Supporting "--no-property" option will apply user a convenience way to clean all properties of aggregate in a short command, and this kind of behavior is the recommended way to devref. The patch add "--no-property" option in "aggregate set" command, and update related test cases and devref document. Change-Id: I7614a23c0db05144562330dc600dbab7d003d5d8 Implements: blueprint support-no-property-in-aggregate
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Host aggregates provide a mechanism to group hosts according to certain criteria.
Compute v2
aggregate add host
Add host to aggregate
aggregate add host
os aggregate add host
Aggregate (name or ID)
Host to add to \<aggregate\> <aggregate_add_host-aggregate>
aggregate create
Create a new aggregate
aggregate create
os aggregate create
[--zone <availability-zone>]
[--property <key=value> [...] ]
--zone <availability-zone>
Availability zone name
--property <key=value>
Property to add to this aggregate (repeat option to set multiple properties)
New aggregate name
aggregate delete
Delete existing aggregate(s)
aggregate delete
os aggregate delete
<aggregate> [<aggregate> ...]
Aggregate(s) to delete (name or ID)
aggregate list
List all aggregates
aggregate list
os aggregate list
List additional fields in output
aggregate remove host
Remove host from aggregate
aggregate remove host
os aggregate remove host
Aggregate (name or ID)
Host to remove from \<aggregate\> <aggregate_remove_host-aggregate>
aggregate set
Set aggregate properties
aggregate set
os aggregate set
[--name <new-name>]
[--zone <availability-zone>]
[--property <key=value> [...] ]
--name <name>
Set aggregate name
--zone <availability-zone>
Set availability zone name
--property <key=value>
Property to set on \<aggregate\> <aggregate_set-aggregate>
(repeat option to set multiple properties)
Remove all properties from \<aggregate\> <aggregate_set-aggregate>
(specify both --property and --no-property to overwrite the current
Aggregate to modify (name or ID)
aggregate show
Display aggregate details
aggregate show
os aggregate show
Aggregate to display (name or ID)
aggregate unset
Unset aggregate properties
aggregate unset
os aggregate unset
[--property <key> [...] ]
--property <key>
Property to remove from \<aggregate\> <aggregate_unset-aggregate>
(repeat option to remove multiple properties)
Aggregate to modify (name or ID)