Matthew Oliver 093e41e0ef Add statsd configuration for swift
This adds the optional configuration options:
  - statsd_host
  - statsd_port
  - statsd_metric_prefix (defaults to inventory_hostname)
  - statsd_default_sample_rate
  - statsd_sample_rate_factor

Which can be defined under swift globally or on the server level.
The configuration will only be added if statsd_host is defined.

Change-Id: I793b189e0a1f5ca4fc1fe17b1d89f2a83af8c796
2016-01-14 10:20:41 +00:00

12 KiB

Home OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide

Configuring the service

Procedure 5.2. Updating the Object Storage configuration ``swift.yml`` file

  1. Copy the /etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/swift.yml.example file to /etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/swift.yml:

    # cp /etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/swift.yml.example \
  2. Update the global override values:

    # global_overrides:
    #   swift:
    #     part_power: 8
    #     weight: 100
    #     min_part_hours: 1
    #     repl_number: 3
    #     storage_network: 'br-storage'
    #     replication_network: 'br-repl'
    #     drives:
    #       - name: sdc
    #       - name: sdd
    #       - name: sde
    #       - name: sdf
    #     mount_point: /mnt
    #     account:
    #     container:
    #     storage_policies:
    #       - policy:
    #           name: gold
    #           index: 0
    #           default: True
    #       - policy:
    #           name: silver
    #           index: 1
    #           repl_number: 3
    #           deprecated: True
    #     statsd_host:
    #     statsd_port: 8125
    #     statsd_metric_prefix:
    #     statsd_default_sample_rate: 1.0
    #     statsd_sample_rate_factor: 1.0

    Set the partition power value based on the total amount of storage the entire ring will use.

    Multiply the maximum number of drives ever used with this Object Storage installation by 100 and round that value up to the closest power of two value. For example, a maximum of six drives, times 100, equals 600. The nearest power of two above 600 is two to the power of nine, so the partition power is nine. The partition power cannot be changed after the Object Storage rings are built.


    The default weight is 100. If the drives are different sizes, set the weight value to avoid uneven distribution of data. For example, a 1 TB disk would have a weight of 100, while a 2 TB drive would have a weight of 200.


    The default value is 1. Set the minimum partition hours to the amount of time to lock a partition's replicas after a partition has been moved. Moving multiple replicas at the same time might make data inaccessible. This value can be set separately in the swift, container, account, and policy sections with the value in lower sections superseding the value in the swift section.


    The default value is 3. Set the replication number to the number of replicas of each object. This value can be set separately in the swift, container, account, and policy sections with the value in the more granular sections superseding the value in the swift section.


    By default, the swift services will listen on the default management IP. Optionally, specify the interface of the storage network.

    If the storage_network is not set, but the storage_ips per host are set (or the storage_ip is not on the storage_network interface) the proxy server will not be able to connect to the storage services.


    Optionally, specify a dedicated replication network interface, so dedicated replication can be setup. If this value is not specified, no dedicated replication_network is set.

    As with the storage_network, if the repl_ip is not set on the replication_network interface, replication will not work properly.


    Set the default drives per host. This is useful when all hosts have the same drives. These can be overridden on a per host basis.


    Set the mount_point value to the location where the swift drives are mounted. For example, with a mount point of /mnt and a drive of sdc, a drive is mounted at /mnt/sdc on the swift_host. This can be overridden on a per-host basis.


    Storage policies determine on which hardware data is stored, how the data is stored across that hardware, and in which region the data resides. Each storage policy must have an unique name and a unique index. There must be a storage policy with an index of 0 in the swift.yml file to use any legacy containers created before storage policies were instituted.


    Set the default value to yes for at least one policy. This is the default storage policy for any non-legacy containers that are created.


    Set the deprecated value to yes to turn off storage policies.

    For account and container rings, min_part_hours and repl_number are the only values that can be set. Setting them in this section overrides the defaults for the specific ring.


    Swift supports sending extra metrics to a statsd host. This option sets the statsd host that will receive statsd metrics. Specifying this here will apply to all hosts in the cluster.

    If statsd_host is left blank or omitted then statsd will be disabled.

    All statsd settings can be overridden or specified deeper in the structure if you want to only catch statsd metrics on certain hosts.


    Optionally, use this to specify the statsd server's port your sending metrics to. Defaults to 8125 of omitted.

    statsd_default_sample_rate and statsd_sample_rate_factor

    These statsd related options are a little more complicated and are used to tune how many samples are sent to statsd. Omit them unless you need to tweak these settings, if so first read:

  3. Update the Object Storage proxy hosts values:

    # swift-proxy_hosts:
    #   infra-node1:
    #     ip:
    #     statsd_metric_prefix: proxy01
    #   infra-node2:
    #     ip:
    #     statsd_metric_prefix: proxy02
    #   infra-node3:
    #     ip:
    #     statsd_metric_prefix: proxy03

    Set the IP address of the hosts that Ansible will connect to to deploy the swift-proxy containers. The swift-proxy_hosts value should match the infra nodes.


This metric is optional, and also only evaluated it you have defined statsd_host somewhere. It allows you define a prefix to add to all statsd metrics sent from this hose. If omitted the node name will be used.

  1. Update the Object Storage hosts values:

    # swift_hosts:
    #   swift-node1:
    #     ip:
    #     container_vars:
    #       swift_vars:
    #         zone: 0
    #         statsd_metric_prefix: node1
    #   swift-node2:
    #     ip:
    #     container_vars:
    #       swift_vars:
    #         zone: 1
    #         statsd_metric_prefix: node2
    #   swift-node3:
    #     ip:
    #     container_vars:
    #       swift_vars:
    #         zone: 2
    #         statsd_metric_prefix: node3
    #   swift-node4:
    #     ip:
    #     container_vars:
    #       swift_vars:
    #         zone: 3
    #   swift-node5:
    #     ip:
    #     container_vars:
    #       swift_vars:
    #         storage_ip:
    #         repl_ip:
    #         zone: 4
    #         region: 3
    #         weight: 200
    #         groups:
    #           - account
    #           - container
    #           - silver
    #         drives:
    #           - name: sdb
    #             storage_ip:
    #             repl_ip:
    #             weight: 75
    #             groups:
    #               - gold
    #           - name: sdc
    #           - name: sdd
    #           - name: sde
    #           - name: sdf

    Specify the hosts to be used as the storage nodes. The ip is the address of the host to which Ansible connects. Set the name and IP address of each Object Storage host. The swift_hosts section is not required.


    Contains the Object Storage host specific values.

    storage_ip and repl_ip

    These values are based on the IP addresses of the host's storage_network or replication_network. For example, if the storage_network is br-storage and host1 has an IP address of on br-storage, then that is the IP address that will be used for storage_ip. If only the storage_ip is specified then the repl_ip defaults to the storage_ip. If neither are specified, both will default to the host IP address.

    Overriding these values on a host or drive basis can cause problems if the IP address that the service listens on is based on a specified storage_network or replication_network and the ring is set to a different IP address.


    The default is 0. Optionally, set the Object Storage zone for the ring.


    Optionally, set the Object Storage region for the ring.


    The default weight is 100. If the drives are different sizes, set the weight value to avoid uneven distribution of data. This value can be specified on a host or drive basis (if specified at both, the drive setting takes precedence).


    Set the groups to list the rings to which a host's drive belongs. This can be set on a per drive basis which will override the host setting.


    Set the names of the drives on this Object Storage host. At least one name must be specified.


This metric is optional, and also only evaluated it you have defined statsd_host somewhere. It allows you define a prefix to add to all statsd metrics sent from this hose. If omitted the node name will be used.

In the following example, swift-node5 shows values in the swift_hosts section that will override the global values. Groups are set, which overrides the global settings for drive sdb. The weight is overridden for the host and specifically adjusted on drive sdb. Also, the storage_ip and repl_ip are set differently for sdb.

# swift-node5: # ip: # container_vars: # swift_vars: # storage_ip: # repl_ip: # zone: 4 # region: 3 # weight: 200 # groups: # - account # - container # - silver # drives: # - name: sdb # storage_ip: # repl_ip: # weight: 75 # groups: # - gold # - name: sdc # - name: sdd # - name: sde # - name: sdf

  1. Ensure the swift.yml is in the /etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/ folder.