This patch removes the documentation for the --neutron-* command line options that had been deprecated and removed over time. Change-Id: I72447bffcde92a85b2c3f436806268d1ae94e005
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Overcloud v1
overcloud deploy
Deploy an overcloud stack
overcloud deploy
os overcloud deploy
--stack [STACK_NAME]
--templates [TEMPLATES]
[-t <TIMEOUT>]
[--control-scale CONTROL_SCALE]
[--compute-scale COMPUTE_SCALE]
[--ceph-storage-scale CEPH_STORAGE_SCALE]
[--block-storage-scale BLOCK_STORAGE_SCALE]
[--swift-storage-scale SWIFT_STORAGE_SCALE]
[--control-flavor CONTROL_FLAVOR]
[--compute-flavor COMPUTE_FLAVOR]
[--ceph-storage-flavor CEPH_STORAGE_FLAVOR]
[--block-storage-flavor BLOCK_STORAGE_FLAVOR]
[--swift-storage-flavor SWIFT_STORAGE_FLAVOR]
[--libvirt-type LIBVIRT_TYPE]
[--ntp-server NTP_SERVER] [--cinder-lvm]
[--no-proxy NO_PROXY] [-O <OUTPUT DIR>]
[-e <HEAT ENVIRONMENT FILE>] [--rhel-reg]
[--reg-method {satellite,portal}]
[--reg-org REG_ORG] [--reg-force]
[--reg-sat-url REG_SAT_URL]
[--reg-activation-key REG_ACTIVATION_KEY]
[--answers-file <ANSWERS FILE>]
--stack <stack_name>
Optionally rename stack from default of 'overcloud'. Currently, only one stack is supported.
--templates <directory>
The directory containing the Heat templates to deploy.
-t <timeout>, --timeout <timeout>
Deployment timeout in minutes (default: 240)
--control-scale <scale-amount>
New number of control nodes.
--compute-scale <scale-amount>
New number of compute nodes.
--ceph-storage-scale <scale-amount>
New number of ceph storage nodes.
--block-storage-scale <scale-amount>
New number of block storage nodes.
--swift-storage-scale <scale-amount>
New number of swift storage nodes.
--control-flavor <flavor-name>
Nova flavor to use for control nodes.
--compute-flavor <flavor-name>
Nova flavor to use for compute nodes.
--ceph-storage-flavor <flavor-name>
Nova flavor to use for ceph storage nodes.
--block-storage-flavor <flavor-name>
Nova flavor to use for cinder storage nodes.
--swift-storage-flavor <flavor-name>
Nova flavor to use for swift storage nodes.
--libvirt-type {kvm,qemu}
Libvirt domain type. (default: kvm)
--ntp-server <ip-address>
The NTP for overcloud nodes.
--no-proxy <hosts>
A comma separated list of hosts that should not be proxied.
-e <file>, --environment-file <file>
Environment files to be passed to the heat stack-create or heat stack-update command. (Can be specified more than once.)
Register overcloud nodes to the customer portal or a satellite.
--reg-method [sattelite|portal]
RHEL registration method to use for the overcloud nodes.
--reg-org <organization>
Organization key to use for registration.
Register the system even if it is already registered.
--reg-sat-url <url>
Satellite server to register overcloud nodes.
--reg-activation-key <key>
Activation key to use for registration.
--answers-file <file>
Point to a file that specifies a templates directory and a list of environment files in YAML format:
templates: ~/templates
- ~/test-env1.yaml
- ~/test-env2.yaml
- ~/test-env3.yaml