vmware-vspc is a standalone service for collecting serial logs from
VMware instances. We already have support for this in Nova where
instances can be created with virtual serial ports having network
backing pointing to VSPC.
Change-Id: I57818035283a3d421345bab484084c8f7fe7350b
Sushy is a small Python library to communicate with Redfish based
systems (http://redfish.dmtf.org).
Change-Id: I677eab5815c76571f1c8b0c2dea90a3733c7a100
Add the ceph base charm layer to the Openstack charms.
needed-by: I7b2e54f297769245b7b9b2069eb2661c1a09373b
Change-Id: Ia8f07517c82ad6305d3a7497f313143f78d50174
Adding a "create" rule in "refs/heads/*" section of "gluon.config"
to allow creation of branches by gluon-release team
Change-Id: I1aa0674247377ba436fb416311ac55ed7f5f5ef9
Signed-off-by: Bin Hu <bh526r@att.com>
Add keystone-ldap charm and associated interface for deployment
of domain specific identity backends with keystone.
Needed-By: Ia0c530504ddc253e9fcd7991c46f1da25c70220e
Change-Id: I8cf50d2d7eec53d81cbfb12deb50b7f47255f344
Add the ceph mds charm interface to the Openstack charms.
needed-by: I780ff274f4148c4f36b31cff10929eb987bc75d0
Change-Id: I63765409f2950862a92366f6b8f3deb01784cb9c
Fedmsg is a brokerless messaging bus created by the Fedora project.
Recently we added support to zuulv3 to report results to it. As such,
create an ansible role we can use to properly manage fedmsg.
This project is not currently part of the big tent, but will be used
under the existing windmill ansible roles. We are also adding IRC
notifications into the #windmill channel.
Change-Id: I646e93a19216574d5750a06ed2138df4ed3b7b00
Signed-off-by: Paul Belanger <pabelanger@redhat.com>
Add a repo for document outputs from the Scientific WG.
Change-Id: I86712758ac97b6050a589140303a9fd63046c46d
Needed-By: I733d1ec219d4a5d344b899773873baaa4d22b62a
Update the tagging permissions for openstack/castellan to allow the
release team and the release bot to push tags.
Change-Id: I77d959f5e10e255e8a2e8cf971ba0af95af10274
Signed-off-by: Doug Hellmann <doug@doughellmann.com>
W+1 permission were updated to make these permissions
exclusive for the "fuel-stable-core" group on stable/mitaka branch.
Change-Id: I88cf49dc9946fee041eea10458fad53b2935e213
Closes-bug: #1661012
The OpenStack Manuals team requested a new location for Security Guide
bugs in today's OSSP team meeting. The PTL of the Security Project asked
for a new launchpad tracker and for the repository to be linked to it.
Change-Id: Ia7a05a9a47671ff6cd9240fbbb48bdfe4ba8701d
This follows networking-calico's recent transition from Neutron governance to
unofficial project status.
Change-Id: I60d8f8f2fb165248f42d0787c7c65ae77c5a59cf
The community of users around the ARA [1] project are coming up with
different Ansible roles to install and set up ARA.
To ensure a quality standard and have a home where these users can
contribute their code in a common place, we'd like to host this
project side-by-side the ARA project.
There is no launchpad for the ansible-role-ara project as we will
be using storyboard like we have been doing with ARA.
There is also no gate jobs for the time being as we figure how
we will implement and share them between the main project and this
New gerrit groups are created for this project as the expectation
is that ara-core will be a member of ara-ansible-role-core but the
inverse might not be true.
[1]: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/ara
Change-Id: I50f83225525fba07db1c8eb940bcf642de2accbf
Add repository for designate deploy by fuel-ccp.
Starts with empty repo and files to pass linters
will be added in first commit.
Change-Id: I9fc53e126b122b64213e214416f94d373c1caca9
There is an oslo.middleware project people open bugs against in
Launchpad, so don't instruct Gerrit to expect to find all its bugs
under the oslo project on LP.
Change-Id: I339e63c6800b2956f9cb329f18d42fbc106ec8e9
Make these the same as ironic itself, with extra core teams where
This includes changes to the ACLs for:
* bifrost
* ironic-inspector
* ironic-ui
* molteniron
Change-Id: I9df76d102cdd6c0d35e9e60791b22b51472f1991
Repository for nginx deployment with fuel-ccp.
We start with empty repo and files to pass linters tests will be added
in first commit.
Change-Id: I65c02336e2e2de5e888ad178098aadb1d810e8d9