Change index to ease identify what service want to look. Split docs into more specific folder such as networking and storage. Change-Id: Ic7ac12b3dd555fa5c018eeb897ccd4a5a2dfe8f3
843 B
843 B
Horizon - OpenStack dashboard
Kolla can deploy a full working Horizon dashboard setup in either a all-in-one or multinode setup.
Extending the default local_settings options
It is possible to extend the default configuration options for Horizon by using a custom python settings file that will override the default options set on the local_settings file.
As an example, for setting a different (material) theme as the
default one, a file named custom_local_settings should be created under
the directory {{ node_custom_config }}/horizon/
with the
following contents:
= [
AVAILABLE_THEMES 'material', 'Material', 'themes/material'),
( ]