To fix race condition we're adding a mechanism of background task execution in conductor. The conductor will get synchrozed AMQP call, reserve lock, start the background task and return empty response to the API. In case when lock cannot be acquired or background tasks pool is full, the exception is sent back to the API and the task is not started. Also the patch adds an ability to control resource locks manually. This feauture used to release lock in the end of background task. Change-Id: I4095de2d82058ea5e052531698e67a0947424435 Closes-Bug: #1259910
Ironic is an Incubated OpenStack project which aims to provision bare metal machines instead of virtual machines, forked from the Nova Baremetal driver. It is best thought of as a bare metal hypervisor API and a set of plugins which interact with the bare metal hypervisors. By default, it will use PXE and IPMI in concert to provision and turn on/off machines, but Ironic also supports vendor-specific plugins which may implement additional functionality.
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