This patch updates Octavia docs to use the oslo_config.sphinxext integration to generate the configuration reference. This patch also links in the "guru meditation report" document. This document has been present, but was not linked. I also reorganized the specs to reflect the correct release versions. Change-Id: Icaf710c1c61277f3ca51efac45a3a80a0d3cce8f
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Add statistics gathering API for loadbalancer
Problem description
Currently, Octavia does not support the gathering of loadbalancer statistics. This causes inconsistencies between the Octavia and Neutron-LBaaS APIs. Another point is that the statistics data we get from the Octavia API for the listener only reflects the first record for the listener in the Octavia database, since we're supporting more topologies than SINGLE, this needs to be to fixed too.
Proposed change
Add one more data 'request_errors' to indicate the number of request errors for each listener, we can get this data from the stats of haproxy 'ereq'.
Add a new module 'stats' to octavia.common with a class 'StatsMixin' to do the actual statistics calculation for both listener and loadbalancer. Make the mixin class as a new base class for octavia.api.v1.controllers.listener_statistics.ListenerStatisticsController, to make sure we get correct stats from Octavia API.
Add a new module 'loadbalancer_statistics' to octavia.api.v1.controllers with a class LoadbalancerStatisticsController to provide a new REST API for gathering statistics at the loadbalancer level.
Use evenstream to serialize the statistics messages from the octavia to neutron-lbaas via oslo_messaging, to keep consistent with neutron-lbaas API.
Update the 'stats' method in neutron-lbaas for octavia driver, allow the neutron-lbaas to get stats from octavia through REST API request, to keep consistent with neutron-lbaas API.
Data model impact
One new column for table listener_statistics will be introduced to represent request errors:
Field Type Null Key Default Extra request_errors bigint(20) NO NULL
REST API impact
Add 'request_errors' in the response of list listener statistics:
Example List listener statistics: JSON response
"listener": {
"bytes_in": 0,
"bytes_out": 0,
"active_connections": 0,
"total_connections": 0,
"request_errors": 0
Add a new API to list loadbalancer statistics
Lists loadbalancer statistics.
Request Type GET
Endpoint URL/v1/loadbalancers/{lb_id}/stats
Response Codes + Success | 200
- ---------+--------------------------------------+
Error | 401, 404, 500
Example List loadbalancer statistics: JSON response
"loadbalancer": {
"bytes_in": 0,
"bytes_out": 0,
"active_connections": 0,
"total_connections": 0,
"request_errors": 0,
"listeners": [{
"id": "uuid"
"bytes_in": 0,
"bytes_out": 0,
"active_connections": 0,
"total_connections": 0,
"request_errors": 0,
Security impact
Notifications impact
Other end user impact
Performance Impact
Other deployer impact
Developer impact
li, chen <shchenli@cn.ibm.com>
Work Items
- Extend current stats collection for listener amphora
- Add module 'stats'
- Add new API for gathering statistics at the loadbalancer level
- Update stats to neutron database
Function tests with tox.
Documentation Impact
Changes shall be introduced to the octavia APIs: see [1]
[1] http://docs.openstack.org/developer/octavia/api/octaviaapi.html