This updates the spec to reflect the changes that were done during implementation of the osc commands. In particular: - it was decided not to provide two commands (differing in spelling) for the same thing, so 'passthru' instead of 'passthrough' - not to implement osc commands that are equivalent to 'ironic driver-raid-logical-disk-properties' and 'ironic driver-properties' because we aren't sure (yet) what the "right" command might be Change-Id: I1f146e73ea342f07d65dcc985a5e94f2c8a98fd0 Closes-Bug: #1526479
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Implementation of ironic commands as an OSC plugin
The OpenStackClient is becoming the defacto CLI client for OpenStack. This spec will spell out what the command structure should look like, including parameters and command names.
Problem description
The OpenStackClient1 has become the preferred method of creating clients for OpenStack APIs. The initial implementation has been done. What needs to happen is to define what the command structure should be. There has been some confusion/discussion2 about what these commands should look like, so it seemed the proper thing to create a spec.
The goal of the OpenStackClient is to make the CLI clients more 'natural' for the End User. This spec will specify the commands that the End User will use when interacting with Ironic.
Proposed change
The proposed implementation will have all of the commands implemented as specified in the Client (CLI) impact section below.
In addition (or as clarification) to the OpenStackClient command structure3 :
- the OpenStackClient command structure is described as
<object1> <action> <object2>
. This doesn't work if there are commands of the form<object1> <action>
. Instead, we will use the form<object1> <object2> <action>
. (Perhaps think of it as one object with two parts). For example, instead of "openstack baremetal node set maintenance" (because we have "openstack baremetal node set"), we will use "openstack baremetal node maintenance set". - don't use hyphenated nouns, because the commands should be more 'natural' and there aren't any commands (yet) that use hyphens. For example, instead of "openstack baremetal node boot-device set", we are going to use "openstack baremetal node boot device set".
- only provide one OpenStackClient command to do something; avoid aliasing
- for naming, the trend is to use Americanised spelling, eg 'favor' instead of 'favour'. Having said that, it is important to take into consideration the terminology/usage outside of OpenStack, e.g. by operators and administrators.
Continue with the current client and remove the existing OSC plugin bits.
Data model impact
State Machine Impact
REST API impact
Client (CLI) impact
openstack baremetal chassis
openstack baremetal chassis show <uuid>
--fields <field,[field,...]> Select fields to fetch and display
openstack baremetal chassis list
- --long Show detailed chassis info (Mutually exclusive
to --fields)
--limit <limit> Limit the number of items to return --marker <uuid> Which chassis uuid to start after --sort <key[:direction]> Key and direction of sort. <direction> is optional. Defaults to ascending order. --fields <field,[field,...]> Select fields to fetch and display. (Mutually exclusive to --long)
openstack baremetal chassis create
--description <description> Chassis description --extra <key=value> Extra chassis properties. Can be specified multiple times. --uuid <uuid> UUID of the chassis
openstack baremetal chassis delete <uuid> [<uuid> ...]
openstack baremetal chassis set <uuid>
- --extra <key=value> Property to set or update. Can be specified
multiple times.
--description <description> Chassis description
openstack baremetal chassis unset <uuid>
- --extra <key> Key of property to unset. Can be specified
multiple times.
--description <description> Will unset the chassis description ('')
ironic CLI users who want to see a list of nodes belonging to a given
chassis should use openstack baremetal node list --chassis
since we will not provide an
openstack baremetal chassis xxx
equivalent to
ironic chassis-node-list
openstack baremetal driver
openstack baremetal driver list
openstack baremetal driver show <driver>
openstack baremetal driver passthru list <driver>
openstack baremetal driver passthru call <driver> <method>
<method> Vendor passthru method to call.
- --arg <key=value> key=value to add to passthru method. Can be
specified multiple times.
--http-method <http_method> one of 'POST', 'PUT', 'GET', 'DELETE', 'PATCH'
openstack baremetal node
openstack baremetal node show <uuid>
Obsoletes: openstack baremetal show
--instance Interpret <uuid> as an instance UUID --fields <field,[field,...]> Select fields to fetch and display.
openstack baremetal node list
Obsoletes: openstack baremetal list
--limit <limit> Limit the number of items to return --marker <uuid> Which node to start after --sort <key[:direction]> Key and direction of sort. <direction> is optional. --maintenance List nodes in maintenance mode --associated List nodes associated with an instance --chassis <uuid> UUID of chassis to limit node list --provision-state <state> Show nodes in specified <state> --fields <field,[field,...]> Select fields to fetch and display. (Mutually exclusive to --long)
openstack baremetal node create
Obsoletes: openstack baremetal create
--chassis-uuid <uuid> Chassis this node belongs to --driver <driver> Driver used to control the node --driver-info <key=value> key=value pair used by the driver. Can be specified multiple times. --property <key=value> Property of the node. Can be specified multiple times. --extra <key=value> Arbitrary metadata. Can be specified multiple times. --uuid <uuid> Unique UUID of the node. Optional. --name <name> Unique name of the node.
openstack baremetal node delete <uuid> [<uuid> ...]
Obsoletes: openstack baremetal delete
openstack baremetal node set <uuid>
Obsoletes: openstack baremetal set
--name <name> Name of the node --instance-uuid <uuid> Instance UUID --driver <driverid> Driver name or UUID --property <key=value> Property to set/update on the node. Can be specified multiple times. --extra <key=value> Extra to set/update on the node. Can be specified multiple times. --driver-info <key=value> driver-info to set/update on the node. Can be specified multiple times. --instance-info <key=value> instance-info to set/update on the node. Can be specified multiple times. --target-raid-config <config> Set the target RAID configuration (JSON) for the node. This can be one of: 1. a file containing JSON data of the RAID configuration; 2. "-" to read the contents from standard input; or 3. a valid JSON string.
openstack baremetal node unset <uuid>
Obsoletes: openstack baremetal unset
- --property <key> key to unset on the node. Can be specified multiple
- --extra <key> key from extra to unset. Can be specified multiple
- --driver-info <key> key to unset from driver-info. Can be specified
multiple times.
- --instance-info <key> key to unset from instance-info. Can be specified
multiple times.
--instance-uuid <uuid> Instance uuid. --name Name of the node. --target-raid_config target RAID configuration
openstack baremetal node passthru list <uuid>
openstack baremetal node passthru call <uuid> <method>
<method> Vendor passthru method to be called
- --arg <key=value> argument to send to passthru method. Can
be specified multiple times.
--http-method <http_method> One of 'POST', 'PUT', 'GET', 'DELETE', 'PATCH'
openstack baremetal node console show <uuid>
openstack baremetal node console enable <uuid>
openstack baremetal node console disable <uuid>
openstack baremetal node boot device show <uuid>
--supported Show the supported boot devices
openstack baremetal node boot device set <uuid> <device>
<device> One of 'pxe', 'disk', 'cdrom', 'bios', 'safe'
--persistent Make changes persistent for all future boots.
openstack baremetal node deploy <uuid>
- --config-drive <config_drive> A gzipped, base64-encoded configuration drive
string OR the path to the configuration drive file OR the path to a directory containing the config drive files. In case it's a directory, a config drive will be generated from it.
openstack baremetal node undeploy <uuid>
openstack baremetal node rebuild <uuid>
openstack baremetal node inspect <uuid>
openstack baremetal node provide <uuid>
openstack baremetal node manage <uuid>
openstack baremetal node abort <uuid>
openstack baremetal node maintenance set <uuid>
--reason <reason> Reason for setting to maintenance mode
openstack baremetal node maintenance unset <uuid>
openstack baremetal node power on <uuid>
openstack baremetal node power off <uuid>
openstack baremetal node reboot <uuid>
openstack baremetal node validate <uuid>
ironic CLI users who want to see a list of ports belonging to a given
node should use openstack baremetal port list --node
, since
we will not provide an openstack baremetal node xxx
equivalent to ironic node-port-list
ironic CLI users who want the equivalent to
ironic node-show-states
should use the following
openstack baremetal node show <node> --fields console_enabled last_error
power_state provision_state provision_updated_at raid_config
target_power_state target_provision_state target_raid_config
openstack baremetal port
openstack baremetal port show <uuid|mac>
--address <mac> Mac address instead of uuid --fields <field[,field,...]> Fields to display
openstack baremetal port list
--limit <limit> Limit the number of items to return --marker <marker> Which port to start after --sort <key[:direction]> Key and direction of sort --long Display detailed information about ports. Mutually exclusive with --fields. --fields <field[,field,...]> Fields to display. Mutually exclusive with --long. --node <nodeid> UUID or name of node to limit the port display
openstack baremetal port create <address>
--node <uuid> Node uuid to add the port to --extra <key=value> Arbitrary key=value metadata. Can be specified multiple times.
openstack baremetal port delete <uuid> [<uuid> ...]
openstack baremetal port set <uuid>
--extra <key=value> property to set. Can be specified multiple times. --address <macaddress> Set new MAC address of port --node <nodeid> Set UUID or name of node the port is assigned to
openstack baremetal port unset <uuid>
--extra <key> key to remove. Can be specified multiple times.
Not addressed
OpenStackClient commands corresponding to these ironic CLI commands are not addressed by this proposal. They will be addressed in a future release.
ironic driver-raid-logical-disk-properties
. Get RAID logical disk-
properties for a driver.
ironic driver-properties
. Get properties (node.driver_info keys and-
descriptions) for a driver.
RPC API impact
Driver API impact
Nova driver impact
Ramdisk impact
Security impact
Other end user impact
Scalability impact
Performance Impact
Other deployer impact
Developer impact
Primary assignee:
- brad-9 <brad@redhat.com>
Other contributors:
- Romanenko_K <kromanenko@mirantis.com>
- rloo <ruby.loo@intel.com>
Work Items
Unittests will be added.
Upgrades and Backwards Compatibility
There is already an implementation of some of these commands. A few are likely to change with this spec. These existing commands will go through a deprecation period.
Documentation Impact
The command line documentation will be updated to show these new commands.