
13 KiB

Hardware interface for BIOS configuration

The proposal is intended to create a new hardware interface for BIOS automated configuration and a method to make BIOS configuration available as part of manual cleaning1.

Problem description

  • There are several use cases that need to configure BIOS options to enable certain functionality or gain performance optimization on OpenStack baremetal nodes. For example, in order to use SRIOV2 or DPDK3 technologies, the 'Virtualization Technology' BIOS option shall be enabled; to achieve deterministic low packet latency in real time scenario, BIOS options related to Power Management, CPU sleep states etc shall be disabled; another good example is console redirection BIOS settings.

Proposed change

  • After a node is enrolled and the basic hardware information is available, the operator can define a BIOS configuration.

  • The operator will be able to set the BIOS configuration for a specific node using a cleaning step which will be defined on the new BIOSInterface. The BIOS settings to be changed will be passed in the form of a JSON dictionary as an argument to the cleaning step. This cleaning step will be manual at the moment, but it may be extended to be an automated cleaning step in the future.

  • Similar to the RAIDInterface, this proposes a new hardware interface called BIOSInterface which will be used for out-of-band BIOS configuration for hardware types. Calling it BIOSInterface doesn't mean the spec is specific to BIOS systems, but a general interface name for systems such as BIOS, UEFI etc. Please refer to Driver API impact for a list of methods that will be added for this interface.


    The reason of using BIOS instead of others is that it's hard to find a proper name that applies to all the systems and BIOS is agreed to be close enough.

  • The credentials of BIOS configuration which reuse the existing credentials in driver_info will be validated when going from enroll to manageable.

  • A new database table bios_settings will be created if not exist and the current BIOS settings will be retrieved and updated for the node as part of entering cleaning step in _do_node_clean, this means it will be called for both manual and automated cleaning. After the given BIOS options are successfully applied in baremetal, it will update the cached bios settings with applied changes.

  • This interface will not be available with any of the classic drivers. And classic drivers would throw 'UnsupportedDriverExtension' for this interface.

  • If there is no BIOS interface for a node (i.e. bios_interface='no-bios'), an attempt to change BIOS configuration will result in cleaning step not found error.


  • Operator can change the BIOS configuration manually whenever required. But this has to be done for each node which is time-consuming and error-prone.

Data model impact

  • Unlike the RAID configuration4, the target BIOS settings will be passed as an argument to cleaning step and not stored in the database.
  • The current BIOS config will be cached and will be stored in a separate BIOS table. The following database table and fields will be added:
    • A new table named bios_settings will be added with the following fields:

      • node_id
        • Integer
        • PrimaryKeyConstraint
        • ForeignKeyConstraint('')
      • name
        • String
        • PrimaryKeyConstraint
      • value
        • String
      • created_at
        • DateTime
      • updated_at
        • DateTime

      It will store the cached BIOS information that was retrieved from the node and will be updated when the BIOS settings are changed. 'created_at' and 'updated_at' fields will be updated accordingly when a new record is added or the existing record is updated.

    • node.bios_interface will be added to node table, and it will contain the hardware interface we want to use for BIOS automation.

    • New objects ironic.objects.bios.BIOSSetting and ironic.objects.bios.BIOSSettingList will be added to object model. The BIOSSetting and BIOSSettingList fields in the python object model will be populated on-demand.

State Machine Impact

  • When going from enroll to manageable, credentials are validated to make sure user has the proper rights to access the BIOS config.

REST API impact

Two new cleaning steps are proposed to be implemented on the BIOSInterface:

  • bios.factory_reset. It will trigger the BIOS settings factory reset for a given node. For example:

      "clean_steps": [{
        "interface": "bios",
        "step": "factory_reset"
  • bios.apply_configuration. It will set the given settings to the BIOS of a given node. For example:

      "clean_steps": [{
        "interface": "bios",
        "step": "apply_configuration",
        "args": {
          "settings": [
              "name": <name>,
              "value": <value>
              "name": <name>,
              "value": <value>
  • A new REST API will be introduced to get the cached BIOS config for a node:

    GET /v1/nodes/<node_ident>/bios

    The operation will return the currently cached settings with the following data schema:

      "bios": [
          "links": [
              "href": "<node_ident>/bios/<name>",
              "rel": "self"
              "href": "<node_ident>/bios/<name>",
              "rel": "bookmark"
          "name": <name>,
          "value": <value>
          "links": [
              "href": "<node_ident>/bios/<name>",
              "rel": "self"
              "href": "<node_ident>/bios/<name>",
              "rel": "bookmark"
          "name": <name>,
          "value": <value>

    The API will return HTTP 400 (Bad Request) if driver doesn't support BIOS configuration or 404 (Resource Not Found) if node BIOS has not yet been configured. Otherwise it will return HTTP 200 (OK).

  • To get a specified BIOS setting for a node:

    GET /v1/nodes/<node_ident>/bios/<setting name>

    The operation will return the specified BIOS setting with the following data schema:

      "<setting name>":
          "name": <setting name>,
          "value": <value>

Client (CLI) impact

"ironic" CLI

The ironic CLI will not be updated.

"openstack baremetal" CLI

  • To retrieve the cached BIOS configuration with node-uuid:

    $ openstack baremetal node bios setting list <node-uuid>
  • To show a specified BIOS setting with node-uuid:

    $ openstack baremetal node bios setting show <node-uuid> <setting-name>
  • The validation result of BIOS Interface will be returned through the standard validation interface.

RPC API impact


Driver API impact

A new BIOSInterface will be available for the drivers to allow them to implement BIOS configuration. There will be several new methods and cleaning steps in the interface:

  • do_factory_reset() - This method is called to reset all the BIOS settings supported by driver to factory default. It will also update the records of bios_settings database table to the known defaults once reset action succeeds. It is up to the vendor to decide the BIOS defaults settings that will be set.

  • factory_reset() - This cleaning step will delegate the actual reset work into the abstract method do_factory_reset().

    The operator can choose to call it as part of manual cleaning steps. The corresponding manual cleaning step will be bios.factory_reset.

  • do_apply_configuration(configuration={}) - The driver implementation of this method will take the settings from the configuration dictionary and will apply BIOS configuration on the bare metal. The driver is responsible for doing the corresponding validation before applying the settings, and/or manage failures when setting an invalid BIOS config. Implementation of this method needs to rollback previous settings upon first failure. In the case of needing password to update the BIOS config, it will be taken from the driver_info properties. The implementation detail is up to the driver.

  • apply_configuration(configuration={}) - This cleaning step will delegate the actual configuration work into the abstract method do_apply_configuration(configuration={}).

    The operator can choose to call it as part of manual cleaning steps. The corresponding manual cleaning step will be bios.apply_configuration.

  • cache_bios_settings() - This method will be called to update BIOS configuration in bios_settings database table. It will attempt to get the current BIOS settings and store them in the bios_settings database table. It will also update the timestamp fields of 'created_at' and 'updated_at' accordingly. The implementation detail is up to the driver, for example, whether to have a sub method shared by do_factory_reset, do_apply_configuration and cache_bios_settings to retrieve and save bios information in bios_settings table.

Nova driver impact


Ramdisk impact


Security impact

Unprivileged access to the BIOS configuration can expose sensitive BIOS information and configurable BIOS options to attackers, which may lead to disruptive consequence. It's recommended that this kind of ability is only restricted to administrative roles. Changing BIOS settings requires credentials which will reuse the existing credentials in driver_info instead of creating new fields.

Other end user impact


Scalability impact


Performance Impact

BIOS configuration may extend the time required for manual cleaning on the nodes.

Other deployer impact

  • Add new config options:
    • enabled_bios_interfaces: a list of enabled bios interfaces.
    • default_bios_interface: default bios interface to be used.
  • Operator can use bios.apply_configuration and bios.factory_reset as manual cleaning tasks for doing BIOS management.

Developer impact

Developer may implement the BIOSInterface for respective drivers.



Primary assignee:

zshi yroblamo

Work Items

  • Add bios interface field in Node object.
  • Create database model & api for nodes bios table and operations.
  • Create BIOSInterface which includes the following items:
    • Add new methods in BIOSInterface base driver, such as do_apply_configuration, do_factory_reset and cache_bios_settings.
    • Add new cleaning steps in BIOSInterface base driver, such as apply_configuration, factory_reset.
    • Add caching of BIOS config as part of entering cleaning step in _do_node_clean.
  • Create 'fake' & 'no-bios' implementation derived from BIOSInterface.
  • Create REST API endpoints for BIOS configuration.
  • Create RPC objects for BIOS configuration.
  • Implement OSC baremetal CLI changes.




  • Unit tests will be added for the code. A fake implementation of the BIOSInterface will be provided with do_apply_configuration method for testing purposes and this can be run as part of manual cleaning.
  • Each driver is responsible for providing the third party CI for testing the BIOS configuration.
  • Tempest tests will be added using fake driver.

Upgrades and Backwards Compatibility

  • Raise errors when there is no BIOSInterface support in driver.

Documentation Impact

  • Documentation will be provided on how to configure a node for BIOS.
  • API reference will be updated.
  • Respective vendors should document the default BIOS values for reference.


  1. Manual cleaning -↩︎

  2. SRIOV BIOS settings -↩︎

  3. DPDK BIOS settings -↩︎

  4. RAID configuration -↩︎