This commit adds a CONTRIBUTING.md files that details the process for working with issues and pull-requests within this repo. It also describes the process to use when reviewing others contributions
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contributor guidelines
When submitting a pull request (PR), or reviewing existing PR's in preparation for merge, please ensure the following criteria are met:
- PR relates to a prior filed issue, and the issue number is included in the body of the PR.
- The PR (not the issue) is targeted at the relevant milestone. If the PR is against master, target the current/latest milestone.
- The issue number is NOT in the title of the commit message. The issue MAY be included in the body of the commit message, but not the title.
- The PR title should be usable to populate the changelog.
- The PR description should clearly describe the functional change being made
- Unrelated functional changes are submitted separately.
- Note any limitations of the fix.
- Fix/feature being added has been coded in a similar style, or taken a similar logical pattern to the rest of the codebase.
- PR should, where possible, relate to a single issue
- All commits relating to a single issue in a PR are squashed to a single commit.
- The commit message and PR title should not contain typos
- The PR should be submitted against the correct branch. If the PR is against master, and the original issue was labeled with 'backport potential', 'cherry-pick -x' the issue from master into the relevant stable branch, and submit a separate PR to that branch
When submitting an issue, or working on an issue, please ensure the following criteria are met:
- The description clearly states or describes the original problem or root cause of the problem.
- Include historical information on how the problem was identified.
- Any relevant logs are included.
- If the issue is a bug that needs fixing in a branch other than Master, add the ‘backport potential’ tag TO THE ISSUE (not the PR).
- The provided information should be totally self-contained. External access to web services/sites should not be needed.
- If the issue is needed for a hotfix release, add the 'expedite' label.
- Steps to reproduce the problem if possible.