melissaml ae35f97b43 Rename to
There are many references to, and while the
redirect should work, we can also go ahead and fix them.

Change-Id: Ic82bde84617c461aba1e4a02b3fc562a90c99a6e
2019-07-11 11:39:16 +08:00

29 KiB

Add volume connection information for Ironic nodes

This RFE introduces the changes in Ironic to support connecting and booting instances from remote volumes.

Problem description

When user starts bare metal instance with Cinder volume, Nova orchestrates the communication with Cinder and Ironic. The work flow of the boot process is as follows:

  1. (Preparation) Administrator registers a node with initiator information.
  2. User asks Cinder to create a boot volume.
  3. User asks Nova to boot a node from the Cinder volume.
  4. Nova calls Ironic to collect iSCSI/FC initiator information. Ironic collects initiator information and returns it to Nova.
  5. Nova calls Cinder to attach the volume to the node. Cinder attaches the volume to the node and returns connection information which includes target information.
  6. Nova passes the target information for the node to Ironic
  7. Nova calls Ironic to spawn the instance. Ironic prepares the bare metal node to boot from the remote volume which is identified by target information and powers on the bare metal node.

In the work flow above, Nova calls Ironic to get/set initiator/target information (4 and 6) and also administrator calls Ironic to set initiator information (1) but currently Ironic has neither those information nor APIs for them.

Proposed change

  • Add a new table named volume_connectors with the below fields:

    • id
      • Integer
      • PrimaryKeyConstraint
    • uuid
      • String(length=36)
      • UniqueConstraint
    • node_id
      • Integer
      • ForeignKeyConstraint('')
    • created_at
      • DateTime
    • updated_at
      • DateTime
    • type (can have values "iqn", "ip", "mac", "wwnn", "wwpn", "net-id")
      • String(Length=32)
      • UniqueConstraint(type, connector_id)
    • connector_id
      • String(length=255)
      • UniqueConstraint(type, connector_id)
    • extra
      • Text


    Ironic should allow users to set IP and/or MAC address hardcorded into connector_id field because we can't put any assumptions on the storage network. It might be a Neutron network, or it might be a network that the OpenStack part of the deployment doesn't know about at all. It depends on deployment.


    extra field is text in the database but a dictionary (JSON-encoded dict) in the object

  • Add a new table named volume_targets with the below fields:

    • id
      • Integer
      • PrimaryKeyConstraint
    • uuid
      • String(length=36)
      • UniqueConstraint
    • node_id
      • Integer
      • ForeignKeyConstraint('')
    • created_at
      • DateTime
    • updated_at
      • DateTime
    • volume_type
      • String(length=64)
    • properties
      • Text
    • boot_index
      • Integer
      • UniqueConstraint(node_id, boot_index)
      • This is used for Ironic to distinguish the root volume. Similar to Nova, Ironic assumes volumes with boot index 0 are root device. (Nova associates a boot index with each block device and assumes volumes with boot index 0 are root volumes.)
    • volume_id
      • String(length=36)
    • extra
      • Text


    Ironic should clear the connected target information on node tear_down, just like it does for instance_info.


    properties and extra are text in the database but a dictionary (JSON-encoded dict) in the object


    The contents of the properties field depend on volume type. Reference information should be added in Bare Metal API document:

    For iSCSI example:

    {"auth_method": "CHAP",
     "auth_username": "XXX",
     "auth_password": "XXX",
     "target_iqn": "",
     "target_portal": "",
     "volume_id": "12345678-...",
     "target_lun": 0,
     "access_mode": "rw",
     "target_discovered": false,
     "encrypted": false,
     "qos_specs": null}

    For iSCSI multipath example:

    {"auth_method": "CHAP",
     "auth_username": "XXX",
     "auth_password": "XXX",
     "target_iqns": ["",
     "target_portals": ["",
     "volume_id": "12345678-...",
     "target_luns": [0, 1],
     "access_mode": "rw",
     "target_discovered": false,
     "encrypted": false,
     "qos_specs": null}

    For fibre channel example:

    {"device_path": "/dev/disk/by-path/pci-XXXX",
     "encrypted": false,
     "qos_specs": null,
     "target_lun": 1,
     "access_mode": "rw",
     "target_wwn": ["XXXX"]}

    REST API masks credential information such as auth_username and auth_password in iSCSI and iSCSI multipath examples in order to avoid security risk.

  • Add REST APIs end points to get/set values on them. For details see REST API Impact section.

    • /v1/volume/connectors
    • /v1/volume/targets
    • /v1/nodes/<node_uuid or name>/volume/connectors
    • /v1/nodes/<node_uuid or name>/volume/targets
  • Add new capability flags in['capabilities']. These flags show whether or not the node can boot from volume with each backend. If it can boot from volume, we should set the flag to true.

    • iscsi_boot
    • fibre_channel_boot


    This should be set to true if the bare metal node supports booting from that specific volume. It might be populated manually by operator or by inspection, but that is not in the scope of this spec.


    In the future, Ironic will provide driver capabilities information. Nova can use that information to choose appropriate node.

  • If a list of targets are specified, it's up to the driver handling the deploy to take care of this. For multi-pathing, Ironic driver, bare metal hardware and the operating system should support it. If Ironic driver and bare metal hardware supports it, but instance operating system doesn't understand it, then it might lead to failure in booting the instance or corrupting the information in the Cinder volume.

  • Information which is stored in volume_connector and volume_target tables are used in drivers in order to boot the node from volume. Changes for reference driver, driver interfaces are described in the spec1.


  • Saving connector information in a new node attribute like volume_initiator_info. This change has less impact on current code and API but proposed one has more benefits such as better integrity check, faster query from db and easier to store information related to a particular connector.
  • Saving target information in a new node attribute like volume_target_info. This change has less impact on current code and API but proposed one has more benefits such as better integrity check, faster query from db and easier to store information related to a particular target.
  • Saving target information in instance_info along with other instance related information. This seems to be straightforward because basically target volume information is related to the instance. In this case, node.instance_info is nested to store target information. This makes it difficult for users to manipulate target information, and for a driver to validate it. On the other hand, current approach can avoid nesting instance_info and so it's easier to use those information. Note, ironic clears the target connection information on the node tear_down.
  • Not implement storage of target and initiator information, which ultimately would not improve user experience and require manual post-deployment configuration for out-of-band control. For in-band use, Nova ironic driver can manage initiator information and it is proposed by jroll2.

Data model impact

  • Add new type of object VolumeConnector in objects/ It inherits IronicObject class. The new object will have the following fields:
    • id
    • uuid
    • node_id
    • type
    • connector_id
    • extra
    • created_at (defined in IronicObject class)
    • updated_at (defined in IronicObject class)
  • Add new type of object VolumeTarget in objects/ It inherits IronicObject class. The new object will have the following fields:
    • id
    • uuid
    • node_id
    • volume_type
    • properties
    • boot_index
    • volume_id
    • extra
    • created_at (defined in IronicObject class)
    • updated_at (defined in IronicObject class)

State Machine Impact


REST API impact

Six new REST API endpoints will be introduced with this change.

  • /v1/volume/connectors

    • To set the volume connector (initiator) information:

      POST /v1/volume/connectors

      with the body containing the JSON description of the volume connector. It will return 201 on success, 400 if some required attributes are missing or having invalid value OR 409 if an entry already exists for the same volume connector.

    • To get information about all volume connectors:

      GET /v1/volume/connectors

      This operation will return a list of dictionaries. It contains information about all volume connectors:

                  "connector_id": "<wwpn>",
                  "links": [ ... ],
                  "type": "wwpn",
                  "uuid": "<uuid>",
                  "connector_id": "<wwpn>",
                  "links": [ ... ],

      This will return 200 on success

      This operation can take parameters like type, container_id, limit, marker, sort_dir, and fields.

    • To get detail information about all volume connectors:

      GET /v1/volume/connectors/detail

      The operation will return a list of dictionaries. It contains detailed information about all volume connectors:

                  "connector_id": "<wwpn>",
                  "created_at": "<created_date>",
                  "extra": {},
                  "links": [ ... ],
                  "node_uuid": "<node_uuid>",
                  "type": "wwpn",
                  "updated_at": "<updated_date>",
                  "uuid": "<uuid>",
                  "connector_id": "<wwpn>",
                  "created_at": "<created_date>",

      It will return 200 on success.

      This operation can take parameters like type, container_id, limit, marker, and sort_dir.

    • It should be possible to pass node as a parameter which can be a node name or a node UUID to get all volume connectors for that particular node:

      GET /v1/volume/connectors?node=<node_uuid or name>
      GET /v1/volume/connectors/detail?node=<node_uuid or name>

      It will return 200 on success or 404 if the node is not found.

  • /v1/volume/connectors/<volume_connector_uuid>

    • To get detail information about a particular volume connector:

      GET /v1/volume/connectors/<volume_connector_uuid>

      This will return 200 on success or 404 if volume connector is not found.

    • To update a particular volume connector:

      PATCH /v1/volume/connectors/<volume_connector_uuid>

      This will return 200 and the representation of the updated resource on success and 404 if volume connector is not found.


    Updating connector information when the node is in POWER_ON or REBOOT state is blocked. It means that users need to make sure the node is in POWER_OFF state before updating connector information. When connector information is updated, driver should update node configuration.

    • To delete volume connector:

      DELETE /v1/volume/connectors/<volume_connector_uuid>

      It will return 204 on success or 404 if volume connector is not found or 400 if the node is not in POWER_OFF state.

  • /v1/nodes/<node_uuid or name>/volume/connectors

    • To get all the volume connectors information for a node:

      GET ``/v1/nodes/<node_uuid or name>/volume/connectors``
  • /v1/volume/targets

    • To set the volume target information:

      POST /v1/volume/targets

      with the body containing the JSON description of the volume target. It will return 201 on success, 400 if some required attributes are missing or having invalid value OR 409 if an entry already exists for the same volume target.

    • To get information about all volume targets:

      GET /v1/volume/targets

      This operation will return a list of dictionaries. It contains information about all volume targets:

                  "boot_index", "<boot_index>",
                  "links": [ ... ],
                  "uuid": "<uuid>",
                  "volume_id": "<volume_id>"
                  "volume_type": "<volume_target_type>",
                  "boot_index", "<boot_index>",
                  "links": [ ... ],

      This will return 200 on success.

      This operation can take parameters like boot_index, volume_id, volume_type, limit, marker, sort_dir, and fields.

    • To get details information about all volume targets:

      GET /v1/volume/targets/detail

      The operation will return a list of dictionaries. It contains detailed information about all volume targets:

                  "boot_index": "<boot_index>",
                  "created_at": "<created_date>",
                  "extra": {},
                  "links": [ ... ],
                  "node_uuid": "<node_uuid>",
                  "properties" : { "<target_information>" },
                  "updated_at": "<updated_date>",
                  "uuid": "<uuid>",
                  "volume_id": "<volume_id>",
                  "volume_type": "<volume_target_type>",
                  "boot_index": "<boot_index>",
                  "created_at": "<created_date>",

      It will return 200 on success.

      This operation can take parameters like boot_index, volume_id, volume_type, limit, marker, and sort_dir.


      properties may include credential information. This API will mask it to avoid security risk.

    • It should be possible to pass node as a parameter which can be a node name or a node UUID to get all volume targets for that particular node:

      GET /v1/volume/targets?node=<node_uuid or name>
      GET /v1/volume/targets/detail?node=<node_uuid or name>

      It will return 200 on success or 404 if the node is not found.

  • /v1/volume/targets/<volume_target_uuid>

    • To get detailed information about a particular volume target:

      GET /v1/volume/targets/<volume_target_uuid>

      This will return 200 on success or 404 if volume target is not found.

    • To update a particular volume target:

      PATCH /v1/volume/targets/<volume_target_uuid>

      This will return 200 and the representation of the updated resource on success, 404 if volume target is not found or 400 if the node is not POWER_OFF state.


    Updating target information when the node is in POWER_ON or REBOOT state is blocked. It means that users need to make sure the node is in POWER_OFF state before updating target information. When target information is updated, driver should update node configuration.

    • To delete volume target:

      DELETE /v1/volume/targets/<volume_target_uuid>

      It will return 204 on success, 404 if volume target is not found or 400 if the node is not in POWER_OFF state.

  • /v1/nodes/<node_uuid or name>/volume/targets

    • To get all the volume targets information for a node:

      GET ``/v1/nodes/<node_uuid or name>/volume/targets``
  • /v1/nodes/<node_uuid or name>/volume/targets

    • To get all the volume targets information for a node:

      GET ``/v1/nodes/<node_uuid or name>/volume/targets``

The endpoint GET /v1/nodes/detail will provide the volume connectors and targets information for the node with links to them. Also, the endpoint GET /v1/nodes/<node_uuid or name> will provide the volume connectors and targets information for the specified node.

For the above REST API changes, micro version will be bumped and 406 will be raised if newer endpoints are accessed with a lesser micro version.

Client (CLI) impact

  • A new VolumeConnectorManager will be added to ironicclient to get/set connector information for the node. Also the CLI will be modified as follows:

    ironic volume-connector-create --node <node> --type <type>
                                   --connector_id <connector_id>
                                   [-e <key=value>] [-u <uuid>]
    ironic volume-connector-delete <uuid> [<uuid>]
    ironic volume-connector-list [--detail] [--type <type>]
                                 [--connector_id <connector_id>]
                                 [--limit <limit>] [--marker <uuid>]
                                 [--sort-key <field>] [--sort-dir <direction>]
                                 [--fields <field> [<field> ...]]
    ironic volume-connector-show [--fields <field> [<field> ...]] <uuid>
    ironic volume-connector-update <uuid> <op> <path=value> [<path=value> ...]
    ironic node-volume-connector-list [--detail] [--limit <limit>]
                                      [--marker <uuid>] [--sort-key <field>]
                                      [--sort-dir <direction>]
                                      [--fields <field> [<field> ...]]
  • A new VolumeTargetManager will be added to ironicclient to get/set target information for the node. Also the CLI will be modified as follows:

    ironic volume-target-create --node <node> --volume_type <volume_type>
                                --volume_id <volume_id>
                                [--properties <key=value>]
                                [--boot_index <boot_index>]
                                [-e <key=value>] [-u <uuid>]
    ironic volume-target-delete <uuid> [<uuid>]
    ironic volume-target-list [--detail] [--volume_type <volume_type>]
                              [--volume_id <volume_id>]
                              [--boot_index <boot_index>] [--limit <limit>]
                              [--marker <uuid>] [--sort-key <field>]
                              [--sort-dir <direction>]
                              [--fields <field> [<field> ...]]
    ironic volume-target-show [--fields <field> [<field> ...]] <uuid>
    ironic volume-target-update <uuid> <op> <path=value> [<path=value> ...]
    ironic node-volume-target-list [--detail] [--limit <limit>]
                                   [--marker <uuid>] [--sort-key <field>]
                                   [--sort-dir <direction>]
  • New objects, CreateBaremetalVolumeConnector, DeleteBaremetalVolumeConnector, ListBaremetalVolumeConnector, SetBaremetalVolumeConnector, ShowBaremetalVolumeConnector, and UnsetBaremetalVolumeConnector will be added to openstackclient plugin to get/set connector information for the node. Also the CLI will be modified as follows:

    openstack baremetal volume connector create [-h]
                                                [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
                                                [-c COLUMN]
                                                [--max-width <integer>]
                                                [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                                --node <node_uuid> --type <type>
                                                --connector_id <connector_id>
                                                [--extra <key=value>]
                                                [--uuid <uuid>]
    openstack baremetal volume connector delete [-h] <connector> [<connector>]
    openstack baremetal volume connector list [-h]
                                              [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
                                              [-c COLUMN]
                                              [--max-width <integer>]
                                              [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                              [--limit <limit>]
                                              [--marker <uuid>]
                                              [--sort <key>[:<direction>]]
                                              [--long | fields <field [field] ...>]
    openstack baremetal volume connector set [-h] [--node <node>]
                                             [--type <type>]
                                             [--connector_id <connector_id>]
                                             [--extra <key=value>] <connector>
    openstack baremetal volume connector show [-h]
                                              [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
                                              [-c COLUMN]
                                              [--max-width <integer>]
                                              [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                              [--fields <field> [<field> ...]]
    openstack baremetal volume connector unset [-h] [--extra <key>] <connector>
  • New objects, CreateBaremetalVolumeTarget, DeleteBaremetalVolumeTarget, ListBaremetalVolumeTarget, SetBaremetalVolumeTarget, ShowBaremetalVolumeTarget, and UnsetBaremetalVolumeTarget will be added to openstackclient plugin to get/set target information for the node. Also the CLI will be modified as follows:

    openstack baremetal volume target create [-h]
                                             [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
                                             [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>]
                                             [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                             --node <node_uuid> --type <type>
                                             --volume_id <volume_id>
                                             [--properties <key=value>]
                                             [--boot_index <boot_index>]
                                             [--extra <key=value>]
                                             [--uuid <uuid>]
    openstack baremetal volume target delete [-h] <target> [<target>]
    openstack baremetal volume target list [-h]
                                           [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
                                           [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>]
                                           [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                           [--limit <limit>] [--marker <uuid>]
                                           [--sort <key>[:<direction>]]
                                           [--long | fields <field [field] ...>]
    openstack baremetal volume target set [-h] [--node <node>] [--type <type>]
                                          [--volume_id <volume_id>]
                                          [--properties <key=value>]
                                          [--boot_index <boot_index>]
                                          [--extra <key=value>] <target>
    openstack baremetal volume target show [-h]
                                           [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
                                           [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>]
                                           [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                           [--fields <field> [<field> ...]]
    openstack baremetal volume target unset [-h]
                                            [--properties <key>]
                                            [--boot_index] [--extra <key>]

RPC API impact

Four new rpcapi method update_volume_connector, destroy_volume_connector, update_volume_target, and destroy_volume_target will be added.

  • update_volume_connector

    This method takes context and volume connector object as input and returns updated volume connector object.

  • destroy_volume_connector

    This method takes context and volume connector object as input.

  • update_volume_target

    This method takes context and volume target object as input and returns updated volume target object.

  • destroy_volume_target

    This method takes context and volume target object as input.

Driver API impact


Nova driver impact

When spawning a new instance, Nova Ironic virt driver queries Ironic (through API) to find out the volume connector information. It passes the volume connector information to Cinder which returns the target information. This is then passed down to Ironic. Detailed information about Nova Ironic driver can be found in the spec3.

Ramdisk impact


Security impact



As for FC zoning, Cinder takes care of it4.

Other end user impact


Scalability impact


Performance Impact

This may extend the time required for nova boot/delete, but it's not a big impact and it's important for enterprise users.

Other deployer impact

  • If administrators want to provide boot from volume feature, they need to fill out following initiator information before activating the node.

    • iSCSI:
      • ip

      • iqn

      • mac


        ip may be omitted when Neutron is used to manage the storage network.

    • FC:
      • wwnn
      • wwpn

    Administrators need to set the['capabilities'] (iscsi_boot and/or fibre_channel_boot) true.

    It's better if inspection automatically collects and registers them. For example, in the case of a node with FC-HBA, inspection(in-band) can get wwnn and wwpn from sysfs like following:

    # cat /sys/class/scsi_host/host*/device/fc_host/host*/node_name
    # cat /sys/class/scsi_host/host*/device/fc_host/host*/port_name
  • If users want to boot a node from volume in Ironic standalone mode, they need additional tooling to leverage this functionality. For example, that tool needs to do something like:

    • Get initiator information from Ironic
    • Call the storage management tool with initiator information to create a new volume (maybe from template) and attach it to the initiator
    • Get target information from storage management tool
    • Put target information into Ironic

Developer impact

Driver developers can consume the information mentioned above to write boot from volume support in their driver. The details about reference driver and driver interface specs are described in [4].



Primary assignee:


Other contributors:


Work Items

  • Create new table named volume_connectors and volume_targets
  • Create new DB API methods
  • Create new Object named VolumeConnector and VolumeTarget
  • Create new RPC API methods
  • Create new REST API endpoints
  • Document the changes
  • Enhance inspector to register connector information if available
  • Enhance Client(CLI) to get/set connector and target information
  • Enhance Nova-Ironic driver to support boot from volume with these APIs




  • Unit tests will be added/updated to cover the changes.
  • Tempest tests will be added to Ironic to ensure that the following newly added API endpoints work correctly.

Upgrades and Backwards Compatibility

Add a migration script for database.

Documentation Impact

Documentations such as Installation guide and api-ref will be updated to explain the newly added fields and end points.




