishing to use these drivers will naturally need to add the cinder storage interface to the enable_storage_interfaces list.

A default storage configuration driver will be set to noop which will prevent any storage related code from being invoked until the operator explicitly chooses to enable this support.

Based on the proposed driver configuration, we can expect two additional sections in the conductor configuration file: :

enabled_storage_interfaces = <None> # Defaults to none and is a list of the
available drivers.

url = http://api.address:port
url_timeout = 30
retries = 3
auth_strategy = <noauth|keystone>
toggle_attachments_with_power = true

Developer impact

This will increase the overall complexity and set of capabilities that ironic offers. Driver developers wishing to implement driver specific functionality should expect certain substrate operations to occur, and attempt to leverage the substrate set forth in this specification and the Add volume connection information for Ironic nodes specification.



Primary assignee:


Other contributors:

blakec shiina-hironori

Work Items

The breakdown of the proposed changes, when combined with the underlying scenarios helps convey the varying work items. That being said, this functionality will take some time to land.


Logic will need to be implemented in IPA to handle the scenario when no disks are detected. cleaning and inspection operations should be able to be executed upon hardware nodes that have no local disk storage.

Additionally in IPA, as a soft dependency, logic MAY be required to better handle directly attached volume selection when multipathing is present. This will require its own specification or well-defined and validated plan as IPA cannot expect OS multipathing support to handle MPIO scenarios in all cases, or to even be present.

Implementation of Add volume connection information for Ironic nodes. This specification should not be entirely dependent upon the implementation of the Nova Specs - Ironic - Boot from Cinder volume specification.

A soft dependency exists for the Driver composition reform specification in that these two efforts are anticipated to be worked in parallel, and this implementation effort should appropriately incorporate functionality as the functionality for the Driver composition reform specification begins to become available.


The level of full stack functional and integration tests is a topic that requires further discussion in the ironic community. An initial case for a gate test could be where an ironic deployment boots from a Cinder volume, which a tempest test could orchestrate.

Scenarios 3 and 4 are the most difficult to test as they have detached infrastucture expectations outside of our direct control. However, we may find that the base overlay is sufficient to test with unit tests due to what will ultimately be significant underlying common paths.

Upgrades and Backwards Compatibility

As this feature set is being created as a new set of capabilities within the reference drivers and their capability, no compatibility issues are expected as the API field additions related to this specification will be hidden from an API client that does not request the appropriate API version.

A database migration step will be added to create the storage_interface node database field. The initial value for this field will be None, and there will be no implied default set as an operator must choose to enable a storage interface in their environment.

Documentation Impact

Documentation will need to be updated detailing the new driver and the related use scenarios so an operator can comprehend what options the driver(s) provide and how they can fit into their use cases. Additional caveats regarding long term network booting of hosts should be explicitly stated as part of this work.

It is expected that this specification will be further refined during development of this functionality in order to raise and document any new findings at a technical level.


Relevent specifications:
Mitaka midcycle etherpad: