babel extractors are now registered via python entry points, so there is no need to declare babel extractors in babel configs. This change is important to make translation work in Django 2.2. django-babel does not work with Django 2.2 and looks unmaintained for over two years. The horizon team is thinking to switch the extractor to enmerkar (a fork of django-babel) to make extraction of translation string work again near future. It is important to drop the extractor definition to make the transition smooth. Change-Id: I71c629b5ac3ff0978c832c4d25ff09f8c2a2ea11
Octavia Dashboard
Team and repository tags
Horizon panels for Octavia
- Free software: Apache license
- Documentation: https://docs.openstack.org/octavia-dashboard/latest/
- Source: https://opendev.org/openstack/octavia-dashboard
- Release notes: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/octavia-dashboard/
- Bugs: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/909
- Please see octavia repository
Package the octavia_dashboard by running:
python setup.py sdist
This will create a python egg in the dist folder, which can be used to install on the horizon machine or within horizon's python virtual environment.
directory toopenstack_dashboard/local/enabled
:$ cp -a \ ${OCTAVIA_DASHBOARD_DIR}/octavia_dashboard/enabled/_1482_*.py \ ${HORIZON_DIR}/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/
(Optional) Generate the policy file and copy into horizon's policy files folder, and copy
directory toopenstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.d
:$ oslopolicy-policy-generator \ --config-file \ ${OCTAVIA_DIR}/etc/policy/octavia-policy-generator.conf \ --output-file \ ${OCTAVIA_DASHBOARD_DIR}/octavia_dashboard/conf/octavia_policy.yaml $ cp -a \ ${OCTAVIA_DASHBOARD_DIR}/octavia_dashboard/conf/octavia_policy.yaml \ ${HORIZON_DIR}/openstack_dashboard/conf/ $ cp -a \ ${OCTAVIA_DASHBOARD_DIR}/octavia_dashboard/local_settings.d/_1499_*.py \ ${HORIZON_DIR}/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.d/
Django has a compressor feature that performs many enhancements for the delivery of static files. If the compressor feature is enabled in your environment (
), run the following commands:$ ./manage.py collectstatic $ ./manage.py compress
Finally restart your web server to enable octavia-dashboard in your Horizon:
$ sudo service apache2 restart