Wang Tao 4b78201207 fwaas 2.0 address groups support
This spec provides details on a enhancement to Firewall as
a Service(FWaaS) API 2.0 for supporting address groups.

Change-Id: I7472f9611e2f5794c46f37fbbacadf38e0320a6f
2018-06-21 23:00:18 +08:00

38 KiB

Firewall as a Service API 2.0 Address Groups Support

Launchpad blueprint:

This bp introduces a enhancement to Firewall as a Service(FWaaS) API 2.0 for supporting address groups. This feature has been proposed in fwaas-api-2.0 but still not implemented.

Problem Description

In actual use of firewall groups, each IP or subnet requires a corresponding firewall rule. When there are a large number of instances, a large number of firewall rules are generated and it is difficult to maintain and manage them.

Proposed Change

Add address group functions to a firewall group. By aggregating multiple address objects into address groups and using address groups instead of the original cidr to generate firewall rules, the number of firewall rules can be effectively reduced.


Firewall Address Groups

Attribute Type Req CRUD Description
id uuid-str N/A R Unique identifier for the address_group object.
name String No CRU Human readable name for the address group (255 characters limit). Does not have to be unique.
description String No CRU Human readable description for the address group (255 characters limit).
project_id uuid-str No CR Owner of the address group. Only admin users can specify a project identifier other than their own.
addresses List Yes CRU Array of key-value pairs of address and ip version. It supports both CIDR and IP range objects. Attributes of CIDR and IP range objects: "address": <CIDR or IP range> "ip_version": 4 or 6(Integer value) An example of addresses: [{"address": "", "ip_version": 4}]

Firewall Rules

Note that as with FWaaS 1.0, in FWaaS 2.0 firewall rules always use stateful connection tracking.

Attribute Type Req CRUD Description
id uuid-str N/A R Unique identifier for the firewall rule object.
project_id uuid-str No CR Owner of the firewall rule. Only admin users can specify a project identifier other than their own.
name String No CRU Human readable name for the firewall rule (255 characters limit). Does not have to be unique.
description String No CRU Human readable description for the firewall Rule (255 characters limit).
shared Bool No CRU When set to True makes this firewall rule visible to projects other than its owner, and can be used in firewall policies not owned by its project.
protocol String No CRU IP Protocol.
source_port port-range No CRU Source port number or a range (an int in [1, 65535] or range in a:b).
destination_port port-range No CRU Destination port number or a range ( an int in [1, 65535] or range in a:b).
ip_version Integer No CRU IP Protocol Version.
source_ip_address String No CRU Source IP address or CIDR.
destination_ip_address String No CRU Destination IP address or CIDR.
source_address _group_ids List No CRU This is a list of source address groups. When they are specified, they are matched when the source IP address in the packet matches one of the IP addresses in one of the address groups.
destination_address _group_ids List No CRU This is a list of destination address groups. When they are specified, they are matched when the destination IP address in the packet matches one of the IP addresses in one of the address groups.
action String No CRU Action to be performed on the traffic matching the rule (ALLOW, DENY, REJECT). Default: DENY.
enabled Bool No CRU When set to False will disable this rule in the firewall policy. Facilitates selectively turning off rules without having to disassociate the rule from the firewall policy. Default: True.

Note: At most one of source_ip_address, source_address_group_ids and source_firewall_group_id can be specified. The rule is matched when the source IP address in the packet matches any one of: source_ip_address, one of the IP addresses in the address group, or an IP address of one of the ports in the firewall group. If you want it to match any packet, set the source or destination to or ::/0. The same applies to destination_ip_address, destination_address_group_ids, and destination _firewall_group_id, with respect to the destination IP address in the packet.

List address groups

Lists address groups.

Request Type GET
Endpoint /v2.0/fwaas/address_groups
Response Codes +

Success | 200


Error | Unauthorized(401)

Example List address groups: JSON request

GET /v2.0/fwaas/address_groups.json
User-Agent: python-neutronclient
Accept: application/json

Example List address groups: JSON response

    "address_groups": [
            "description": "",
            "id": "8722e0e0-9cc9-4490-9660-8c9a5732fbb0",
            "name": "ADDR_GP_1",
            "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
            "addresses": [
               {"address": "", "ip_version": 4},
               {"address": "", "ip_version": 4},
               {"address": "2001::db8::f00/64", "ip_version": 6}
Show address group details

Shows address group details.

Request Type GET
Endpoint /v2.0/fwaas/address_groups/<address_group_id>
Response Codes +

Success | 200


Error | Unauthorized(401), Not Found (404)

Example Show address group: JSON request

GET /v2.0/fwaas/address_groups/8722e0e0-9cc9-4490-9660-8c9a5732fbb0.json
User-Agent: python-neutronclient
Accept: application/json

Example Show address group: JSON response

   "address_group": {
        "description": "",
        "id": "8722e0e0-9cc9-4490-9660-8c9a5732fbb0",
        "name": "ADDR_GP_1",
        "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
        "addresses": [
           {"address": "", "ip_version": 4},
           {"address": "", "ip_version": 4},
           {"address": "2001::db8::f00/64", "ip_version": 6}
Create address group

Creates an address group.

Request Type POST
Endpoint /v2.0/fwaas/address_groups/
Response Codes +

Success | 201


Error | Unauthorized(401), Bad Request(400)

Example Create address group: JSON request

POST /v2.0/fwaas/address_groups.json
User-Agent: python-neutronclient
Accept: application/json
    "address_group": {
        "name": "ADDR_GP_1",
        "addresses": [
           {"address": "", "ip_version": 4},
           {"address": "", "ip_version": 4},
           {"address": "2001::db8::f00/64", "ip_version": 6}

Example Create address group: JSON response

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
   "address_group": {
        "description": "",
        "id": "8722e0e0-9cc9-4490-9660-8c9a5732fbb0",
        "name": "ADDR_GP_1",
        "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
        "addresses": [
           {"address": "", "ip_version": 4},
           {"address": "", "ip_version": 4},
           {"address": "2001::db8::f00/64", "ip_version": 6}
Update address group

Updates an address group.

Request Type PUT
Endpoint /v2.0/fwaas/address_groups/<address_group_id>
Response Codes +

Success | 200


Error | Unauthorized(401), Bad Request(400) | Not Found(404)

Example Update address group: JSON request

PUT /v2.0/fwaas/address_groups/8722e0e0-9cc9-4490-9660-8c9a5732fbb0.json
User-Agent: python-neutronclient
Accept: application/json
    "address_group": {
        "addresses": [
           {"address": "", "ip_version": 4},
           {"address": "", "ip_version": 4},
           {"address": "2001::db8::f00/64", "ip_version": 6}

Example Update address group: JSON response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
   "address_group": {
        "description": "",
        "id": "8722e0e0-9cc9-4490-9660-8c9a5732fbb0",
        "name": "ADDR_GP_1",
        "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
        "addresses": [
           {"address": "", "ip_version": 4},
           {"address": "", "ip_version": 4},
           {"address": "2001::db8::f00/64", "ip_version": 6}
Delete address group

Deletes an address group.

This operation does not return a response body.

Request Type DELETE
Endpoint /v2.0/fwaas/address_groups/<address_group_id>
Response Codes +

Success | 204

Error | Unauthorized(401), Not Found(404)
Conflict(409) The Conflict error response
is returned when an operation is
performed while address group is in use.

Example Delete address group: JSON request

DELETE /v2.0/fwaas/address_groups/8722e0e0-9cc9-4490-9660-8c9a5732fbb0.json
User-Agent: python-neutronclient
Accept: application/json

Example Delete address group: JSON response

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Length: 0
List firewall rules

Lists firewall rules.

Request Type GET
Endpoint /v2.0/fwaas/firewall_rules
Response Codes +

Success | 200


Error | Unauthorized(401)

Example List firewall rules: JSON request

GET /v2.0/fwaas/firewall_rules.json
User-Agent: python-neutronclient
Accept: application/json

Example List firewall rules: JSON response

    "firewall_rules": [
            "action": "ALLOW",
            "description": "",
            "enabled": true,
            "firewall_policy_id": "56632e51-d2aa-4b79-9fd4-45f51088c4ed",
            "id": "9faaf49f-dd89-4e39-a8c6-101839aa49bc",
            "name": "ALLOW_HTTP",
            "position": 1,
            "shared": false,
            "protocol": "tcp",
            "source_port": null,
            "destination_port": "80",
            "ip_version": 4,
            "source_ip_address": null,
            "destination_ip_address": null
            "source_address_group_ids": [],
            "destination_address_group_ids": ["8315762a-f0ae-4f6b-981a-a16a6c3103c2"],
            "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"
Show firewall rule details

Shows firewall rule details.

Request Type GET
Endpoint /v2.0/fwaas/firewall_rules/<firewall_rule_id>
Response Codes +

Success | 200


Error | Unauthorized(401), Not Found (404)

Example Show firewall rule: JSON request

GET /v2.0/fwaas/firewall_rules/9faaf49f-dd89-4e39-a8c6-101839aa49bc.json
User-Agent: python-neutronclient
Accept: application/json

Example Show firewall rule: JSON response

    "firewall_rule": {
        "action": "ALLOW",
        "description": "",
        "enabled": true,
        "firewall_policy_id": "56632e51-d2aa-4b79-9fd4-45f51088c4ed",
        "id": "9faaf49f-dd89-4e39-a8c6-101839aa49bc",
        "name": "ALLOW_HTTP",
        "position": 1,
        "shared": false,
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "source_port": null,
        "destination_port": "80",
        "ip_version": 4,
        "source_ip_address": null,
        "destination_ip_address": null,
        "source_address_group_ids": [],
        "destination_address_group_ids": ["8315762a-f0ae-4f6b-981a-a16a6c3103c2"],
        "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"
Create firewall rule

Creates a firewall rule.

Request Type POST
Endpoint /v2.0/fwaas/firewall_rules/
Response Codes +

Success | 201


Error | Unauthorized(401), Bad Request(400)

Example Create firewall rule: JSON request

POST /v2.0/fwaas/firewall_rules.json
User-Agent: python-neutronclient
Accept: application/json
    "firewall_rule": {
        "action": "ALLOW",
        "enabled": true,
        "name": "ALLOW_HTTP",
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "source_port": null,
        "destination_port": "80",
        "source_ip_address": null,
        "destination_ip_address": null,
        "source_address_group_ids": [],
        "destination_address_group_ids": ["8315762a-f0ae-4f6b-981a-a16a6c3103c2"]

Example Create firewall rule: JSON response

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "firewall_rule": {
        "action": "ALLOW",
        "description": "",
        "enabled": true,
        "firewall_policy_id": null,
        "id": "9faaf49f-dd89-4e39-a8c6-101839aa49bc",
        "name": "ALLOW_HTTP",
        "position": 1,
        "shared": false,
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "source_port": null,
        "destination_port": "80",
        "ip_version": 4,
        "source_ip_address": null,
        "destination_ip_address": null,
        "source_address_group_ids": [],
        "destination_address_group_ids": ["8315762a-f0ae-4f6b-981a-a16a6c3103c2"],
        "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"
Update firewall rule

Updates a firewall rule.

Request Type PUT
Endpoint /v2.0/fwaas/firewall_rules/<firewall_rule_id>
Response Codes +

Success | 200


Error | Unauthorized(401), Bad Request(400) | Not Found(404)

Example Update firewall rule: JSON request

PUT /v2.0/fwaas/firewall_rules/9faaf49f-dd89-4e39-a8c6-101839aa49bc.json
User-Agent: python-neutronclient
Accept: application/json
    "firewall_rule": {
        "shared": "true"

Example Update firewall rule: JSON response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "firewall_rule": {
        "action": "ALLOW",
        "description": "",
        "enabled": true,
        "firewall_policy_id": null,
        "id": "9faaf49f-dd89-4e39-a8c6-101839aa49bc",
        "name": "ALLOW_HTTP",
        "position": 1,
        "shared": true,
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "source_port": null,
        "destination_port": "80",
        "ip_version": 4,
        "source_ip_address": null,
        "destination_ip_address": null,
        "source_address_group_ids": [],
        "destination_address_group_ids": ["8315762a-f0ae-4f6b-981a-a16a6c3103c2"],
        "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"
Delete firewall rule

Deletes a firewall rule.

This operation does not return a response body.

Request Type DELETE
Endpoint /v2.0/fwaas/firewall_rules/<firewall_rule_id>
Response Codes +

Success | 204

Error | Unauthorized(401), Not Found(404)
Conflict(409) The Conflict error response
is returned when an operation is
performed while firewall rule is in use.

Example Delete firewall rule: JSON request

DELETE /v2.0/fwaas/firewall_rules/9faaf49f-dd89-4e39-a8c6-101839aa49bc.json
User-Agent: python-neutronclient
Accept: application/json

Example Delete firewall rule: JSON response

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Length: 0

Data Model Impact

The following are the backend database tables for the REST API proposed above.

Firewall Address Groups
Attribute Type Req CRUD Description
id uuid-str N/A R Unique identifier for the address_group object.
name String No CRU Human readable name for the address group (255 characters limit). Does not have to be unique.
description String No CRU Human readable description for the address group (255 characters limit).
project_id uuid-str Yes CR Owner of the address group. Only admin users can specify a project identifier other than their own.

Firewall Address Group Address associations
Attribute Type Req CRUD Description
id uuid-str N/A R Unique identifier for the address_group object.
firewall_address _group_id uuid-str No CRU UUID of firewall address group.
address String No CRU Address that has to be associated to the firewall address group.
ip_version Integer No CRU IP Protocol Version of the address.

Firewall Rules
Attribute Type Req CRUD Description
id uuid-str N/A R Unique identifier for the firewall rule object.
project_id uuid-str Yes CR Owner of the firewall rule. Only admin users can specify a project identifier other than their own.
name String No CRU Human readable name for the firewall rule (255 characters limit). Does not have to be unique.
description String No CRU Human readable description for the firewall Rule (255 characters limit).
shared Bool No CRU When set to True makes this firewall rule visible to projects other than its owner, and can be used in firewall policies not owned by its project.
protocol String No CRU IP Protocol.
source_port port-range No CRU Source port number or a range (an int in [1, 65535] or range in a:b).
destination_port port-range No CRU Destination port number or a range ( an int in [1, 65535] or range in a:b).
ip_version Integer No CRU IP Protocol Version.
source_ip_address String No CRU Source IP address or CIDR.
destination_ip_address String No CRU Destination IP address or CIDR.
source_address _group_ids List No CRU When a source_address_group is specified, it is matched when the source IP address in the packet matches one of the IP addresses in the address group.
destination_address _group_ids List No CRU When a destination_address_group is specified, it is matched when the destination IP address in the packet matches one of the IP addresses in the address group.
action String No CRU Action to be performed on the traffic matching the rule (ALLOW, DENY, REJECT). Default: DENY.
enabled Bool No CRU When set to False will disable this rule in the firewall policy. Facilitates selectively turning off rules without having to disassociate the rule from the firewall policy. Default: True.

Firewall Rules Source Address Group associations
Attribute Type Req CRUD Description
id uuid-str N/A R Unique identifier for the address_group object.
firewall_rule_id uuid-str No CRU UUID of firewall rule.
address_group_id String No CRU UUID of source address group.

Firewall Rules Destination Address Group associations
Attribute Type Req CRUD Description
id uuid-str N/A R Unique identifier for the address_group object.
firewall_rule_id uuid-str No CRU UUID of firewall rule.
address_group_id String No CRU UUID of destination address group.

Security Impact


Notifications Impact


Other End User Impact


Performance Impact


IPv6 Impact


Other Deployer Impact


Developer Impact


Community Impact






  • Wang Tao

Work Items

  • DB Schema
  • FWaaS plugin update
  • CLI update
  • L3 agent iptables driver
  • L2 agent ovs driver
  • FWaaS dashboard



Tempest Tests

  • DB mixin and schema tests
  • FWaaS Plugin with mocked driver end-to-end tests
  • Tempest tests
  • CLI tests

Functional Tests

  • New tests need to be written

API Tests

  • REST API and attributes validation tests

Documentation Impact

User Documentation

  • Neutron CLI and FWaaS API documentation have to be modified.

Developer Documentation

  • neutron-fwaas repo will have a devref and documentation will be written.


