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Implement Rescue Mode

Implement Nova rescue/unrescue in Ironic. Also implement an extension in IPA that carries out rescue-related tasks. After rescuing a node, it will be left running a rescue ramdisk, configured with the rescue_password, and listening with ssh on the specified network interfaces.

Problem description

Ironic does not currently implement the Nova rescue/unrescue interface. Therefore, end users are left with few options for troubleshooting or fixing anomalous and misconfigured nodes.

Proposed change

  • Implement rescue(), and unrescue() in the Ironic virt driver (no spec req'd):
  • Add InstanceRescueFailure, and InstanceUnRescueFailure exceptions to Nova
  • Add methods to Nova driver to poll Ironic to wait for nodes to rescue and unrescue, as appropriate.
  • Store plaintext password in Ironic node instance_info for use on the rescued node.
  • Add method for injecting password into OS.
  • Modify Ironic state machine as described in the state machine impact section
  • Add AgentRescue driver (implements base.RescueInterface). This implementation will be available only through hardware type. It would not be supported in the classic drivers as they would be deprecated shortly.
  • For classic drivers rescue interface would be set to 'None'. An exception of type 'UnsupportedDriverExtension' would be generated when any methods of this interface are invoked for nodes managed by classic drivers.
  • Add periodic task _check_rescue_timeouts to fail the rescue process if it takes longer than rescue_callback_timeout seconds for the rescue ramdisk to come online.
  • Add Conductor methods: do_node_rescue, and do_node_unrescue
  • Add Conductor RPC calls: do_node_rescue, and do_node_unrescue (and increment API version)
  • Add conductor.rescue_callback_timeout config option
  • Add rescue-related functionality to Ironic Python Agent including ability to set rescue password and kick off any needed network configuration automation
  • Documentation of good practices for building rescue ramdisk in multitenant environments
  • Add rescue_network configuration, which contains the UUID of the network the rescue agent should be booted onto. For security reasons, this should be separate from the networks used for provisioning and cleaning in multi-tenant environments.

An outline of the standard (non-error) rescue and unrescue processes follows:

Standard rescue process:

  1. User calls Nova rescue() on a node.
  2. Nova ComputeManager calls the virt driver's rescue() method, passing in rescue_password as a parameter.
  3. Virt driver calls node.set_provision_state(RESCUE), with the rescue_password as a parameter.
  4. Virt driver loops while waiting for provision_state to change, and updates Nova state as appropriate.
  5. Ironic API receives set_provision_state call, and performs do_node_rescue RPC call (ACTIVE -> RESCUING).
  6. Ironic conductor sets rescue password in instance_info and hands off call to appropriate driver.
  7. Driver boots rescue ramdisk (RESCUING -> RESCUEWAIT), using the configured boot driver. As part of this process, Ironic will put the node onto the rescue_network, as configured in ironic.conf.
  8. Agent ramdisk boots, performs a lookup (/v1/lookup in ironic-api), gets node info back, and begins heartbeating (/v1/heartbeat in ironic-api).
  9. Upon receiving heartbeat, the conductor calls finalize_rescue (/v1/commands) with config drive and rescue password (RESCUEWAIT -> RESCUING), and removes the rescue password from the instance_info, as it's no longer needed.
  10. Agent sets password, configures network from information in config drive, and stops agent service.
  11. The conductor flips network ports putting the node back on the tenant network, and the state is set to RESCUE.

Standard Unrescue process:

  1. User calls Nova unrescue() on a node.
  2. Nova calls Ironic unrescue() virt driver.
  3. Virt driver calls node.set_provision_state(ACTIVE).
  4. Virt driver loops while waiting for provision_state to change, and updates Nova state as appropriate.
  5. Ironic API receives set_provision_state call, and performs do_node_unrescue RPC call.
  6. Ironic conductor hands off call to appropriate driver.
  7. Driver performs actions required to boot node normally, and sets provision state to ACTIVE.

Rescue/Unrescue with standalone Ironic:

  1. Call Ironic provision state API with verb "rescue", with the rescue password as an argument.
  2. When finished with rescuing the instance, call Ironic provision state API with "unrescue" verb


  • Continue to not support rescue and unrescue.
  • Use console access to get rescue-like access into the OS, although this may not help in cases of lost password.

Data model impact

Essentially none. We will use instance_info to store, and subsequently retrieve, the rescue_password while rescuing a node.

State Machine Impact

  • Add transitions to the Ironic state machine:
    • ACTIVE -> RESCUING (initiate rescue)
    • RESCUING -> RESCUE (rescue succeeds)
    • RESCUING -> RESCUEWAIT (optionally, wait on external callback)
    • RESCUING -> RESCUEFAIL (rescue fails)
    • RESCUEWAIT -> RESCUING (callback succeeds)
    • RESCUEWAIT -> RESCUEFAIL (callback fails or abort issued)
    • RESCUEWAIT -> DELETING (delete instance without waiting)
    • RESCUE -> RESCUING (re-rescue node)
    • RESCUE -> DELETING (delete rescued instance)
    • RESCUE -> UNRESCUING (unrescue node)
    • UNRESCUING -> UNRESCUEFAIL (unrescue fails)
    • UNRESCUING -> ACTIVE (unrescue succeeds)
    • UNRESCUEFAIL -> RESCUING (re-rescue node after failed unrescue)
    • UNRESCUEFAIL -> UNRESCUING (re-unrescue node after failed unrescue)
    • UNRESCUEFAIL -> DELETING (delete instance that failed unrescuing)
    • RESCUEFAIL -> RESCUING (re-rescue after rescue failed)
    • RESCUEFAIL -> UNRESCUING (unrescue after failed rescue)
    • RESCUEFAIL -> DELETING (delete instance after failed rescue)
  • Add state machine verbs:
    • RESCUE

REST API impact

Modify provision state API to support the states and transitions described in this spec. Also increment the API microversion. Nodes in states introduced by this spec (and related, future microversion) would be unable to be modified by clients using an earlier microversion.

Client (CLI) impact

"ironic" CLI

None, as this CLI is anticipated to be deprecated prior to this feature landing.

"openstack baremetal" CLI

The OSC command line will require additional code to handle the new state. New command line options rescue and unrescue would be added to support rescue and unrescue operations.

RPC API impact

Add do_node_rescue and do_node_unrescue to the Conductor RPC API.

Driver API impact

Add a new method clean_up() for RescueInterface in This method would perform any necessary clean up of the node upon RESCUEWAIT timeout/failure or finishing rescue operation. Some of the cleaning tasks are removing rescue password from the node. Ramdisk boot environment should be cleaned if ironic is managing the ramdisk boot. It would have default implementation as given below:

class RescueInterface(BaseInterface):
    def clean_up(self, task):

Nova driver impact

Implement rescue() and unrescue() in the Nova driver. Add supporting methods including _wait_for_rescue() and _wait_for_unrescue().

Ramdisk impact

An agent that wishes to support rescue should:
  • Read and understand ipa-api-url kernel parameter for configuring API endpoint
  • Implement a client for ironic's lookup API call
    • The rescue_password will be in instance_info in the node object returned by Ironic on lookup. This can be placed in a linux-style /etc/shadow entry to enable a new user account.
  • Implement heartbeating to the appropriate API endpoint in Ironic
    • After one heartbeat, the agent should then kickoff any action needed to reconfigure networking, such as re-DHCPing, as the Ironic conductor will complete all actions to finish rescue - including moving the node off a network with access to Ironic API, if relevant.
    • Once network is reconfigured, the agent process should shutdown. Rescue is complete.

IPA will have a rescue extension added, implementing the above functionality.

Security impact

The rescue_password must be sent from Nova to Ironic, and thereafter to the rescued node. If, at any step in this process, this password is intercepted or changed, an attacker can gain root access to the rescued node.

Additionally, the lookup endpoint will be required to return the rescue password as a response to the first lookup once rescue is initiated. That means a properly executed timing attack could recover the password, but since this would also cause the rescue to fail (despite the node changing states), it's at worst a denial of service.

Security vulnerabilities involving the rescue ramdisk is another source of attacks. This is different from existing ramdisk issues, as once the rescue is complete, the tenant would have access to the ramdisk. This means deployers may need to ensure no secret information (such as custom cleaning steps or firmwares) are not present in the rescue ramdisk.

IPA is entirely unauthenticated. If IPA endpoints continue to be available after a node is rescued, then attackers with access to the tenant network would be able to leverage IPA's REST API to gain privileged access to the host. As such, IPA itself should be shut down, or the network should be sufficiently isolated during rescue operations.

Other end user impact

We will add rescue and unrescue commands to OSC Client.

Scalability impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact

Add conductor.rescue_callback_timeout config option.

Multi-tenant deployers will most likely need to support two ram disks--one running IPA for use with normal node-provisioning tasks, and another running IPA for rescue mode (with non-rescue endpoints disabled). This is to ensure the full suite of tooling and authentication needed for secure cleaning is not given to a tenant.

Additionally, in some environments, operators may not want to use the full Ironic Python Agent inside the rescue ramdisk, due to it's requirement for python or linux-centric nature. They may use statically compiled software such as onmetal-rescue-agent1 to perform the lookup and heartbeat needed to finalize cleaning.

Developer impact




Primary assignee:


Other contributors:

Shivanand Tendulker (stendulker) Aparna (aparnavtce)

Work Items

See proposed changes.


  • Updating the Ironic virt driver in Nova to support this.


Unit tests and Tempest tests must be added.

Upgrades and Backwards Compatibility

Clients that are unaware of rescue-related states may not function correctly with nodes that are in these states.

Documentation Impact

Write documentation.

