melissaml ae35f97b43 Rename to
There are many references to, and while the
redirect should work, we can also go ahead and fix them.

Change-Id: Ic82bde84617c461aba1e4a02b3fc562a90c99a6e
2019-07-11 11:39:16 +08:00

14 KiB

Manual cleaning

Manual cleaning (as opposed to automated cleaning) encompasses all long running, manual, destructive tasks an operator may want to perform either between workloads, or before the first workload has been assigned to a node.

This feature had previously been called "Zapping" and this specification copies a lot of the zapping specification. (Thank you Josh Gachnang!)

Problem description

Automated cleaning has been available in ironic since the kilo cycle. It lets operators choose which clean steps are automatically done prior to the first time a node is deployed and each time after a node is released.

However, operators may want certain operations or tasks to only run on demand, rather than in every clean cycle. Things like firmware updates, setting up new RAID levels, or burning in nodes often need to be done before a user is given a server, but take too long to reasonably do at deploy time.

Many of the above tasks could provide useful scheduling hints to nova once hardware capabilities are introduced. Operators could use these scheduling hints to create flavors, such as a nova compute flavor that requires a node with RAID 1 for extra durability.

Proposed change

Instead of adding new ZAP* states to the state machine to distinguish between manual and automated cleaning, the existing CLEAN* states and cleaning mechanism will be reused for both automated and manual cleaning. The main differences will be:

  • manual cleaning can only be initiated when a node is in the MANAGEABLE state. Once the manual cleaning is finished, the node will be put in the MANAGEABLE state again.
  • operators will be able to initiate a manual clean via the modified API to set the nodes's provision state. Details are described in the PUT .../states/provision section below.
  • A manual clean step might need some arguments to be specified. (This might be useful for future automated steps too.) To support this, the ironic.drivers.base.clean_step decorator will be modified to accept a list of arguments. (Default is None.) Each argument is a dictionary with:
    • 'name': <name of argument>
    • 'description': <description>. This should include possible values.
    • 'required': Boolean. True if this argument is required -- it must be specified in the manual clean request; false if it is optional.
  • add clean steps to drivers that will only be used by manual cleaning. The mechanism for doing this exists already. Driver implementors only need to use the @clean_step decorator with a default cleaning priority of 0. This will ensure the step isn't run as part of the automated cleaning. The implementor can specify whether the step is abortable, and should also include any arguments that can be passed to the clean step.
  • operators will be able to get a list of possible steps via an API. The GET .../cleaning/steps section below provides more information.
  • similar to executing automated clean steps, when the conductor attempts to execute a manual clean step, it will call execute_clean_step() on the driver responsible for that clean step.
  • to avoid confusion, the 'clean_nodes' config will be renamed to 'automated_clean_enable' since it only pertains to automated cleaning. The deprecation and deletion of the 'clean_nodes' config will follow ironic's normal deprecation process.


  • We could make manual clean steps and automated clean steps mutually exclusive with separate APIs and terminology and mechanisms to use, but conceptually, since they are all clean steps it is less confusing to provide a similar mechanism for both.
  • We could have called 'manual clean' something else like 'zap' to avoid having to distinguish between 'manual' and 'automated' cleaning, but it seems more confusing to describe the differences between 'zap' and 'clean' and that confusion and complexity is apparent when trying to implement it that way.

Data model impact


State Machine Impact


  • removes all mention of 'zap' and the ZAP* states from the proposed state machine
  • adds two new transitions:
    • MANAGEABLE -> CLEANING via 'clean' verb, to start manual cleaning
    • CLEANING -> MANAGEABLE via 'manage' verb, to end a successful manual clean

REST API impact

PUT /v1/nodes/<node_ident>/states/provision

This API will allow users to put a node directly into CLEANING provision state from MANAGEABLE state via 'target': 'clean'. The PUT will also require the argument 'clean_steps' to be specified. This is an ordered list of clean steps, with a clean step being represented as a dictionary encoded as JSON.

As an example:

'clean_steps': [{
    'interface': 'raid'
    'step': 'create_configuration',
    'args': {'create_nonroot_volumes': False, // optional keyword argument
             ... }               // more keyword arguments (if applicable)
    'interface': 'deploy'
    'step': 'erase_devices'

In the above example, the driver's RAID interface would configure hardware RAID without non-root volumes, and then all devices would be erased (in that order).

A clean step is represented by a dictionary (JSON), in the form:

    'interface': <interface>,
    'step': <name of clean step>,
    'args': {<arg1>: <value1>, ..., <argn>: <valuen>}

The 'interface' and 'step' keys are required for all steps. If a step takes additional keyword arguments, the 'args' key may be specified. It is a dictionary of keyword arguments, with each keyword-argument entry being <name>: <value>.

If any step is missing a required keyword argument, no manual cleaning will be performed and the node will be put in CLEANFAIL provision state with an appropriate error message.

If, during the cleaning process, a clean step determines that it has incorrect keyword arguments, all earlier steps will be performed and then the node will be put in CLEANFAIL provision state with an appropriate error message.

A new API version is needed to support this.

GET /nodes/<node_ident>/cleaning/steps

We had planned on having an API endpoint to allow operators to see the clean steps for an automated cleaning. That proposed API had been GET /nodes/<node_ident>/cleaning/clean_steps, but it hasn't been implemented yet.

With the introduction of manual cleaning, instead of GET /nodes/<node_ident>/cleaning/clean_steps, this proposes replacing that with the API endpoint GET /nodes/<node_ident>/cleaning/steps. By default, it will return all available clean steps (with priorities of zero and non-zero), for both manual and automated cleaning.

An optional field 'min_priority' can be specified to filter for clean steps with priorities equal to or above the specified minimum value. For example, to only get clean steps for automated cleaning (not manual):


The response to this request would be a list of clean steps sorted in decreasing priorities, formatted as follows:

  // 'interface': is one of 'power', 'management', 'deploy', 'raid'.
  // 'step': is an opaque identifier used by the driver. Could be a driver
  //         function name or some function in the agent.
  // 'priority': is the priority used for determining when to execute
  //             the step; larger values have higher priority.
  // 'abortable': True if cleaning can be aborted during execution of this
  //              step; False otherwise.
  'interface': 'interface',
  'step': 'step',
  'priority': Integer,
  'abortable': Boolean

  // 'args': a list of keyword arguments that may be included in the
  //         'PUT /v1/nodes/NNNN/states/provision' request when doing
  //         a manual clean. An argument is a dictionary with:
  //           - 'name': <name of argument>
  //           - 'description': <description>
  //           - 'required': Boolean. True if required; false if optional
  'args': []
 ... more steps ...

An example with a single step:

  'interface': 'raid',
  'step': 'create_configuration',
  'args': [{'name':'create_root_volume',
            'description':'Set to True (the default) to create root volume
                           specified in the node's target_raid_config. False
                           prevents the root volume from being created.',
            'description':'Set to True (the default) to create non-root
                           volumes that may be specified in the node's
                           target_raid_config. False prevents non-root
                           volumes from being created.',
  'priority': 0,
  'abortable': True

If the driver interface cannot synchronously get the list of clean steps, for example, because a remote agent is used to determine available clean steps, then the driver MUST cache the list of clean steps from the most recent execution of said agent and return that. In the absence of such data, the driver MAY raise an error, which should be translated by the API service into:

  • an HTTP 202
  • a new (we created this) HTTP header 'Retry-Request-After', indicating to the client how long in seconds the client should wait to retry. A '-1' indicates that it is unknown how long to wait. This might happen for example when the request is made when a node is in ENROLL state. At this point it is unknown when the remote agent will be available on the node for querying.
  • a body with a message indicating that the data are not available yet.

If the driver interface can synchronously return the clean steps without relying on the hardware or a remote agent, it SHOULD do so, though it MAY also rely on the aforementioned caching mechanism.

A new API version is needed to support this.

Client (CLI) impact

ironic node-set-provision-state

A new argument called 'clean-steps' will be added to the node-set-provision-state CLI. Its value is a JSON file which is read and the contents passed to the API. Thus, the file has the same format as what is passed to the API for clean steps.

If the input file is specified as '-', the CLI will read in from stdin, to allow piping in the clean steps. Using '-' to signify stdin is common in Unix utilities.

The 'clean-steps' argument is required if the requested provision state target/verb is "clean". Otherwise, specifying it is considered an error.

ironic node-get-clean-steps

A new node-get-clean-steps API will be added as follows:

ironic node-get-clean-steps [--min_priority <priority>] <node>

<node>: name or UUID of the node
--min-priority <priority>: optional minimum priority; default is 0 for all clean steps

If successful, it will return a list of clean steps. If the response from the corresponding REST API request is an HTTP 202, it will return the message from that response body (that the data are not available) along with a suggestion to retry the request again.

RPC API impact

Add do_node_clean() (as a call()) to the RPC API and bump the RPC API version.

Driver API impact


Nova driver impact


Ramdisk impact


Security impact


Other end user impact


Scalability impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:

rloo (taking over from JoshNang who has left ironic)

Other contributors:

JoshNang (who started this)

Work Items

  • Make the changes (as described above) to the state machine
  • Bump API microversion to allow manual cleaning and implement the changes to PUT /v1/nodes/(node_ident)/states/provision API (as described above)
  • Modify the cleaning flow to allow manual cleaning
  • Change execute_clean_steps and get_clean_steps in any asynchronous driver to cache clean steps and return cached clean steps whenever possible.
  • Allow APIs to return a Retry-Request-After HTTP header and empty response, in response to a certain exception from drivers.



  • Drivers implementing manual cleaning will be expected to test their added features.

Upgrades and Backwards Compatibility


Documentation Impact

The documentation will be updated to describe or clarify automated cleaning and manual cleaning and how to configure ironic to do one or both of them:


Automated cleaning specification:

State machine specification:

Zapping related patches: