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Ironic L3 based deployment!/story/1749193

Ironic relies on L2 network for IP configuration (and optionally PXE booting) during provisioning baremetal nodes. This imposes limitations on Multi-rack deployments and remote site deployments like Edge Cloud etc. Besides that, lossy provisioning network may slow down or fail some deployments.

This specification proposes relying upon Virtual Media boot capability of modern BMCs to deliver boot image, static network configuration, node identification information and more to the node of choice reliably and securely.

Proposed way of booting the node should fully eliminate the need for DHCP and PXE thus enabling deployment over purely L3 network.

Problem description

It is not always easy to provide Layer-2 connectivity between Ironic conductor node and target nodes.

Example use cases:

  • Multi Rack deployment: Inter-Rack L2 switching beyond ToR is a challenge with DHCP-relay, as this adds requirement of either having ToR with DHCP-relay, or having a system or VM listening on the remote subnet to relay or proxy DHCP requests.

  • Remote site targets: It would be a great idea to deploy Servers in different remote sites from a central location. With the current setup of L2 dependency we need to provide VPN L2 tunnel between Ironic Conductor and remote target server.

    Example: Edge cloud servers or Distributed VNF Flexi Zone Controllers1.

  • Lossy, overloaded provisioning network may cause DHCP or TFTP packet drop slowing down or failing the entire node deployment.

Most of the hardware offerings on the market support booting off virtual media device. While Ironic can boot the nodes over virtual media, its present workflow still relies on DHCP for booted OS to obtain IP stack configuration. This dependency on DHCP can be eliminated if proposed change is implemented.

Proposed change

Deploying a node without DHCP involves solving three crucial problems:

  1. Securely delivering boot image to the right node
  2. Gathering node configuration information from cloud or site-specific infrastructure
  3. Provisioning node configuration (as well as authentication, identification etc) information to the ramdisk operating system running on the node

Virtual media capability of contemporary BMCs coupled with virtual media boot support implemented in some ironic hardware types (e.g. redfish-virtual-media) fully solves problem (1). The rest of this spec is dedicated to pondering items (2) and (3).

Gathering node configuration

Typical ironic node deployment workflow involves booting Ironic Python Agent (known as IPA or ramdisk) has to be booted to prepare the node. Once set up by IPA, the tenant (AKA instance) operating system is brought up.

In the context of OpenStack, existing cloud infrastructure is capable to manage tenant network configuration (e.g. Neutron), to deliver network configuration to the tenant (e.g. config-drive2) and even simplify the application of node configuration (e.g. cloud-init3, os-net-config4 or Ignition5). All these capabilities together largely solve problems (2) and (3) for the tenants.

However, our software infrastructure does not presently offer much in part of configuring ironic ramdisk networking without DHCP. This spec proposes:

  • Allowing the operator to manually associate static node network configuration with ironic node object. The assumption is that the operator would use some other mechanism for IP address management.
  • Enable ironic to leverage Neutron for building static network configuration for the node being deployed out of Neutron information.

Provisioning node configuration

This spec proposes burning the contents of config-drive containing Nova metadata into the ISO image the node has been booted from in provisioning and state. If no config-drive information is supplied to Ironic by the operator, ironic will create one.

To facilitate network configuration processing and application, this spec proposes reusing network-data.json6 Nova metadata format, for Ironic-managed node network configuration.

Example network-data.json file:

    "links": [
            "id": "interface0",
            "type": "phy",
            "ethernet_mac_address": "a0:36:9f:2c:e8:80",
            "mtu": 1500
            "id": "interface1",
            "type": "phy",
            "ethernet_mac_address": "a0:36:9f:2c:e8:81",
            "mtu": 1500
    "networks": [
            "id": "provisioning IPv4",
            "type": "ipv4",
            "link": "interface0",
            "ip_address": "",
            "netmask": "",
            "routes": [
                    "network": "",
                    "netmask": "",
                    "gateway": ""
                    "network": "",
                    "netmask": "",
                    "gateway": ""
            "network_id": "da5bb487-5193-4a65-a3df-4a0055a8c0d7"
            "id": "provisioning IPv6",
            "type": "ipv6",
            "link": "interface1",
            "ip_address": "2001:cdba::3257:9652/24",
            "routes": [
                    "network": "::",
                    "netmask": "::",
                    "gateway": "fd00::1"
                    "network": "::",
                    "netmask": "ffff:ffff:ffff::",
                    "gateway": "fd00::1:1"
            "network_id": "da5bb487-5193-4a65-a3df-4a0055a8c0d8"
    "services": [
            "type": "dns",
            "address": ""

This spec anticipates associating the content of network_data.json document with ironic node object by introducing a new network_data field to the node object to contain network_data.json information for ironic ramdisk booting.

On the ramdisk side, this spec proposes using Glean7 for consuming and applying network configuration to the operating system running ironic ramdisk. The main consideration here is that, unlike cloud-init, Glean is lean, and readily supports a subset of cloud-init features.

Alternative ramdisk implementations can choose other ways of bootstrapping OS networking based on network_data.json information.

To summarize - in the area of provisioning node network configuration this spec proposes:

  • Reusing Nova metadata representation for provisioning network configuration via ramdisk image.

  • Adding a new field to ironic node object: network_data to use for ramdisk bootstrapping.

    The contents of this field should be validated by ironic conductor API against Glean JSON schema and some ad-hoc checks the implementers deem reasonable.

    Having Glean schema effectively hardwired into ironic conductor API will not allow for an easy extension or addition of other network configuration formats.

  • Creating a new config-drive to have it including network-data.json file.

  • Writing the contents of config-drive image into the root of the ISO file system (along with ramdisk and kernel blobs), then making a bootable ISO image.

  • Including Glean dependency to ramdisk image for managed OS bootstrapping.

However, Ironic rescue operation, at least in its current implementation, will only work if user and provisioning networks are the same network.

That's because rescue ramdisk will try to renumber NICs of ramdisk by restarting DHCP client. Working around this limitation is out of scope of this spec.

Deployment workflow

To make it easier to grasp, let's reiterate on the entire Ironic deploy work flow focusing on how network configuration is built and used. We will consider two scenarios - stand-alone ironic and ironic within OpenStack cloud. In each scenario we will only consider deploy ramdisk and omit instance booting phases.

Stand-alone ironic
  1. Operator supplies deploy ramdisk network configuration, in form of network-data.json contents, via network_data field of ironic node being deployed. The contents of network_data.json must comply to the JSON schema of network_data.json that Glean can consume.

  2. Ironic conductor validates supplied network-data.json against Glean schema (that is supplied to ironic API program via configuration) and fails early if validation fails. Glean schema will not allow any properties of network_data.json that can't be applied to the OS by Glean even if these properties are valid as Nova metadata.

  3. Ironic builds a new config-drive image and places network-data.json file, with contents taken from network_data field, at a conventional location within config-drive image.

  4. To boot deploy ramdisk, ironic builds bootable ISO out of deploy_kernel and deploy_ramdisk also writing config-drive contents into the root of boot ISO image.

    Glean running inside ramdisk will try to mount virtual CD drive(s), in search for a filesystem labeled config-2, read network_data.json and apply network configuration to the OS.

Ironic within OpenStack
  1. Prior to booting ramdisk, unless operator-supplied network configuration already exists in network_data ironic node field, ironic gathers network configuration for each ironic port/portgroup, associated with the node being deployed, by talking with Neutron. Then ironic builds network configuration for ramdisk operating system in form of a network-data.json file.

  2. Ironic builds a new config-drive image and places network-data.json file, as build at step (1), at a pre-defined location within config-drive image.

  3. To boot deploy ramdisk, ironic builds bootable ISO out of deploy_kernel and deploy_ramdisk also writing config-drive contents into the root of boot ISO image.

    Glean running inside ramdisk will try to mount virtual CD drive(s), in search for a filesystem labeled config-2, read network_data.json and apply network configuration to the ramdisk operating system.


Alternatively to associating the entire and consistent network_data.json JSON document with ironic node object, network_data.json can be tied to ironic port object. However, experimental implementation revealed certain difficulties stemming from port-centric design, so consensus has been reached to bind network_data.json to ironic node object.

Alternatively to make ironic gathering and building network-data.json8, ironic could just directly request Nova metadata service9 to produce necessary file by instance ID. However, this will not work for non-deploy operations (such as node cleaning) because Nova is not involved.

Alternatively to relying on Nova metadata and Glean as its consumer in ramdisk, we could leverage os-net-config's feature of taking its compressed configuration from kernel parameters. On the flip side, the size of kernel cmdline is severely limited (256+ bytes). Also, os-net-config feels like a TripleO-specific tool in comparison with cloud-init, which, besides being a mainstream way of bootstrapping instances in the cloud, understands OpenStack network configuration metadata.

Alternatively to having operator supplying ramdisk network configuration as a network_data.json file, Ironic can also accept the entire config-drive. That would make it looking similar to instance booting (e.g. Ironic provision state API) and would allow for passing more files to ramdisk in the future.

Alternatively to wiring Glean schema validation into Ironic conductor, operator can be asked to validate their network_data.json data with some external tool prior to submitting it to Ironic. This would relax ironic conductor dependency on Glean input requirements changes and ease network_data.json reuse for bootstrapping both ramdisk and instance.

Data model impact

Add a new, user manageable, field network_data to ironic node object conveying ramdisk network configuration information to ironic. If set, the contents of this new field should be a well-formed network-data.json document describing network configuration of the node running ramdisk.

State Machine Impact


REST API impact

  • Update GET /v1/nodes/detail, GET /v1/nodes/{node_id}, PATCH /v1/nodes/{node_id} to add new request/response fields
  • network_data JSON object conveying network configuration.

Client (CLI) impact

"ironic" CLI


"openstack baremetal" CLI

  • Update openstack baremetal node create and openstack baremetal node set commands to accept new argument --network-config <JSON> with help text describing JSON structure of the network configuration.
  • Extend the output of the openstack baremetal node show command with network_data column.

RPC API impact


Driver API impact

  • Extend ironic base NetworkInterface with get_node_network_config API call providing network configuration for the node being managed. Ironic will burn the output of this API call to the boot image served over virtual media.
  • Implement get_node_network_config network interface call for non-Neutron networks providing network_data.json from network_data field of ironic object (if present). The operator could then implement their own IPAM (e.g. for stand-alone ironic use-case).
  • Implement get_node_network_config network interface call for Neutron networks generating network_data.json based on Neutron port and subnet information10.
  • Make virtual media boot interfaces in ironic generating config-drive with network_data.json in it if network_data.json is not already passed to ironic with the config-drive.
  • Make virtual media boot interfaces in ironic writing config-drive contents into root of bootable ISO image it generates on every node boot. Filesystem on this bootable ISO should be labeled config-2 if it contains config-drive files.

Nova driver impact


Ramdisk impact

  • Diskimage-builder tool should install Glean into ramdisk and invoke on boot.

    On top of that, the dhcp-all-interfaces DIB element might not be used anymore because Glean will run DHCP on all not explicitly configured (via config-drive) interfaces11.

Security impact


Other end user impact


Scalability impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:

etingof (

Other contributors:


Work Items

  • Document Glean requirements, with regards to network_data.json, in form of machine-readable JSON schema.
  • Update ironic node model to include optional, user-specified network_data fields carrying ramdisk network configuration in form of network_data.json JSON document.
  • Update REST API endpoints to support new network_data field
  • Support new network_data fields in baremetal CLI (openstack baremetal node ...)
  • Extend ironic base NetworkInterface with the get_node_network_config API call providing network configuration for the node being managed.
  • Implement get_node_network_config network interface call for non-Neutron networks providing network_data.json from network_data field of ironic node object (if present).
  • Implement get_node_network_config network interface call for Neutron networks generating network_data.json based on Neutron port and subnet information12.
  • Make virtual media boot interfaces in ironic generating config-drive with network_data.json on it.
  • Make virtual media boot interfaces in ironic writing config-drive files into the root file system of the bootable ISO image it generates on every node boot. The file system should be labeled as config-2 for Glean to find and use it.
  • Update ramdisk bootstrapping code to invoke Glean on system boot making use of network-data.json file if present on the config-drive.
  • Update diskimage-builder tool to control the inclusion and the options of the new static network configuration processing features.
  • Create documentation on DHCP-less boot setup and work flow.


Ramdisk will start depending on Glean for processing network-data.json document.


Tempest test of the ironic node deployment using operator-supplied and Neutron-originated network_data.json.

Upgrades and Backwards Compatibility


Documentation Impact

Use of L3 based deployment should be documented as part of this item.












