
Wrong usage of "a" in the messages: "'%s' is not a integer" "Create a address scope" "Return True if port has as a allowed address pair" "But if a agent does not report its status" "a ipv4 link-local address" "Retrieve and return a extended information about a network" "It could be a eui-64 address, a random IPv6 address" "push a elastic-recheck query for it (see below)" "is not a enforced requirement" "a ovs_lib.VifPort object" Should be: "'%s' is not an integer" "Create an address scope" "Return True if port has as an allowed address pair" "But if an agent does not report its status" "an ipv4 link-local address" "Retrieve and return extended information about a network" "It could be an eui-64 address, a random IPv6 address" "push an elastic-recheck query for it (see below)" "is not an enforced requirement" "an ovs_lib.VifPort object" Totally 9 occurrences in Neutron base code. Change-Id: I0f980fc8c98524db3d194ecb779f76abb37eb31c
You have come across a cloud computing network fabric controller. It has identified itself as "Neutron." It aims to tame your (cloud) networking!
External Resources:
The homepage for Neutron is: http://launchpad.net/neutron. Use this site for asking for help, and filing bugs. Code is available on git.openstack.org at <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/neutron>.
The latest and most in-depth documentation on how to use Neutron is available at: <http://docs.openstack.org>. This includes:
- Neutron Administrator Guide
- Networking Guide
- Neutron API Reference:
- Current Neutron developer documentation is available at:
For help on usage and hacking of Neutron, please send mail to <mailto:openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>.
For information on how to contribute to Neutron, please see the contents of the CONTRIBUTING.rst file.