Due to a bug in openstacksdk [0], rename the 'token' attribute used for the auth of the openstack client to 'auth_token'. 'token' was incorrectly set to None by openstacksdk, 'auth_token' is the same as 'token' but is not impacted by the bug. [0] https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstacksdk/+bug/2046645 Closes-Bug: #2046711 Change-Id: I9dab5aeb19cf4dc44ff7ee20decf20023b20888b
Octavia Dashboard
Team and repository tags
Horizon panels for Octavia
- Free software: Apache license
- Documentation: https://docs.openstack.org/octavia-dashboard/latest/
- Source: https://opendev.org/openstack/octavia-dashboard
- Release notes: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/octavia-dashboard/
- Bugs: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/909
- Please see octavia repository
Package the octavia_dashboard by running:
python setup.py sdist
This will create a python egg in the dist folder, which can be used to install on the horizon machine or within horizon's python virtual environment.
directory toopenstack_dashboard/local/enabled
:$ cp -a \ ${OCTAVIA_DASHBOARD_DIR}/octavia_dashboard/enabled/_1482_*.py \ ${HORIZON_DIR}/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/
(Optional) Generate the policy file and copy into horizon's policy files folder, and copy
directory toopenstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.d
:$ oslopolicy-policy-generator \ --config-file \ ${OCTAVIA_DIR}/etc/policy/octavia-policy-generator.conf \ --output-file \ ${OCTAVIA_DASHBOARD_DIR}/octavia_dashboard/conf/octavia_policy.yaml $ cp -a \ ${OCTAVIA_DASHBOARD_DIR}/octavia_dashboard/conf/octavia_policy.yaml \ ${HORIZON_DIR}/openstack_dashboard/conf/ $ cp -a \ ${OCTAVIA_DASHBOARD_DIR}/octavia_dashboard/local_settings.d/_1499_*.py \ ${HORIZON_DIR}/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.d/
Django has a compressor feature that performs many enhancements for the delivery of static files. If the compressor feature is enabled in your environment (
), run the following commands:$ ./manage.py collectstatic $ ./manage.py compress
Finally restart your web server to enable octavia-dashboard in your Horizon:
$ sudo service apache2 restart