Alexander Chadin c7ec186576 Adapt watcher documentation for new standards
This patch set makes the following changes:

 * Add index file to each subdirectory of doc/source
 * Update doc/source/index.rst with new links
 * Move content of install-guide to the doc/source/install
 * Minor changes

Depends-On: Ifc5512c0e2373cf3387e0e0498268eab092e52bb
Change-Id: Iecb4f60efb015a56b9b37331859848b287112842
2017-07-04 15:49:24 +03:00

7.8 KiB

Verify operation

Verify operation of the Infrastructure Optimization service.


Perform these commands on the controller node.

  1. Source the admin project credentials to gain access to admin-only CLI commands:

    $ . admin-openrc
  2. List service components to verify successful launch and registration of each process:

    $ openstack optimize service list
      | ID | Name                    | Host       | Status |
      |  1 | watcher-decision-engine | controller | ACTIVE |
      |  2 | watcher-applier         | controller | ACTIVE |
  3. List goals and strategies:

    $ openstack optimize goal list
      | UUID                                 | Name                 | Display name         |
      | a8cd6d1a-008b-4ff0-8dbc-b30493fcc5b9 | dummy                | Dummy goal           |
      | 03953f2f-02d0-42b5-9a12-7ba500a54395 | workload_balancing   | Workload Balancing   |
      | de0f8714-984b-4d6b-add1-9cad8120fbce | server_consolidation | Server Consolidation |
      | f056bc80-c6d1-40dc-b002-938ccade9385 | thermal_optimization | Thermal Optimization |
      | e7062856-892e-4f0f-b84d-b828464b3fd0 | airflow_optimization | Airflow Optimization |
      | 1f038da9-b36c-449f-9f04-c225bf3eb478 | unclassified         | Unclassified         |
    $ openstack optimize strategy list
    | UUID                                 | Name                      | Display name                                | Goal                 |
    | 98ae84c8-7c9b-4cbd-8d9c-4bd7c6b106eb | dummy                     | Dummy strategy                              | dummy                |
    | 02a170b6-c72e-479d-95c0-8a4fdd4cc1ef | dummy_with_scorer         | Dummy Strategy using sample Scoring Engines | dummy                |
    | 8bf591b8-57e5-4a9e-8c7d-c37bda735a45 | outlet_temperature        | Outlet temperature based strategy           | thermal_optimization |
    | 8a0810fb-9d9a-47b9-ab25-e442878abc54 | vm_workload_consolidation | VM Workload Consolidation Strategy          | server_consolidation |
    | 1718859c-3eb5-45cb-9220-9cb79fe42fa5 | basic                     | Basic offline consolidation                 | server_consolidation |
    | b5e7f5f1-4824-42c7-bb52-cf50724f67bf | workload_stabilization    | Workload stabilization                      | workload_balancing   |
    | f853d71e-9286-4df3-9d3e-8eaf0f598e07 | workload_balance          | Workload Balance Migration Strategy         | workload_balancing   |
    | 58bdfa89-95b5-4630-adf6-fd3af5ff1f75 | uniform_airflow           | Uniform airflow migration strategy          | airflow_optimization |
    | 66fde55d-a612-4be9-8cb0-ea63472b420b | dummy_with_resize         | Dummy strategy with resize                  | dummy                |
  4. Run an action plan by creating an audit with dummy goal:

    $ openstack optimize audit create --goal dummy
      | Field        | Value                                |
      | UUID         | e94d4826-ad4e-44df-ad93-dff489fde457 |
      | Created At   | 2017-05-23T11:46:58.763394+00:00     |
      | Updated At   | None                                 |
      | Deleted At   | None                                 |
      | State        | PENDING                              |
      | Audit Type   | ONESHOT                              |
      | Parameters   | {}                                   |
      | Interval     | None                                 |
      | Goal         | dummy                                |
      | Strategy     | auto                                 |
      | Audit Scope  | []                                   |
      | Auto Trigger | False                                |
    $ openstack optimize audit list
      | UUID                                 | Audit Type | State     | Goal  | Strategy | Auto Trigger |
      | e94d4826-ad4e-44df-ad93-dff489fde457 | ONESHOT    | SUCCEEDED | dummy | auto     | False        |
    $ openstack optimize actionplan list
      | UUID                                 | Audit                                | State       | Updated At | Global efficacy |
      | ba9ce6b3-969c-4b8e-bb61-ae24e8630f81 | e94d4826-ad4e-44df-ad93-dff489fde457 | RECOMMENDED | None       | None            |
    $ openstack optimize actionplan start ba9ce6b3-969c-4b8e-bb61-ae24e8630f81
     | Field               | Value                                |
     | UUID                | ba9ce6b3-969c-4b8e-bb61-ae24e8630f81 |
     | Created At          | 2017-05-23T11:46:58+00:00            |
     | Updated At          | 2017-05-23T11:53:12+00:00            |
     | Deleted At          | None                                 |
     | Audit               | e94d4826-ad4e-44df-ad93-dff489fde457 |
     | Strategy            | dummy                                |
     | State               | ONGOING                              |
     | Efficacy indicators | []                                   |
     | Global efficacy     | {}                                   |
    $ openstack optimize actionplan list
    | UUID                                 | Audit                                | State     | Updated At                | Global efficacy |
    | ba9ce6b3-969c-4b8e-bb61-ae24e8630f81 | e94d4826-ad4e-44df-ad93-dff489fde457 | SUCCEEDED | 2017-05-23T11:53:16+00:00 | None            |