$ git log --oneline --no-merges 11.0.0..cde74751b5fe4016f002c3031c0c88100eb08619
4d52ce9c Fix TCP HMs on UDP pools with SELinux
2e034c1e Fix hm operating status to ONLINE in single lb call
05b33434 Avoid interface name collisions in the amphora
396785da Fix pool creation with single LB create call
ba0c244d Fix pep8 error
6a380e37 Send IP advertisements when plugging a new member subnet
332d7dee Fix octavia to accept [ipv6]:port
b2437857 Fix ORM caching for with_for_update calls
c87fbc07 Fix grenade job & pin pylint on stable/branches
4022aaf7 Filter out details from taskflow logs with v2+jobboard
0bc7d289 Filter ComputeWaitTimeoutException when jobboard is disabled
8cd697e8 Fix PING health-monitor with recent Centos releases
4e9203ad Fix listener creation with fully-populated API
cfd87ccb Fix full graph loadbalancer creation if jobboard is disabled
572c0dac Add a newline when writing the server state file
fb2e1d2e Handle feature compatibility of HAProxy server-state-file option
48fad7c2 Fix prometheus-proxy service name in Red Hat-based distros
960977cc Fix barbican client with application credentials/trusts
b7fc5b10 Add *.orig to .gitignore
4f2a019d Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/zed
d8ec4499 Update .gitreview for stable/zed
Change-Id: I1dd39589e0537e737f9947f9b3417809a401dbb7
This patch cut a new release of XStatic-Angular-Lrdragndrop
to include 375ee8e424 which fix horizon-npm-job with 3.x
version of jQuery.
Change-Id: I4679ff3239869786b37a40aab7afc431883ff3da
This picks up new patches to the Yoga stable release of Octavia.
$ git log --oneline --no-merges 10.0.0..stable/yoga
da9dc123 Fix TCP HMs on UDP pools with SELinux
b555ffc2 Fix hm operating status to ONLINE in single lb call
202d1dc4 Avoid interface name collisions in the amphora
dabd33af Fix pool creation with single LB create call
e0f7a145 (gerrit/stable/yoga) Send IP advertisements when plugging a new member subnet
09e0beb6 Fix pep8 error
dd29742d Prevent incorrect reschedule of resumed tasks with jobboard
db22c0b9 Fix serialization of lists in data_models.to_dict
e4cfb3e5 Remove incorrect info message
ae3cc5b3 Enable taskflow retry feature when waiting for compute
0c8c5037 Fix octavia to accept [ipv6]:port
df2a5275 Fix ORM caching for with_for_update calls
cc276721 Fix ignored [nova] service_name
6ae3d23e Fix listener creation allowing pool protocol
d3191eb9 Fix unclear error messages in the API
524ce505 Fix update listener certs doesn't work
3b3458b7 Fix template issue with user_data_config_drive
3380b292 Fix prometheus-proxy systemd service
4b588d4e Fix grenade job
23a7ca77 Pin pylint on stable/branches
46f774ad Filter out details from taskflow logs with v2+jobboard
2e5bc334 Fix PING health-monitor with recent Centos releases
d4d8d597 Fix PING health-monitor with recent haproxy releases
66a62bc2 Fix listener creation with fully-populated API
c662e42b Fix full graph loadbalancer creation if jobboard is disabled
3605689a Add a newline when writing the server state file
8aa5eaa8 Handle feature compatibility of HAProxy server-state-file option
74736870 Fix barbican client with application credentials/trusts
5efaf360 Fix prometheus-proxy service name in Red Hat-based distros
0d8a06bd Use python3.9 for tips jobs
d4b0c4f5 Restart rsyslog from cloud-init in amphorav1
10042f76 Add *.orig to .gitignore
64947c5f Fix sporadic unit test failure
62e1d1fa Update zuul queue configuration
71c61b80 Fix plugging member subnets on existing networks
e76efd82 Passphrase parameters should be secret
d75613fa Reconfigure amphora network interfaces seamlessly
0598c4fb Ignore status update on deleted objects in driver-agent
384619ef Cache subnets validation for batch member update
3e6f180b Fix bug when rolling back prov and op status for some API calls
328ffc00 Fix PortNotFound exception when updating a LB after a failover
d5565417 Catch exceptions on I/O in driver-agent
995fe216 Apply openstack-selinux policies in Centos amphorae
ef76cbf7 Change FIPS jobs to centos-9-stream
1a1c5d42 Fix driver-agent cleanup
74f2baf5 Fix update/delete listener CA/CRL error
c8dd836e Move system scoped secure-RBAC to separate file
5ca3849a Fix HealthMonitorToErrorOnRevertTask revert method
2cb52fe6 Improve string representation of DB models
e6989982 Fix duplicate object error messages
9a25da98 Fix potential race conditions on update requests in the v2 worker
78603681 Set sensible nf_conntrack_max value in amphora
7c3f2a57 Exclude invalid TLS version
ef4ef042 Correct format of release note
a2371823 Fix compile_amphora_details when using UDP listeners
e397a118 Fix disabled UDP pools
133ec476 Validate L7Rule value and cookie name
399c2f17 Fix new pylint issues
9afb3af6 Reject invalid whitespace in HM url_path value
0df7c6b7 Remove unneeded sudo in lvs-masquerade.sh
4248e98a Deny the creation of L7Policies for HTTPS/TCP/UDP listeners
7aaac224 Fix AttributeError in exception handler
0a062cd6 Save the HAProxy state outside of its systemd unit
1da04d12 Pass timeout_dict to _get_haproxy_versions
a8a35e08 Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/yoga
c2939bc6 Update .gitreview for stable/yoga
Change-Id: I24aee9e357e4b4ee7a507945abfec7d4b88035cb
Currently we're reverse sorting with a simple sort, this sadly puts
newer released (antalope, bobcat) at the end of the list. Add a
key function that has context around our release names and release ids
to sort "2024.1/cantaloupe"[1] at the top.
[1] As of now the c name isn't selected cantaloupe is my placeholder
Change-Id: I4b021d99bd4ecc232838a3639dd8d5ef075e1a24
This is the Bobcat-2 milestone release for python-manilaclient.
Clients and libraries following the cycle-with-intermediary release
model are encouraged to release each milestone to make sure updates
are made available.
If the team is happy with the current release hash, please +1 this
patch and we will process the release. If you need to get some
important changes merged first, leave a -1 and update the patch with
a new commit hash to use once it is ready.
If a release is definitely not wanted at this time, please -1 and
leave a comment explaining that and we can abandon the patch.
Any patches with no response will be assumed to be OK and will be
processed after July 6th.
Change-Id: Id7026ec2d2756d7edb830091eb332ea0ffafcb5e
Signed-off-by: Elod Illes <elod.illes@est.tech>
This patch cut the first release of the horizon for the bobcat cycle.
horizon recently bumped the upper version of Xstatic-jQuery version from>[1] but the patch which update the upper bound in the
openstack/requirements is failing as of now [2] beacuse horizon 23.1.0
depends on XStatic-jQuery<2 and >= The main purpose of
this release is to fix the above version compatibility issue.
[1] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/887548
[2] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/requirements/+/887933
Change-Id: I5ce388ff43e4ee951e56a2461cc1a959dde64426
As discussed in the mail thread [1][2], this patch transition the Rocky
branch to End of Life. The last patch of the branch will be tagged with
rocky-eol tag. stable/rocky branch cannot be used anymore and will be
deleted if this patch merges.
This is needed as stable/rocky is not actively maintained in recent
period, thus gates are mostly broken due to job failures. Besides,
by removing these branches, infra resources will be freed up, too.
Please try to identify any zuul job, that is defined outside of the
repositories in this patch (for example in openstack-zuul-jobs, etc.)
and won't be used anymore if stable/rocky is deleted. Propose a job
removal patch for them.
Please +1 if the team is ready for us to proceed with this transition,
or -1 if there are still some activity on the branch and the team wants
to continue to maintain it.
[1] https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-January/031922.html
[2] https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-April/033386.html
Change-Id: Ia8010c1e399166db1485675a4bc1c1ffac569c24
This is the Bobcat-2 milestone release for metalsmith.
Clients and libraries following the cycle-with-intermediary release
model are encouraged to release each milestone to make sure updates
are made available.
If the team is happy with the current release hash, please +1 this
patch and we will process the release. If you need to get some
important changes merged first, leave a -1 and update the patch with
a new commit hash to use once it is ready.
If a release is definitely not wanted at this time, please -1 and
leave a comment explaining that and we can abandon the patch.
Any patches with no response will be assumed to be OK and will be
processed after July 6th.
Change-Id: I8c48aeb0d0958f5d82357000f90a01bf2a23c207
Signed-off-by: Elod Illes <elod.illes@est.tech>
As discussed in the mail thread [1][2], this patch transition the Rocky
branch to End of Life. The last patch of the branch will be tagged with
rocky-eol tag. stable/rocky branch cannot be used anymore and will be
deleted if this patch merges.
This is needed as stable/rocky is not actively maintained in recent
period, thus gates are mostly broken due to job failures. Besides,
by removing these branches, infra resources will be freed up, too.
Please try to identify any zuul job, that is defined outside of the
repositories in this patch (for example in openstack-zuul-jobs, etc.)
and won't be used anymore if stable/rocky is deleted. Propose a job
removal patch for them.
Please +1 if the team is ready for us to proceed with this transition,
or -1 if there are still some activity on the branch and the team wants
to continue to maintain it.
[1] https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-January/031922.html
[2] https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-April/033386.html
Change-Id: I2b2a9c82d68d65dbb0fb270887ace4ff0a66febd
As discussed in the mail thread [1][2], this patch transition the Rocky
branch to End of Life. The last patch of the branch will be tagged with
rocky-eol tag. stable/rocky branch cannot be used anymore and will be
deleted if this patch merges.
This is needed as stable/rocky is not actively maintained in recent
period, thus gates are mostly broken due to job failures. Besides,
by removing these branches, infra resources will be freed up, too.
Please try to identify any zuul job, that is defined outside of the
repositories in this patch (for example in openstack-zuul-jobs, etc.)
and won't be used anymore if stable/rocky is deleted. Propose a job
removal patch for them.
Please +1 if the team is ready for us to proceed with this transition,
or -1 if there are still some activity on the branch and the team wants
to continue to maintain it.
[1] https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-January/031922.html
[2] https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-April/033386.html
Change-Id: I92e9df123756a849c0f37f50717d51be580afe44
This is the Bobcat-2 milestone release for python-glanceclient.
Clients and libraries following the cycle-with-intermediary release
model are encouraged to release each milestone to make sure updates
are made available.
If the team is happy with the current release hash, please +1 this
patch and we will process the release. If you need to get some
important changes merged first, leave a -1 and update the patch with
a new commit hash to use once it is ready.
If a release is definitely not wanted at this time, please -1 and
leave a comment explaining that and we can abandon the patch.
Any patches with no response will be assumed to be OK and will be
processed after July 6th.
Change-Id: I327a1884a1c93ece4fe5d7531d9fe4a6db3bd742
Signed-off-by: Elod Illes <elod.illes@est.tech>