Doug Hellmann 4aa92be886 add community-goals to the release schedule
Include deadlines in the Ocata schedule and include reminder notes in
the process document.

Change-Id: Ib1fd9961359938b15b567431302d955cdea7ac99
Signed-off-by: Doug Hellmann <>
2016-10-17 15:14:54 -04:00

334 lines
13 KiB

Release Processes
This document describes the relative ordering and rough timeline for
all of the steps related to preparing the release.
Before Summit (after closing previous release)
1. Set up the release schedule for the newly opened cycle by creating
the required pages in openstack/releases.
2. Create the $series-relmgt-plan and $series-relmgt-tracking
Between Summit and Milestone-1
1. Establish liaisons by having them update with their
contact information.
2. Email PTLs directly one time to explain the use of the "[release]"
email tag on the openstack-dev list.
3. Encourage liaisons to ensure that their release model is set
properly before the first milestone.
4. Start weekly countdown emails, sent on Thursday with information
needed about the following week (deadlines, instructions, etc.).
5. The week before Milestone-1, include a reminder about completing
the responses to community-wide goals in the countdown email.
1. Include the deadline for the milestone in the countdown emails but
do not send extra reminders to liaisons. Missing the first
milestone isn't important in terms of the release, so we want to
encourage everyone to pay attention on their own.
Between Milestone-1 and Milestone-2
1. Follow up with PTLs and liaisons for projects that missed the first
2. The week before Milestone-2 include a reminder of the deadline in
the countdown emails. Also remind release:independent and
release:cycle-with-intermediary projects to prepare releases.
Between Milestone-2 and Milestone-3
1. In the countdown email immediately after Milestone-2, include a
reminder about the various freezes that happen around Milestone-3.
2. Two weeks before Milestone-3, include a reminder about the final
library release freeze coming the week before Milestone-3.
3. Two weeks before Milestone-3, set up the gerrit ACLs for the
yet-to-be-created stable/$series branches.
(The timing for this is meant to postpone it until all projects
that will be included in the current release are accepted but not
put it off for so long that we have to rush to merge the changes in
order to avoid having the release blocked.)
1. Update ACLs for refs/heads/stable/$series so that members of
$project-release-branch can approve changes. The patch can be
generated (for all release:cycle-with-milestones deliverables) with:
`` acls /path/to/openstack-infra/project-config $series``
2. Set the population of all $project-release-branch groups to the
"Release Managers" group and $project-release. This can be done
(for all release:cycle-with-milestones deliverables) by running
`` groups pre_release $user`` ($user being your Gerrit
3. Ask the release liaisons for the affected teams to update the
contents of their $project-release groups. For new projects in
some cases they will need to get the group created by Infra.
Final Library Release (week before Milestone-3)
1. Release libraries as quickly as possible this week to ensure they
are all done before the freeze. Consider relaxing the "not on
Friday" release rule if absolutely necessary.
2. Remind liaisons to prepare releases for client libraries at
3. Update the feature list and allowed stable branch names in
devstack-gate for the new stable branch. For
example, and
4. Create stable/$series branches for the libraries after their final
release is prepared using ````.
5. Use the ``dashboard`` command to prepare the data for tracking the
final release and import it into a Google Docs spreadsheet for
collaborative editing and monitoring.
1. Verify that all projects following release:cycle-with-intermediary
have prepared at least one release for the cycle.
2. Freeze changes to ``openstack/requirements`` by applying -2 to all
open patches. Ensure that reviewers do not approve changes created
by the proposal bot.
3. Create stable/$series branches for the client libraries after their
final release is prepared using ````, or all
together by running ``batch-stable-branches`` to build the list of
commands. For example::
$ cd ~/repos/openstack-infra/release-tools
$ batch-stable-branches --releases-repo ~/repos/openstack/releases --tag type:library newton > /tmp/
$ more /tmp/
$ cd ~/repos/openstack-infra/project-config/jenkins/scripts/release-tools
$ bash -x /tmp/ 2>&1 | tee -a branch.log
4. Remind PTLs/liaisons that master should be frozen except for bug
fixes and feature work with FFEs.
5. Remind PTL/liaisons to start preparing "prelude" release notes as
summaries of the content of the release so that those are merged
before their first release candidate.
6. Freeze all library releases except for release-critical bugs.
7. Include a reminder about completing the responses to community-wide
goals in the countdown email.
Between Milestone-3 and RC1
1. Encourage liaisons to wait as long as possible to create RC1 to
avoid immediately having to create an RC2 with a new bug fix.
2. Encourage release:independent projects to add the history for any
releases not yet listed in their deliverable file.
1. Create stable/$series branches for projects after their RC1 is
tagged using ````.
We do not create branches for cycle-trailing projects
automatically, because we anticipate more release candidates for
them than for other projects. Ask the PTL/liaison when they want
their branch created (from which RC).
2. After the minimum set of projects used by devstack have been branched, the
devstack branch can be created. Devstack doesn't push a tag at RC1 it is
just branched off of HEAD
3. After devstack is branched a grenade branch can be created. As with devstack
it will branch from HEAD instead of a tag.
4. Update the grenade settings in devstack-gate for the new branch. For
5. For translations, create stable-$series versions in the Zanata
translation server on for all
projects that the translation team wants to handle. Create new
translation-jobs-$series periodic jobs to import translations from
the Zanata translation server and propose them to projects, add
these jobs to all projects that have a stable-$series version.
Note this work is done by translation team.
6. After all cycle-with-milestone projects have their branches
created, use ```` to create the stable/$series
branch for ``openstack/requirements``. Then announce that the
requirements freeze is lifted from master.
Note that we wait until after the other projects have branched to
create the branch for requirements because tests for the stable
branches of those projects will fall back to using the master
branch of requirements until the same stable branch is created,
but if the branch for the requirements repo exists early the
changes happening in master on the other projects will not use it
and we can have divergence between the requirements being tested
and being declared as correct.
7. Create new branch specific jobs for our two branchless projects,
devstack-gate and tempest, and configure Zuul to run them on all
changes to those projects to protect against regressions with the
stable branches and these tools. For example, see
8. Add the new release series to the stable-compat jobs used by the Oslo
libraries. For example, see
9. Create periodic bitrot jobs for the new branch in Jenkins Job
Builder and add them to Zuul's periodic pipeline. For example, see
10. Add periodic bitrot jobs to tempest. For example, see
Between RC1 and Final
Try to avoid creating more than 3 release candidates so we are not
creating candidates that consumers are then trained to ignore. Each
release candidate should be kept for at least 1 day, so if there is a
proposal to create RCX but clearly a reason to create another one,
delay RCX to include the additional patches. Teams that know they will
need additional release candidates can submit the requests and mark
them WIP until actually ready, so the release team knows that more
candidates are coming.
1. Ensure that all projects that are publishing release notes have the
notes link included in their deliverable file. See
2. Encourage liaisons to merge all translation patches.
3. When all translations and bug fixes are merged for a project,
prepare a new release candidate.
4. Ensure that the final release candidate for each project is
prepared at least one week before the final release date.
5. After final releases for release:cycle-with-intermediary projects
are tagged, create their stable branches.
6. On the morning of the deadline for final release candidates, check
the list of unreleased changes for milestone projects and verify
with the PTLs and liaisons that they are planning a release or that
they do not need one.
In the release-tools repository working directory, run::
$ ./ stable/newton $(list-repos --tag release:cycle-with-milestones) 2>&1 | tee unreleased.log
7. As soon as the last release candidate is tagged and the freeze
period is entered, use ``propose-final-releases`` to tag the
existing most recent release candidates as the final release for
projects using the cycle-with-milestone model.
8. Ask liaisons and PTLs of milestone-based projects to review and +1
the final release proposal from the previous step so their approval
is included in the metadata that goes onto the signed tag.
Final Release
1. Add documentation links on the series page on releases.o.o.
See for an example.
2. Mark series as released on releases.o.o, by updating doc/source/index.rst
and doc/source/$series/index.rst.
See for an example.
3. Approve the final release patch created earlier.
4. Send release announcement email to
````, based on
5. Reset gerrit ACLs
1. Update all of the $project-release-branch groups to have
$project-stable-maint as members instead of "Release Managers"
and $project-release. This can be done (for all
release:cycle-with-milestones deliverables) by running
`` groups post_release $user`` ($user being your
Gerrit username)
2. Remove the refs/heads/stable/$series from the project gerrit
ACLs. This can be done by reverting the original ACL patch.
6. Update the default series name in
``openstack/releases/openstack_releases/`` to use the
new series name.
7. Declare ``openstack/releases`` unfrozen.
Post-Final Release
1. The week after the final release, process any late or blocked
release requests for deliverables for any branch (treating the new
series branch as stable).
2. The week after the final releases for milestone-based projects are
tagged, use ``propose-final-releases --all`` to tag the existing
most recent release candidates as the final release for projects
using the cycle-trailing model.
3. Ask liaisons and PTLs of cycle-trailing projects to review and +1
the final release proposal from the previous step so their approval
is included in the metadata that goes onto the signed tag.
cycle-trailing Final Release
1. Two weeks after the final release for milestone-based projects,
approve the final release patch created earlier.
2. Reset gerrit ACLs
1. Update all of the $project-release-branch for cycle-trailing
groups to have $project-stable-maint as members instead of
"Release Managers" and $project-release. This can be done (for
all release:cycle-with-milestones deliverables) by running
`` groups post_release $user`` ($user being your
Gerrit username)
2. Remove the refs/heads/stable/$series from the project gerrit
ACLs. This can be done by reverting the original ACL patch.
R+4 Branch Documentation Repos
1. The documentation team waits to branch their repositories until a
few weeks after the final release. Be available to help with
creating the branches if needed.