Arun S A G a1e51e5b8f Add support for anaconda deploy interface
This spec describes implementation of anaconda deploy
interface in ironic.

Change-Id: I10e2b232b402ce23e0a690bca4ccd0de87da4ad4
Story: 2007839
Task: 40774
2021-01-08 12:31:36 -08:00

19 KiB

Anaconda deploy interface!/story/2007839

Problem description

We would like Ironic to provide the following features (described in more detail later in this spec):

  • Create LVM logical volumes, volume groups, and physical volumes
  • Create MD raid arrays
  • Create Linux filesystems
  • Generate Linux fstab files based on created Linux filesystems

Support for creating LVM and MD structures has significant usefulness in when provisioning Nodes with multiple physical storage devices.

Use-cases include:

  • A user wants to use a LVM or MD feature
  • A user wants to create a Linux filesystem on any block device created during provisioning
  • A user wants an fstab with entries for all filesystems created by the Ironic deploy interface

While Ironic supports creation of custom MD raid arrays using deploy templates, it could lead to an explosion of flavors1.

Proposed change

This spec suggests implementing these block device provisioning features by creating a new "anaconda deploy interface" using Anaconda. The "anaconda deploy interface" allows a user to select one of a set of pre-defined Kickstart configurations2.

The primary advantage of this approach is in allowing customization of the deployed operating system with all features offered by Kickstart commands.

This spec is interested in the following Anaconda features. In most cases, each feature described has a 1:1 relationship with a Kickstart command:

Feature Ironic Anaconda
Zeroize GPT/MBR structures yes yes
Create a partition in GPT/MBR yes yes
Install a bootloader (GRUB) yes yes
Create a LVM logical volume no yes
Create a LVM volume group no yes
Create a LVM physical volume no yes
Create a MD raid array limited yes
Create filesystems specified by the user no yes
fstab entry generator no yes

As shown, there are several block device-related features supported by this spec.

In addition, there are some desired pseudo-features, for example "LVM physical volume on MD raid array" that are accomplished by the user providing sequences of (imperative) Kickstart commands that effectively implement this.

Deploying a node with Anaconda deploy driver involves solving following problems:

  1. Identifying the correct Anaconda version to use with the OS image.
  2. Getting user-provided kickstart file to the Anaconda runtime.
  3. The Operator/User generating an OS image with necessary tools in a format supported by Anaconda.
  4. Passing correct kernel cmdline arguments to Anaconda by generating them in PXE boot driver.
  5. Sending status back to Ironic API when the deployment starts/ends or crashes.
  6. Handling cleaning when 'Anaconda deploy driver' is used.


The scope of the Anaconda deploy interface is limited to

  • CentOS/RHEL >= 7 and Fedora >=31
  • Anaconda will be used to deploy the OS image.
  • Support both UEFI and Legacy BIOS mode.

Matching the OS image with correct anaconda version

Anaconda is a two stage installer where the ramdisk is considered stage1. Once stage1 is loaded, it tries to download stage2 of the installer over the network. Stage2 is a squashfs3 image and the location of stage2 can be specified using inst.stage2 kernel command line argument.


To deploy the OS using anaconda, apart from the OS image,kernel,ramdisk(stage1) and anaconda squashfs(stage2) images are required. All these artifacts should be uploaded to glance and associated with the OS image by the operator.

openstack image create --disk-format raw --container-format compressed \
    --file path/to/os_image.tar.bz2 \
    --property kernel_id=$MY_VMLINUZ_UUID \
    --property ramdisk_id=$MY_INITRD_UUID \
    --property stage2_id=$MY_ANACONDA_SQUASHFS_UUID \
    --property os_distro=RHEL \
    --property os_version=7 centos-7-base \
    --property ks_template=glance://uuid``

This is a departure from how direct deploy interface works where the kernel_id and ramdisk_id are either in configuration file or set in driver_info. IPA is distro agnostic, Anaconda is not. There is no single Anaconda installer version that is compatible with all major versions of CentOS. Each major version of CentOS has its own version of anaconda installer. For this reason we require the operator to associate correct PXE kernel, PXE ramdisk and Anaconda squashfs with the OS image as properties in Glance. The Anaconda deploy interface shall validate the image properties and make sure that all required properties are set before the deployment.

Kickstart templates

Anaconda installer needs a kickstart file to deploy an operating system non-interactively. The kickstart file is used to automate the deployment of the operating system. The default kickstart template when not modified by the operator should automatically partition the available disks using the autopart mechanism4 and deploy the OS. The default kickstart file template will be named default_kickstart.template and referenced by the configuration option default_ks_template in ironic.conf under [kickstart] section.

Example default kickstart template:

lang en_US
keyboard us
timezone America/Los_Angeles --isUtc
#platform x86, AMD64, or Intel EM64T
selinux --enforcing
firewall --enabled
firstboot --disabled
auth --passalgo=sha512 --useshadow

bootloader --location=mbr --append="rhgb quiet crashkernel=auto"
clearpart --all --initlabel

All kickstart templates will be automatically appended with following mandatory sections during deployment

# Downloading and installing OS image using liveimg section is mandatory
liveimg --url={{ liveimg_url }}

# Following %pre, %onerror and %trackback sections are mandatory
/usr/bin/curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{.."agent_status": "start"}' http(s)://host:port/v1/heartbeat/{{node_ident}

/usr/bin/curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{"agent_status": "Error: Deploying using anaconda. Check console for more information."}' http(s)://host:port/v1/heartbeat/{{node_ident}

/usr/bin/curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{.."agent_status": "Error: Anaconda crashed unexpectedly."}' http(s)://host:port/v1/heartbeat/{{node_ident}

# Sending callback after the installation is mandatory
/usr/bin/curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{.."agent_status": "success"}' http(s)://host:port/v1/heartbeat/{{node_ident}

Multiple %pre, %post, %traceback and %error sections can exist in a kickstart file. These sections will be processed and executed in the order they are encountered5.

Custom kickstart templates should be uploaded to glance or hosted in a webserver accessible by the conductor or on the conductor's filesystem.

The operator can set the kickstart file using URI formats glance://<uuid> or http(s)://host:port/path/ks.cfg or file://path/to/ks.cfg

If the API user decides to store the kickstart file in glance they can do so by running the following command

openstack image create --file ks.cfg --container-format bare \
    --disk-format raw custom_kickstart_template

Users can specify a specific kickstart template for a node via the node's instance_info field, with key 'ks_template'. For example:

openstack baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
    --instance_info ks_template=glance://uuid


openstack baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
    --instance_info ks_template=http(s)://port:host/path/ks.cfg


openstack baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
    --instance_info ks_template=file://path/to/ks.cfg

The user can also associate a kickstart template with an OS image(image_source) in glance. The template specified in the instance_info will take precedence followed by ks_template property on the OS image. Finally if ks_template property is not present in both instance_info and OS image then the default kickstart template specified in the configuration file will be used.

The custom kickstart template will be downloaded and stored in httproot/<node-uuid>/ks.cfg. Where as httproot is defined in http_root configuration item under [deploy] section of ironic.conf configuration file. Once the custom kickstart template is downloaded it will be validated against os_distro and os_version

ksvalidator -v RHEL7 ks.cfg

os_distro and os_version are properties of image_source(The OS image). The API user is required to set os_distro and os_version. If there is no os_distro or os_version set on the image_source, the kickstart file will be validated against DEVEL version of kickstart syntax. See ksvalidator -l for list of supported kickstart versions6.

The OS_DISTRO should be one of 'RHEL' and OS_VERSION should be either '7' or '8'.

The kickstart file is passed to anaconda installer using the kernel cmdline argument inst.ks


Kernel command line arguments

Two important kernel command line arguments are required for the anaconda installer to work.

  1. inst.stage2
  2. inst.ks

Both of these kernel command line arguments will be appended to pxe_options dictionary. A function similar to get_volume_pxe_options() will be added to pxe_utils to facilitate this.

OS image format

While Anaconda supports installing individual RPM packages from a remote server, the deployment driver will only support installation of disk image formats described by liveimg7. liveimg accepts tarballs, squashfs images and any mountable disk images. Users can generate squashfs images and tarballs.

Deployment status

Anaconda installer doesn't know how to talk to Ironic APIs. However we can have %pre and %post sections of kickstart file make API calls to Ironic. The ramdisk will use heartbeat API to talk to the Ironic API. The %pre %onerror, %traceback, and %post sections will be populated with curl calls to heartbeat API when conductor renders the kickstart template.

The %pre and %post sections of kickstart files are executed in order they are encountered by anaconda.

At the start of the installation following status will be sent using %pre section of the kickstart file from anaconda ramdisk to lookup

POST {'callback_url': '', 'agent_token': <token>, 'agent_version': '', 'agent_status': 'start'} http(s)://<address>:<port>/v1/heartbeat/{{node_ident}}

On receiving the 'start' status from anaconda ramdisk, the conductor will set driver_internal_info['agent_status'] = 'start'

At the end of the OS installation %post section will be used to send following message back to Ironic

POST {'callback_url': '', 'agent_token': <token>, 'agent_version': '',

'agent_status': 'success'} http(s)://<address>:<port>/v1/heartbeat/{{node_ident}}

On receiving the 'success' the conductor will move the Ironic node to 'active' state depending on the current state and set driver_internal_info['agent_status'] = 'success'

If there are errors during installation we will capture those error using %onerror8 and %traceback9 sections of kickstart file, then send the 'error' status to Ironic

POST {'callback_url': '', 'agent_token': <token>, 'agent_version': '', 'agent_status': 'Error: <msg>'} http(s)://<address>:<port>/v1/heartbeat/{{node_ident}}

On receiving the 'Error' status the conductor will set the provision_state of Ironic node to 'deploy_failed' depending on the current status of the node and set the last_error field of the Ironic node.

There will be no calls to /v1/lookup API from ramdisk. The agent token will be generated when the kickstart file is rendered. Agent token will be embedded in the kickstart file for the heartbeat curl call to use. The driver avoids calls to lookup API because it is difficult to read and extract agent token using scripts in the ramdisk.


The PXEAnacondaDeploy driver will inherit from AgentBaseMixin interface and DeployInterface similar to PXERamdiskDeploy driver. This implies that the cleaning will be done by the agent Driver not by the Anaconda deploy driver.

During deployment the PXEAnacondaDeploy driver will use the properties associated with the image_source to figure out the deploy_kernel and deploy_ramdisk. However during cleaning it will use the driver_info['deploy_kernel'] and driver_info['deploy_ramdisk'] fields to determine the cleaning kernel and ramdisk. This mean the driver_info deploy* fields should refer to IPA kernel/ramdisk. This change is likely to be a point of confusion.


The Anaconda deployment driver is specific to Red Hat based distributions. This deployment driver won't support distributions not supported by Anaconda. For example ubuntu is not supported by this deploy driver. A similar driver can be implemented to support ubuntu using preseed10 files.

Another alternative is to define a generic partition configuration format and use that configuration instead of kickstart file. This new generic partition configuration will be validated by the conductor and sent to Ironic python agent during deployment. IPA will read the generic partition configuration and use libraries like blivet11 to partition/format the disks. With this approach the deploy driver isn't tied to a specific distribution or vendor. We explored this approach but we found it to be too complex and reinventing lot of things the distribution installers already do.

The kickstart file is either uploaded to glance or hosted in a webserver in current proposal. Alternatively we can add a new field named kickstart to nodes table which accepts raw kickstart file

openstack baremetal rebuild --kickstart path/to/ks.cfg <node-uuid>

Data model impact


State Machine Impact


REST API impact

Add an optional field agent_status to v1/heartbeat API, which can be used to receive deployment status from the anaconda deploy driver.

POST {.. 'agent_status': <status>} /v1/heartbeat/{{node_ident}}

Client (CLI) impact


"openstack baremetal" CLI




RPC API impact

RPC API needs to be updated to handle the new agent_status in heartbeat API.

Driver API impact


Nova driver impact

There is no impact to nova's Ironic driver at this time.

Ramdisk impact

There is no impact to Ironic-python-agent.

Security impact

The heartbeat method implemented by the driver has to be unauthenticated so that anaconda can POST to the status API without a token. An attacker could potentially cause targetted denial of service attack by sending invalid/incorrect status to Ironic nodes since the API is unauthenticated. This issue is mitigated by mandatory agent token verification.

Other end user impact

An OS image that can be deployed via liveimg kickstart command should be uploaded to glance along with relevant anaconda installer's PXE kernel, ramdisk and squashfs image. The PXE kernel,ramdisk and squashfs need to be associated with the OS image.

openstack image set IMG-ID --property kernel_id=$MY_VMLINUZ_UUID \
    --property ramdisk_id=$MY_INITRD_UUID --property \

The end user can make use of their custom kickstart templates during deployment by working with the Operator. The Operator can set the instance_info ks_template key with the path of user provided kickstart template. The kickstart template can be in glance glance://uuid, webserver http(s)://host:port/path/ks.cfg or on the filesystem file://etc/ironic/ks.cfg of the conductor.

openstack baremetal node set $NODE_UUID --instance_info ks_template=<TMPL>

Scalability impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact

The operator has to set default kickstart template under [kickstart] section of Ironic configuration file.


The kickstart deploy interface must be set on the node .. code:: bash

openstack baremetal node set <NODE> --deploy-interface kickstart

Developer impact




Primary assignee:


Work Items

  1. Definition of default kickstart template and configuration items related to kickstart deploy template.
  2. Implementation of core deploy driver that fetches artifacts from glance, generates PXE configuration files, renders kickstart templates into httproot
  3. A CI job to test the anaconda deploy driver
  4. Documentation for operators and users




  • This driver should be testable in gate. Enhancements might be needed to gate to get this working.
  • Devstack support will be added for this driver so that it can be tested easily.

Upgrades and Backwards Compatibility


Documentation Impact

Clear operator and user documentation need to be added on kickstart deploy interface and how to make use of it.











