For tox 3.x and earlier, passenv was a space-separated list; as of tox 4.0.0, it's comma-separated. For a while, our spaces would be silently included in the now-one-and-only passenv value parsed (which wasn't great, but mostly just caused confusion) -- as of tox 4.0.6, however, it became a hard error, and all tests would fail like pass_env values cannot contain whitespace, use comma to have multiple values in a single line, invalid values found 'SWIFT_* *_proxy' Unfortunately, we don't really know what versions of tox all our various stakeholders might want/need to use (though we currently set a minversion of 3.18.0), and (to my knowledge) there's no way to specify multiple values for passenv in a way that would be compatible with both old and new tox. Fortunately, as of 3.14.4, tox include HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, and NO_PROXY in passenv by default. I'm fairly certain those were the only reason we had *_proxy to begin with, so just drop it. Change-Id: I8ddfbc6376434c39e231846135a99bd0bdca9497
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Python bindings to the OpenStack Object Storage API
This is a python client for the Swift API. There's a Python API (the
module), and a command-line script
Development takes place via the usual OpenStack processes as outlined in the OpenStack wiki.
This code is based on the original client previously included with OpenStack's Swift. The python-swiftclient is licensed under the Apache License like the rest of OpenStack.
- Free software: Apache license
- PyPI - package installation
- Online Documentation
- Launchpad project - release management
- Bugs - issue tracking
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- How to Contribute
- Release Notes