With the new TC resolution the community replaces Extended Maintenance with Unmaintained status [1]. So this patch transitions stable/yoga branch to Unmaintained as follows: - tip of the stable/yoga branch is tagged with yoga-eom tag - unmaintained/yoga branch will be cut from yoga-eom tag - stable/yoga branch will be deleted Some further notes: - there will no longer be official releases off of yoga branch - backports can be pushed against unmaintained/yoga branch - openstack-unmaintained-core and <project>-unmaintained-core groups will have the rights to merge patches For further details please read the resolution [1] & review and +1 this patch if this is correct as soon as possible. [1] https://governance.openstack.org/tc/resolutions/20230724-unmaintained-branches.html Change-Id: Iab93e31fc0fda74e7ecdcfd643ff87200b495998
OpenStack Releases
This repository is used to drive release automation for OpenStack release deliverables, ultimately publishing them on the https://releases.openstack.org/ website.
Changes to this repository are proposed using Gerrit at https://review.opendev.org. This repository is managed by the OpenStack Release Management team.
For more information on how to use this repository, please read our reference documentation.
Who should use this repository
All official OpenStack software should go through the OpenStack Release Management team team to produce releases. Exceptions to this rule are granted by the Technical Committee and documented in the openstack/governance repository ('release-management' key in reference/projects.yaml).
Deliverables managed by teams not under OpenStack governance should follow the tagging instructions in the infra manual.
More information
You can reach the Release Management team on the #openstack-release channel on OFTC IRC <https://www.oftc.net/>, or by sending an email with '[release]' as a subject prefix to the openstack-discuss mailing-list.